Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

As said the files.
T-80B uses a previous generation weapon with an early turret. This is in no way a comparable vehicle for stature and attributes.

You can see the gun tilting up at the tip and staying the same at the base. I don’t care if it says -6 somewhere in the files when in a live game it’s -4.

As I’ve said, they’re two entirely different tanks with no similarities whatsoever. There is quite literally nothing to compare between them, as every since aspect has a 2 decade difference in development and 2 entirely separate institutes that developed them.

I don’t think you understand what the files are… They’re the exact performance figures of the tank itself. Whatever the files say is whatever is reflected in-game.

Because their code not functioning right has never happened.

The only thing I compared was the gun depression.

I cropped it poorly because I’m on my phone and very lazy but you can tell at the top it says 125mm_2A46_M5_T_90A_user_cannon.blk.

So in the file of the T-90A, these are the coded characteristics of the 125 mm cannon it has.


If their code were not to function right, the gun would either not move whatsoever or be freely moving to any degree… That would be reflected in the files, which it isn’t.

And neither of these vehicles are a good comparison for gun depression. They have different weaponry, different dimensions, and different static characteristics.

If you want a similar tank, take another T-90 derivative.

I could’ve used a T-72 and it wouldn’t change anything. It’s obvious the T-90A doesn’t have the -6 GD you claimed it has.

“I could have used the basis of the T-90 to compare to the T-90A, but that won’t prove any more than the T-80B would!”

The angle of the barrel doesn’t change. I could’ve used a King Tiger as well if it had the same gun depression.

Are your gamefiles different?

These are two different in terms of use : T32E1 is a Jack of all trade, active and Brawler like the IS-3, so 7.3 is ok for the T32E1. Standard T32 should be 7.0 too, being equivalent of KTH 10.5cm. The Conqueror is a support vehicule, made to be a long range shooter. The Conqueror was viable until the Centurion tanks were upgraded with the new 105mm gun.

All vehicule in the area is suffering be this, T-10A still has a vertical stabilizer which helps relatively alot, especially in close combat. Its hull lighter than the Is-4M, but better suited for mobility like a medium tank with a good reverse speed.

Don’t forget moving the IS-3 back to 7.0 it’s worse than the T32E1 is every single aspect except anglepen and explosive filler.


Well back Centurion mk.2 in 6.3

Full stabs have no business being this low.

Like Pt-76 stab too, stay in 5.3

It’s the 17pdr, not the way in 6.7 -7.7 area.

The PT-76 has no pen, post pen or armor. The Cent Mk2 on top of the stab has way too strong armor for 6.3.

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Actually -5, iirc all russian MBTs have their turret rings angled down 1deg


It was fun to have a nice vehicule in this BR. Also the reason of its raising BR was more for ajust its BR with the Tigers/Panthers raise BR, same reason of the IS-3 raise BR

This doesn’t matter if the depression stated for the tank is with the gun already laying horizontally, which as far as I can tell, is the case.

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