I dont see an issue with the rate of unlocking vehicles in arb. If you play well it is quite fast - 13.5K rp in a 10.7 plane without any premium or boosts is quite possible while also having a cool match.
Unlocking modules needs a serious overhaul as some planes are unplayable until nearly spaded due to their main advantages being tier 4 modules (specific excess power or fancy missiles)
Tanks need to have the activity coefficient for time spent alive raised from 0.76 to 1.22. The respawn argument does not justify this disparity - you only gain activity coefficient for the single life and it seems to restart when you respawn or at least you get a nasty weighting. If i get 85% activity in a tank and survive 20 minutes, i should get the same activity as in a plane that got 85% activity and 20 minute survival.
(Activity coefficient is:
Seconds vehicle is alive x activity% x 0.76/1.22 if ground/air x economy modifier x 2/1.4 for victory/loss)
Air sb rp rewards dont bother me too much, but i wish we got skill bonus to reward going above and beyond in a 15 minute cycle.
Air sb ec has an sl problem. Spawn cost is absurdly inflated and sl gain falls below sustainable even at a 4:1 kd if you get those 4 kills too fast (in large part because 4:1 is the same as 2:1.). The useful actions system discourages pvp and pushing yourself against competent and challenging opponents as you end up losing sl (or go net zero with premium). Instead it encourages sealclubbing, lobby shopping, giving up at first hint of opposition and abusive gameplay (kill 1 person, afk above airfield and repeat while ignoring your team and victory condition).
The air sb sl economy must be overhauled that unless you are suiciding, teamkilling or griefing/trolling, you will always gain some silver lions for every match and with premium that amount should be significant rather than “we got net zero”).
This requires review of rank 4 and rank 5 aircraft. Why does the horten cost 17k to spawn? Why do the f80, f2h2, meteors, me262s cost 12-17k? Why does the f8f cost 8k?
Change these spawn costs to match air rb or maybe even air arcade and introduce a system that penalizes you for crashing/bailing without sustaining player or non airfield npc damage to prevent abuse.
Give discounts for flying a plane in an uptier lobby to reduce people only flying when theyre the topdog.
Give discounts to next spawn cost for being near an objective when dying.
Introduce a death bank system where you get awarded insurance (like you would sl) for individual actions which reduces your next spawn cost, thus rewarding going above and beyond while preventing excessive income from rigged matches and zombing.
(It costs me 13k to spawn. In rb, killing a plane is worth roughly 4500 sl at rank vii. Thus in asb, if in a rank 7 plane i kill 3 enemies and get shot down, my next respawn is free (in arb it would not be free but would be offset by the sl i gained)).
(Itd be better if we got 4500 sl per kill instead but the sim lobby system is easy to rig and abuse. This increases the income floor for both premium and f2p and doesnt affect the income ceiling)