Everyone is complaining about the auction and P2W elements of this game.They complain about the grind and the repair costs.How about if every single player had to pay a small subscription after six months of free play and all this rubbish could be forgotten about?
Would it make for a better game? Are you all too tightfisted to pay or too poor? Or are Gaijin just too greedy? Would $20 dollars a year from everyone break the bank for you all? how about $10 from everybody? would that cover it?
This game is becoming like a mobile phone game joke so can the player base help? Gaijin would need to tell us how much they need to make run and make a profit but I doubt they will submitting any input here so what do you think? Would you be up for it or do you have no means with which to pay any how?
Many of you are only to happy to throw your cash around buying junk and pretty skins or the latest premium so how about investing on solving the games faults once and for all.We can drop the chests and the trinkets and maybe even the P2W elements of the game.
There is so much we don’t know about the financing of the game that it’s really hard to tell.
Let’s say the game does become “better” with no FOMO, P2W and pay to progress elements. We have to take into account that a lot of players will stop playing the game because of this as well. There is no way to know for sure how many players would leave but there is a point where it would start affecting everyone playing the game. Is having no FOMO okay if we lose half the players? What about 60%? Or 70%? How much of the playerbase are we willing to sacrifice.
There is also another issue that may not be that obvious. A lot of kids play this game and they cannot pay for premium or this proposed subscription. Not because they don’t have the money but because they cannot get that money to Gaijin. A lot of places look at things you cannot touch, like games and such, as a waste of money. In such places the only games you can play are those you can play for free.
Is cutting off these players worth it?
Another issue is what would this subscription give you? Everything unlocked? That can’t be right. Some people already pay 40 USD per year and still grind the game, albeit a bit faster.
Honestly this kind of thing makes no sense to me if you would still have to grind the game. I have no issues with premium vehicles, GE/SL chests and skins. I have some issues with FOMO events. The biggest issue I have is the grind and how long and horrible it is.
Just thinking the same.Is Anton the owner of Gaijin rolling cash like a mad Saudi prince,laughing at the clowns who buy his junk or is Gaijin genuinely hanging on by the skin of its teeth in a very expensive world? Hard for us to know.
This is important. Its the big one.
But how do kids get games anyway? Amazon,Ebay ,stores? How many kids go into a shop and buy with cash now days? There would be a way to buy WT online like any other CD based game or download game.
Yes true,some kids may have nothing other than pocket money in cash or in many cases case not even that,just and old PC in a third world country.(like the UK ,only joking)
i don’t really like a subscription but i am much rather drop 60-10 one off and have a gaijin not willing to kick the balls of the players every year for money
First of all, let them not discourage players by nerfing premiums. You buy a vehicle for £50 and after a week it is useless. Many of my friends have ignored this game because of such practices.
LOL you said
in two lines what it took me thirteen to say :)
Kind of what we already have. I’m proposing all or nothing.I’m interested to know if there would be a mass exodus from the game.Kind of makes you wonder how many even pay off that is the case.If it is the case then does WT deserve all the negativity regarding cash? Are just a few payers funding everybody else,like paying taxes : )
I have a crazy theory and impractical as hell
They do useless change so they dont have to do much jobs because they are rewriting the entire game in newer architecture codes, yk why csgo turn cs2? Because they need better code structure because it was too old, maybe only can pray for this to be true
As long as your progess and vehcile collection can be ported over im all for it
I mean Aces of Thuner is kinda a NEW game for the VR aspect and i hope these new additions get intergrated into WT.
We can only hope thats true can we
I mean the game have been stagnant for literally years, there arent many big changes and most update are just “coporate slops”
I dont know if its going to be true because if its not then the game is just fucked
There are literally thousand of bug report and recommendations make over the year and you tell me they ignore all of it?
They only pick small bug report or the one that is deemed easy, anything that infer with how the vehicle is model or armor related are just there rotting
so maybe not in this game but perhaps in future war thunder 2?
We can only hope
Honestly if you couldn’t pay it with cash in a form of gift cards or smth I don’t think it would work.
Also a lot of countries don’t have any kind of gift cards available at stores. I don’t think I have ever seen a Steam or Google Play gift card IRL in my country. It would be a logistical challenge in such places to say the least.
Given they’re making western income while operating in Hungary where a monthly salary of 500 000-600 000 HUF (~1200-1500 eur before taxes) is considered opulent, so staffing can’t be a major drain for them. If they do pay the employees Western income, then those employees live like petty kings in this crumbling post-soviet heap.
Server (electricity) and real estate costs are another thing, but if you visit the right tent every 4 years there’s discounts to be had - especially if you do so bearing a bottle of wine or more appropriate gifts and tributes.
I make $14,000 a year, and have just over $4000 a year in disposable income in Washington state.
I do indeed spend $40 a year on a premium account for War Thunder at this time.
I also buy premiums that peak interests cause they’re cool looking.