Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

You can go and argue with F15s only. Mica is nowhere near performance of amraam when current meta is spamming long ramge missiles at high alt. Everything else get either worse fox3s, same ammount or even less. Eurofighter is powerhouse kept back by stupid bug that affects all radars but those with most bars and mid scan rate, are affected the most, which captor is currently.

Scream and shout that a BR 14.0 aircraft should have a radar suitable of competing at its battle rating - regardless of real life facts and figures

It’s a game at the end of the day - and right now, their current 1 of 3 flagship jets (Rafale and F-15E being the others) is not fit for purpose and is not a realistic reflection of its real life counterpart - so their claim of “Realistic Military Vehicles Online Combat Game” is nonsense

Hud still doesn’t seem to be working for me in sim

Should be doing 4x140° bars in 8 seconds

Scream and shout so they fix widespread bug of all radars so the scan pattern is not repeated backwards and top/bottom bars twice in a row.


Not to mention, without bug, it would refresh top bar of 70*4 within 4seconds. But the bug affecting all radars is causing issues with captor…

I can confirm what he said, as I have seen the same document, but I’m not sure if owner of this document wants to share it yet.
To be precise documents states approximately 8s.
It offsets it using priority mode.

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They don’t give the benefit of the doubt or go for the common sense approach (unless it suits them).

They won’t believe manufacturer’s own information and call it MaRkEtiNg LiEs. (Unless they agree with it.)

On the few occasions they DO read sources provided - they go and read them totally wrong (CR2 NERA specs, HESH, M735) and end up doing the complete opposite.

What can you do? It’s pointless pestering the community folks because they won’t deviate from what their paymasters state. Even if they do relay on player messages that is dependent on the devs in St Petersb…ahem…Hungary… agreeing to row back and change their mind. Something Gaijin is historically not prone to do unless the fallout is so massive that they have no choice.

Submitting reports is dependant on the whims of the bug reporting staff. Some are very good (Gunjob et al). Others are like the infamous Mr ‘Not a Bug’ - in which case you won’t get anywhere.


the fact that it takes me 4 to 5 more seconds to lock and fire compared with the enemy while also the fact that it will probably lock the incorrect target while having problems with it finding the target not fast enough and probably loosing lock because the speed is mid ,combine all of that its is creating a massive problem.

As Devil said i won’t share it without approval

i understand that but it is underperforming by a lot for the BR that it is in

the FGR 2 has a better radar for what it does than the Captor M at the moment and that thing is in 12.0

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eh you’re both kinda somewhat right

Captor M was build based on experience with Blue Vixen

Blue Vixen was build based on APG-65

it’s related just as much as the G3 and STG44 or you and your ancestors from the middle ages

Flame? With the refresh of 8sec and then 2 sec in priority track?

I personally am foolish enough to believe that it’s just not finished yet

the APG-65 too was Horrible for a few months after F4F-ICE was released and by now it’s pretty fine actually

*insert the Jesse Pinkman’s " He can’t keep getting away with it" meme

This is probably the first aircraft i’ve had a serious interest in getting right (mainly because I’m a tech on them IRL - no I wont be leaking anything before anyone asks) - but seeing how difficult it is to make a change has been… eye opening…

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No it very much was not

Like very not like completely different

The Tornado textures seem to be distributed in 4k even if you don’t have the high res texture pack installed. Typhoons normal textures are 2k, which is standard for the majority of game assets if you don’t have the high res pack - so they will look 1/2 resolution compared to the Tornado. With the texture pack Typhoon is also 4k
The unlockable/GE textures are probably also 4k as they’re downloaded from Gaijin’s servers rather than distributed with the game files

It takes ~8 second in total to preform 4 bar 140 wide scan. Radar will quickly jump to the target every bar to update it. So yea, update every ~2s.

Is it still possible for Gaijin to fix the Catcher M, the Catcher M is now worse than any radar above 13.0 (except for N001

you are correct the Vixen was just comparable with the AN/APG 65 but the Vixen radar and the captor M have a lot of years of difference