Wrong radar scan patterns across most if not all platforms

Currently we have issues of wrong scan patters that repeat just from opposite side.
Instead of jumping at the start of scan (doesnt matter if its on the bottom or top), it repeats the pattern from end to start, instead of JUMPING from end to start.
Some 2 bar scans even repeat 1 bar twice AND then jump to second bar. Its comedy how it is still present.

Western planes (most of them), can compensate by quicker speed of antenna or ability to use less bars or narrow multiple bar scan where it jumps bars quickly. Russian planes cant do it and its terrible.
If fixed, it will buff western sets even more but atleast makes russian ones usable… now they are next to useless.

Even without proof for every single radar set in game, it should be fixed to first example and for those with proof of scan patter, they should receive their scan patterns.
In addition to this, we should have 2 bindable buttons to change - width and bars of scan. Fixed presets in TWS (will change between presets by pressing either of 2 binds) and fluid in RWS as its not limited by needing constant track updates within given time window.

Ingame video of how narrow F15 scan in TWS is and how it should look like correctly.

Example - should be, is literally scan of F-15. It can do it up to 6 bars like that irl.

If anyone has UNCLASSIFIED source of scan patterns, or cockpit videos where its visible how bar jumps from bottom to top, please feel free to post it. I would like to eventually create bug report to try to fix this issue.


F-15C scope. Antenna chevron can be seen jumping from bar 6 to bar 1.


Here’s the F-16 radar.
5:05 min you can see scan pattern, it looks like it works like in the game already.

F-16 two bar - bar is switched after one antenna sweep. Currently in WT, it does two sweeps on one bar and then swaps. Both APG-66 and 68.

This is so far only video ive seen it like that. 3bar TWS is kinda strange though. Especially when it indicates that it should be 2 bar scan but chevron jumps 3 times

I’ve created bug report on Russian
If someone could create a list of vehicles impacted by this, I’ll attach it there

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at this point, EVERYTHING. It would be probably easier to name planes not affected

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Another one. Su-27 hud. Bottom right are antenna positions. It jumps from 4 to 1


I know personally only J-7D in 2 bar works fine. Once you switch to 3 bar, its wrong again. They have to go though every single plane and fix it.

I went and tested top tiers i can either test drive or have.
So far wrong are:
Su-34 (from ytb)
Phantoms F-4J/S/FGR/FG/ (2 bar is wrong too, each bar is scanned 2 times and then swaps - E is correct)
Tornado ADV
Sea Harrier FA.2
21 Bison
Mirages 2000 / F1 / 4000 (mirage III runs max 2 bar and is surprisingly ok - no doubled bars)
AV-8B+ (APG-65 so probably ICE too)

Those are tested by me in test drive. Afaik, most used radar platfroms
At this point, its just everything, the few exeptions are nothing really.


No, that one is a special TWS scan pattern. It is 50 degrees wide and 3 bars tall. The bars go top->middle->bottom->middle->top and so on. See how it immideatly goes towards the mibble bar after going over the top/bottom bar. The target is centered so that it is scanned every other bar for highest update time.

One. We dont have a mode that is 50 deg wide with three bars, we only have one with 2 bars.
Two. All of the modes repeat the top and bottom bars (you can have it scan from the top, reach and scan the bottom bar, the scan the bottom bar AGAIN, and only then go upwards). So they waste time repeating top/bottom bars (and modes with 4 bars have low refresh times for targets near the edges).

So the F-16 is also affected by this bug.

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6 months

Yeah i know about this one. There was another bug report started today on russian side and if it wont lead anywhere, i will create new one again with more footage and preferably manual stuff if it will be approved.
It cant stay this way, it significantly gimps slow scan radars.

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It’s my report. It was dropped as double

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lol… it wont be EVER fixed

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It’ll be fixed in 2044. After we have X-wings and tie fighters added.


Nerf X-wings or at least raise them to max BR(15.0)

I’m tired of premium A-wings ruining top tier!

Y-wing BR too high!