The grind on this game is still too much

The grind bonus should progressively stack, so the more nations you fully unlock, the higher the bonus you receive. For example:

  • Unlock 2 nations = 20% bonus
  • Unlock 6 nations = 60% bonus
  • Unlock 10 nations = 100% bonus

Previously i did in fact start a poll, and alot of people backed this…

Would you be interested in this
  • Yes, but it needs more work
  • Yes, it sounds great
  • No, Happy with what we already have
  • No, not interested at all
0 voters

I do have 100% bonus on most of my stuff. (???)

its an additional 100% so it would be 200% in total, each nation gives an additional 10% increase to bonus %.

I think the message is there but Gaijin dont have the balls to make it clear. To go past 5-6 BR you need premium. F2P is good up to a point then it ceases pretty much unless you have serious hours to throw at it.
Maybe if everybody paid a smaller subscription then Gaijin could drop have the BS they bring in but I also think it has gone beyond that to pure greed and the actual game itself is second rate to making profits now.Auction just highlighted what so many except the dumbest already knew.

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I wouldn’t mind if they introduced a monthly subscription. Currently, the premium time doesn’t offer much, and it’s almost essential for a basic grind. A subscription could come with added benefits like monthly backups, discounts when converting RP, and double RP output while grinding. Those are just a few ideas off the top of my head.

I might suggest this…

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I dont want to drag us of topic about F2P so I started a new thread. Would War Thunder be a better game if they dropped Free To Play?

I just think if Gaijin could cover the game by an entry fee they could drop much of the rubbish and the cost of developing it all. I think the Auction was the last straw for many. ODL is a result of too many differing agendas in and around the game,the grind being a big one among them.

Subscription will kill it. On start 70% of players will quit.

Making people want to spend money is make the grind take so long that you know you’ll never see top tier if you have a job and dont have premium/premium vehicles. I get it, they need money but jesus christ almighty.


I would pay a monthly subscription if the game was a lot easier to grind and not this chore it has become. Who cares if the 70% of players quit when they weren’t paying much to begin with or even at all. Guarantee most of them would pony up the money for a subscription anyways. The day a similar game comes out is the day they will need to make a big change or risk losing majority of their business.

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I would love to win or be rewarded from time to time a Top tier premium on loan or some kind of premium from a tier above just to entice me to move up and to see if top or higher tiers have anything I want from the game.

Just lend people a premium if they are playing well and often and give them a chance to grind faster and also see if higher tiers are a place to enjoy the game.
Some say Top tier is hell but many love it.Give us all a chance to experience it. Stagnant players dont spend, They dont need to so Gaijin need to give a little to gain a lot,a lesson they need to learn.

tbf it’s been like this for 10+ years

Yeah its not going any where any time soon seeing as its growing as a player base from what I remember.

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ye, the game hit all time peak active playerbase last year


A normal person would realize that progress in f2p games requires time or real money. The player riot we saw was based on the fact that you needed both.

Despite i like your idea of era separation you will see a backlash by people unable or unwilling to welcome the increase of immersion.

Especially players of “useless” nations like Sweden, Israel or even China have either not participated (SWE & Israel) or got the majority of their rather modern equipment after WW 2 (China, France).

The severe skill issues in certain nations are just a result of their popularity, so it seems like that the experienced pilots flying them are in the absolute minority.

If you look at prop Air RB:

US planes are usually not easy to use and the wt meta favors low to medium alt turnfighting - therefore their pilots need postwar aircraft (with artificially lowered BRs) in order to compete with better player skill nations (on average) in actual WW 2 aircraft.

Same with USSR - they have similar skill issues like the average US players whilst their cannons overperform since RS 2.0 - and, ofc, their aircraft excel at low to medium alt. So positioning their few actually good aircraft like the 4.0 Yak-3 well below a contemporary 5.7 Bf 109 G-10 or K-4 is following the same logic.


I don’t play any WW2 anymore. I don’t have time. Also they can solve the “skill issue” of US planes with one thing they just don’t want to do.
Instead of the crappy outdated " immersion " take off… air start for all , any nation not only US. Start them 5km. Let them play at the altitude the like. The ones that like play lower, dive. The climbers… climb.

Now if someone wants to (side)climb , he spends too much of a much doing this…they won’t do it because grinding. And not everyone cares about their stat card and not everyone cares to have a good match in quality , because they are grinding. i believe most newcomers now care to play a 11.0 and above jet, because those are the jets we grew up with. They won’t give a crap about WW2 tactics and sideclimbing 10 mins. They just see the jet they want to play.

Edit: I forgot. The point is, let them play jets if they want to. At some point they may start playing WW2 as well, because why not. Forcing them to get past WW2 to play the jet they like at this point with so many planes doesn’t help the quality of the matches or retaining the players they start the game for playing jets.

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Make no mistake - Gambling, and by virtue - bad people, do gambling right. Gambling is why we are addicted to losing money and not off learning how to play guitar and learning cool songs. There is a whole psychology behind gambling based games and this isn’t new. People may think they hate gambling, but they actually love it even if its at a subconscious-level.

Imagine defending gambling ROFL

Gaijin kept expanding the ranks throughout the decade, which increased the time required to get to top tier but the total RP required to reach top tier was never reduced. Things should become somewhat easier for those who come late as the saying “you get to enjoy early when you come early, and you get the cheap price when you come latter”.

They did! Newcomers can research 9 of 10 trees with a fat bonus.

Also today you have way more bypass options in higher ranks with squadron and event vehicles.

I dont see an issue with the rate of unlocking vehicles in arb. If you play well it is quite fast - 13.5K rp in a 10.7 plane without any premium or boosts is quite possible while also having a cool match.

Unlocking modules needs a serious overhaul as some planes are unplayable until nearly spaded due to their main advantages being tier 4 modules (specific excess power or fancy missiles)

Tanks need to have the activity coefficient for time spent alive raised from 0.76 to 1.22. The respawn argument does not justify this disparity - you only gain activity coefficient for the single life and it seems to restart when you respawn or at least you get a nasty weighting. If i get 85% activity in a tank and survive 20 minutes, i should get the same activity as in a plane that got 85% activity and 20 minute survival.

(Activity coefficient is:
Seconds vehicle is alive x activity% x 0.76/1.22 if ground/air x economy modifier x 2/1.4 for victory/loss)

Air sb rp rewards dont bother me too much, but i wish we got skill bonus to reward going above and beyond in a 15 minute cycle.

Air sb ec has an sl problem. Spawn cost is absurdly inflated and sl gain falls below sustainable even at a 4:1 kd if you get those 4 kills too fast (in large part because 4:1 is the same as 2:1.). The useful actions system discourages pvp and pushing yourself against competent and challenging opponents as you end up losing sl (or go net zero with premium). Instead it encourages sealclubbing, lobby shopping, giving up at first hint of opposition and abusive gameplay (kill 1 person, afk above airfield and repeat while ignoring your team and victory condition).

The air sb sl economy must be overhauled that unless you are suiciding, teamkilling or griefing/trolling, you will always gain some silver lions for every match and with premium that amount should be significant rather than “we got net zero”).

This requires review of rank 4 and rank 5 aircraft. Why does the horten cost 17k to spawn? Why do the f80, f2h2, meteors, me262s cost 12-17k? Why does the f8f cost 8k?

Change these spawn costs to match air rb or maybe even air arcade and introduce a system that penalizes you for crashing/bailing without sustaining player or non airfield npc damage to prevent abuse.

Give discounts for flying a plane in an uptier lobby to reduce people only flying when theyre the topdog.

Give discounts to next spawn cost for being near an objective when dying.

Introduce a death bank system where you get awarded insurance (like you would sl) for individual actions which reduces your next spawn cost, thus rewarding going above and beyond while preventing excessive income from rigged matches and zombing.

(It costs me 13k to spawn. In rb, killing a plane is worth roughly 4500 sl at rank vii. Thus in asb, if in a rank 7 plane i kill 3 enemies and get shot down, my next respawn is free (in arb it would not be free but would be offset by the sl i gained)).
(Itd be better if we got 4500 sl per kill instead but the sim lobby system is easy to rig and abuse. This increases the income floor for both premium and f2p and doesnt affect the income ceiling)


This is always a bad argument. Game is a (almost) zero sum scenario…ONE player that plays “well” means five or six (the guys that died for the good player to get kills) OR MORE that will have bad results.

For the progress to work, it must be “quite fast” for the AVERAGE player. (PLEASE notice that i am not claiming it to the BAD players…AVERAGE means average).
And also…i understand grind must be hard-ish to have value and provide sense of accomplishment…i actually like that part…
My issue is more that i would like to play cold war stuff…and grind feels too hard to get there…and once there i can only play a bit before repair costs kick in. Lucky for me that i actually prefer WW2 combat…so i am happy enough.
BUT…a guy coming here to play MBTs or jets will have a huge grind ahead of him…

My past suggestions were

  • A second entry point in early cold war (could be combined with higher research costs of late WW2 to make up for it).
  • Premium purchases would allow research at same level of purchased vehicle.
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