Please fix the Typhoons radar

It refuses to hard lock past 20km and consistently tracks missiles launched from the target aircraft in tws causing my aim120 to be trashed instantly. much older radars feel much better.


This is the main culprit behind captor being absolute trash.

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Yeah the radar sucks. Supposed to be top tier, the Radar in the Gripen is more reliable

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Smin himself has stated in the UK Eurofighter thread, that the devs are very much aware of the bug reports surrounding the radar, along with major Issues with PIRATE, I don’t know how high it is on the devs priority list, but they are indeed working on it.

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Maybe after new year

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Just had a match where 5 of my 6 amraams just tracked the missiles of the target i launched them at.
Time to shelf this plane for a few months.

I also noticed that the radar feels bad. It permanently loses lock / locks enemy missiles instead of actually jets. Even hard locks switch over, if there’s any missile or traversing jet. You permanently need to re-lock the right target.

And yes…the range…20km? This modern jet/radar??

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It can track out to 74km right now? What do you mean 20km?

I just realised you only use the HMD so only get 20km range… stop using the HMD and STT for every engagement… its for WVR not BVR…

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Actually the radar struggles to hard lock planes past 20km in tws mode, which might be why all aim120s launched outside of that range consistently track any missile launched by the target aircraft, making the plane pretty useless in BVR until this clearly broken radar is fixed.

Actually, only using ACM is probably the best/only way to play this plane right now.

Agreed Radar is terrible, you cannot quickly or reliably change targets.
It then gets hung up and frozen in a mode you don’t want.
Ghost targets…im using it like I’m guiding Skyflash maintaining a hard PD lock

merging with the Typhoon is death, you cannot manage and allocate targets for missiles with most 120 shots at close range multiple targets all guiding to a singular target.

Yes you can use it up high purely because the jet is fast, but down low it’s a rough fight.

So TWS → STT or RWS → STT or ACM/HMD → STT all use the same track mode, so it doesn’t matter what scope you see them in, single target track is the same in all modes.

All TWS modes have issues tracking missiles and all radars from my experience a transfer of track from target to missile. This isn’t specific to CAPTOR-M at all.

And regarding BVR, well over half my kills are from BVR.

TWS, ~28km, no need for STT.

TWS , ~62km, again no STT, followed by another TWS, ~38km with no STT

TWS, 33km , no STT required.

multiple TWS BVR shots;


It’s useable but I really don’t trust the Radar its killed me too many times, locking random things and not accurately updating even in narrow fast scan modes.

Merging down low with multiple targets you cannot reliably cycle targets quickly or accurately.

At this point as it stands might as well give the Typhoon 8 120s so we can use it as a BVR/Support fighter

My experience is likewise. Narrow scan TWS does the job for the most part in initial BVR combat. If you’re going to fire at multiple targets 20-25km shots are adequate even if TWS loses the contact since missile gets into range in a matter of seconds to utilize it’s onboard radar. But wide scan mode needs some tweaking to work correctly.

Funny because I’ve been flying top tier a fair bit since the update and this issue is only present on the Typhoon and sometimes the F14. its a night and day difference when flying the Typhoon then the F15, which never has this problem, along with the majority of other jets.

It happens so consistently, and is fundamentally broken. Please, by all means, load up on 6 amraams and launch them all between 30-20km at the start of the match, and see how many start tracking enemies missiles. Then do the same thing in the F15C and see the difference, and on an older radar i might add. Its an absolute joke.

I cant quantify it, but is it possible the F-4F Ice has a better radar? Cause I often used to climb, scan the area with TWS for contacts, preferrebly coming in low. Then I shot all Amraams on TWS locks. Turn around and wait. Multikills happened, not always, but sometimes.

EF radar / Amraams almost never hit something outside 20 km. After failing match for match I just use Amraams in close to medium range, preferrable in headons. Other you almost never score.

Also HMD’ing a target is like playing russian roulette. You have it in front of you, clear without obstacles…you know hes gonna shot on you soon, but the radar refuse to lock in him. You put the HMD marker on him an click an click and radar keeps locking garbage. Teammates many km away, missiles, NPCs circling over the area. Its sometimes as if nothiing works.

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The ICE does have a better radar than the Typhoon, It does not have the same bugs and works fine.

Is this bug ongoing? I am really struggling to use the Typhoon effectively as the TWS just seems useless. If I’m just rubbish I can go start figuring out what I’m doing wrong, but watching a lot of the guides on BVR and using the AIM 120s suggests I’m doing what I’m supposed to be…

IMO the typhoon radar is perfectly average/fine. I think compared to the j-11, it’s a godsend. literally feels the exact same as gripen radar. dont understand the fuss about it

go learn about CAPTOR-M and you might see how underperform it is
and it is radar on gen 4.5 fighter

The gripens ps/05 in its current nerfed state still feels much more reliable than the captor-m, by a mile, no, several miles.

They are both horrible right now but especially so the typhoons, nigh on unusable.