Wish list for 2024 (Non-Vehicle wishes)

regenerative steering and anti-ERA tips would be cool.

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Get the community back together. I have heard that the WT community had a reputation for being very cohesive. It doesn’t feel like that at the moment.

FSR would be nice, but in general any aliasing overhaul would be greatly appreciated.

Removal of the function that lowers texture settings if the game detects a driver stall.

Would also be lovely if asset culling cluld be slightly less aggressive

Because gaijin goes by way of randomisation of game process in order to make highskilled and lowskilled players equal. Which, btw, totally supported by western community.

Dynamic Vehicle Modifications in game

Such as the BT series taking their tracks off.

A desperately needed rework of the customization system. What we’ve got right now is not enough.

Dm53 would ignore Kontakt 5 and reduce the effectivness of relikt

Yep, it would make shows in driver hatch / lfp and side a lot more consistent on russian / china style tanks.

get rid of a certain mod with two Z’s in his name that is literally sabotaging the game by unjustly removing suggestions backed with actual data and research

i don’t care who’s nephew he is. top tier is in a very rough place atm and literally one person is keeping devs in the dark to keep his nation in the top seat (good job, you’re patriotic but be patriotic at home instead of ruining everyone else’s time)

  1. Better large map designs for Air RB/Sim (9.3 and up). Please stop taking large maps and setting them up like 2018 still. Maps with all the bases lined up and both teams flying straight at each other is just trash with Jets.

  2. Stop showing where the enemy airfield is. Design maps that have 4-6 spots where the AF can go, but make it spawn randomly at one of the spots at match load.

  3. Night Battles in Air RB. It has been YEARS since I’ve had one. I don’t play ground. But there was a time when they were a thing in Air RB. We now have Night Vision, Radars, and other tech that makes this a much more enjoyable playing experience now.

  4. Bring back the ability to port console accounts to PC. It has been over 2 years now. Do you not want our money?

  5. A fully Combined Arms mode (Air, Ground, Navel, Heli). Ok this is a tough ask.

  6. Single player jet maps. There are historical, and dynamic single player modes for props and low tier jets. It’s time to add a few for mid-top tier jets. This will help some of the new players that join and buy a rank 7 jet practice.

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  • BR decompression across all modes
  • Redesign aiming mechanic for naval to make it more friendly for the newcomers (also: let me aim my rockets)
  • Move the spawn locations in bluewater naval with 1 simple principle in mind: No direct spawn-to-spawn line of sight.
  • Work on the maps so that they would actually have depth simulated. Allow deploying moored mines only where water is shallow enough for them to anchor. Add bottom mines, and allow player to choose which kind of mine he/she would like to deploy.
  • In-battle toggable Torpedo Mode for the torpedoes that had them
  • Surface-search radars for the ships that had them
  • Work on the effectiveness of the torpedo bulges
  • Add deployable torpedo nets for the ships that had them (with all the numerous limitations that they had)
  • Add a simulation of the bow wave with all the effects it does to the mines and torpedoes. Add torpedo ricocheting. Also, while at it, make (anti-mine) paravanes work.
  • Improve the simulation of flooding, including the way it’s displayed in game, how ships are divided and also: add controls for the counter-flooding. In general it might be good to have a whole separate pop-up screen for the naval damage control - maybe give us control over the specific Damage Control Teams and let us direct them towards specific objectives? Either way - the current flooding mechanic is just too simplistic to be of a significant benefit for the overall gameplay, even if I am a fan of it in the principle.
  • Make APFSDS rounds with anti-ERA tips actually work the way it’s intended to work
  • Fix the aircraft spam in Ground AB
  • Address the black holes in air mode
  • Address the CAS spam in GRB
  • Introduce non-spherical Radar Cross-Section for all modes (Airplanes, Ground Vehicles and Naval vessels should have a significant difference in the radar signature depending on the heading - e.g. looking at a fighter from the top should be far easier to spot than side-on)
  • Make it possible and feasible to obtain previous event vehicles (making it a 1:1000 chance in a lootbox doesn’t count, lmao)
  • And finally, most importantly: Complete the economy roadmap, please. (still waiting for Research bonuses for new nations for players with top-tier vehicles of another nation)
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reliable and constant detection of aircraft for non-radar spaa.

Adding another request:
Be able to simply change weapon loadout of planes while landed without J out or similar (if there is a way, please let me know!)

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Everything you said+

  1. Datalink for missiles that have it

  2. Modeled autoloaders

  3. Fix ATGM dipping

  4. Ability to lock ATGM launchers in place

  5. Full in depth armor/weakspot fixes

  6. Model Western PDUs on tanks so we can be silent running

  7. Rework engine sounds for things like the abrams

  8. Massive full gameplay/objective overhaul with real game modes and real gameplay. Not just a sandbox cqc fest

To only name what came to my head in 10s

Use this thread

And what exactly should that thread make it more official.
Also I wanted to split apart from wishing vehicles.

There’s no need to make separate threads on similar topic. One wishlisting thread will properly organise the wish lists. Organised wish list can help others to make suggestions on those wish lists. Rest depends on you.

T51 needs to be lowered to 1.7. This slow-moving, unarmed boat without armor has no chance of surviving more than 5 minutes at 2.3.

also, enemy render distances need to be increased man, i can use my AGMs at max range, also TV guided AGMs from aircraft need a seeker rework, they buggy af

I hope that finally the correct uniform for sailors and an officer of the Imperial Navy 1941-1945 will appear.
