Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

Mod on russian forum said that SM3 will PROBABLY be the first USSR TT aircraft to recieve thermals despite there being thermal pods they can carry IRL like most nations top dogs can RN.

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That would be very unfortunate.

Wer’wolf Mk.II (ZU-23-2) (Namibia): Has a turretless and turreted variants


143473_62099643_01Pictures of Namibian  made WerWolf MK2 mine ambush protected vehicle1

Casspir K Car (M40A1) (South Africa): The Casspir MRAP’s can equip either with a M2 Browning or 20mm Hispano Suiza Autocannon as a secondary weapon




I see your LAV-105 and raise you LAV-75 ARES

lav ares 2
lav ares


#not_a_lav , that’s the swiss mowag piranha hull , that’s why i didn’t pull it out , since it will go to swisterland


standard rookie mestake , dont blame yourself with it


Germany players live reaction:


Edit: Why was this flagged as spam? XD


Is this him?


my wishlist for the next patch
-balancing vehicles and giving them their real statistics

  • more light vehicles in top tier like centauro 2 Vextra pole or even more recent things like the EBRC Jaguar or the M10 brooker
    -two differents mode for top tier rb Ground , one with big maps like Sinai with 16 players , and one with litle or medium maps with less players
  • top tier being 13.3
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will most likely be:

1 it’s hown nation

2 a sub tree for france

3 several vehicles in several country’s


Mine is this, it mainly focuses on QoL changes and RB decompression

  • BR Decompression from 7.0 to 9.0, increase the max top tier BR to 12.3 like top tier planes

  • Larger area behind spawn for SPAA to maneuver with cover

  • Ammo replenishment in spawn zone for SPAA and other vulnerable vehicles

  • Larger maps for top tier ground RB, no more ridiculous CQC scenarios where USSR comes out on top

  • New game modes for random battles

Other things I’d love to see added to the game are realistic sights and realistic fire control systems for modern tanks and vehicles, this should only be for simulator battles.

If it doesn’t get it’s own tree, Switzerland definitely should go between France and Germany.

Leopard 2A7HU finaly got it’s roof mounted RGM


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Hungary has awarded a 288 million € contract to Rheinmetall for the development of the KF-51 EVO variant.
The hull will be based on the BergePanzer 3 Buffel and it will be armed with RHM’s L55A1 120mm gun.

KF-51 Panther for reference (its equipped with the 130mm not 120mm):


Imagine Italy getting this instead of Germany


2x R-73s, but as of A2G it is stuck with 2x KAB-500Krs and unguided weaponry, with no missiles.
It also led to the Aeramacchi M-346 which operates by Italy as well as Israel

This is a tank designed by people who play way too much warthunder. It is a legit moving supermarket and not a main battle tank.

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It’s a pretty small aircraft. Even KAB 500 looks huge in it.

It didn’t lead to M346.Both were developed from the same prototype.

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Given the Su-25BM is incompetent even with R-73s, I doubt 11.3 would be too low with this. It is a lot more agile but the payload is also quite reduced.