WW2 vs Cold War:

You aren’t the brightest are you? There are a ton of threads about this, and you are too ignorant to search for the forum rules OR look for a thread to see if it exists first.

Why would I hash out an argument AGAIN because another forum user can’t search for the other threads where it has ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED.

Historical matchmaking is as dumb as you making another seperate thread about it. They’ve already done it, it always sucks for one side, and it isn’t a good mode when it is here.


You still yapping at the mouth? move on with your life you are starting to act like you need affirmation you exist!

I put my opinion in on it but you don’t seem to know how to read.

Like I said seeking affirmation aren’t you, pathetic! No wonder War Thunder is losing players with people like you! You don’t agree with the topic then move along elsewhere this is for those who aren’t looking for an argument as you apparently are, grow up and move on!

If MM was separated in air, Me 262 C-2b and Me 163/Ki-200 would be untouchable.

All of them are fine for facing against Korean War era jets.

This is for discussion you moron, not people agreeing with you constantly. If you can’t take disagreement, then boooy did you come to the wrong forum.

They cracked down on them because peoole were making a new cas thread like every other day.

Still running your mouth if you don’t like someone putting a topic up for discussion then don’t comment move on!

Your idea is stpid, it has been done and isn’t going to be implmented into normal matchmaking.

Well, this moron says I was making duplicate threads which I was not.

You are making duplicates. There are already threads discussing this…

I mean event mode would be fine because I would like to see WW2 vs WW2 stuffs as well but, in random battles?

Fuck no.

You want to see B-17s players gets insta wiped by 163s?

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I dont think he is saying that you yourself are making mulitple threads. He is saying that you are making a thread which is a copy of other threads

Just go on with your life I can see by you hiding your profile you have something to hide but anyhow all you doing is taking up space for those who actually want to discuss this! So, move along nothing to see here!

Possibly but half the threads he is talking about are years old and archived and this is a new listing for now not back in the day when ole grandpa was playing. lol

Ahahahah, trying to look up my profile for a personal attack. I’m gonna hang around this thread since it’s already beyond worthless just because I can.

Your idea sucks and has already been done.

You are just too pathetic!

I looked at the two he showed. One is from last year and the other is from this year with its last comment from last month.

Glad that a random on the internet thinks that.

You probably never have made any contributions to the game but cry like a two year old is which it seems you are doing now! You probably did write a similar topic and don’t want anyone to see this one because it takes away from your pitiful life! Go cry to the admin!