Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

And… Now you’re saying vehicles should be balanced by their performance and stats…?

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Vehicle stats like armor, firepower, speed, … should be considered. Vehicle KD shouldn’t.

Also your amazing balancing system at work:


If a dozen T32E1 players decide to J out every match the tanks KD and it would justify lowering its BR despite nothing having changed about it.

And when those vehicle stats turn out too good, such in the case of the PUMA or T-80UM-2, what is that based on?
Do vehicles simply have 1 fixed BR that is unchanging due to the disallowance of empirical data, and are instead placed at 1 BR (assumingly indefinite) based off of arbitrary figures?

Oh no! A reddit post with a shitpost meme! Whatever will I do?!!???

That happens already but doesn’t get corrected immediately instead they wait weeks until things change. No sane person would have put the VIDAR at 8.7 or the 279 at 8.3.

If it was placed at the right BR yes.

Mistakes happen and should of course be corrected.

They are fixed stats. Player performance isn’t.

Maybe learn to read.

Does Gaijin have a source for the reload being so long or is it just made up?

Yes, because empirical evidence is needed, player / vehicle performance in particular.
And no sane person looked at those vehicle’s stats and thought “huh, that’s fair!”

I’m sure…

Corrected based off of what, arbitration?

Fixed stats have no relation to vehicle performance. In theory, the T-90A is the best tank imaginable for its BR… It does horrible. Its multitude of pros are entirely outweighed by the smallest of cons.

A lot of talk coming from the guy trying to argue 3 contradictory points.

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Too many bad players drag down the performance of good vehicles.

Based on the experience (not the KD in this vehicle) of good players.

No? The terrible reverse and gun depression are fixed stats as well.

I never did you simply proved you didn’t understand a single point.

Such as?

And again, how are good players dictated?

The T-90A has some of the best depression of any WP vehicle, and it having 11.3/11.7 ammunition sure
doesn’t compensate for its bad attributes.

Remember when people thought the T-90A and Leo 2A5 would be equals?
How would that have been changed, if vehicle stats have no bearing on BR placement?

I’ve quoted 2 of your statements that directly contradict themselves.

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KV-1E is still undertiered and the Pz III M is arguably overtiered, at close range the KV-1 isn’t impenetrable. Jumbo 76 can be penetrated by a Tiger 1 - turret ring, MG port, and gunner optic with APCR. M4A3 105 was very undertiered for a long time, but isn’t quite safe. A Pz IV F1 can go through its UFP with HEAT.

It isn’t, you get a nice flat area to hit at any range.

90mm HEATFS has issues reaching it even when given a perfect shot. That’s not reliable by any means.

LFP edges are literally a pixel shot and at best will only kill the driver or radioman. Roof is also a pixel shot, though the damage is more reliable.
Meanwhile, the entire turret face on a Tiger 2 is penetrable.

Didn’t it use to be 7.3? I remember facing it when the Strv 103 was at 7.7 in a downteir, but don’t see it anymore, this is the heavy version of the M26, or very similar to it in looks, right?

Why don’t the VIDAR, 2S38, P-39N, XP-50, Yak-3U and many more move up in BR? It’s all due to their terrible balancing system.

Player skill can be determined by overall KD. Vehicle performance can’t. If a player can hold a good KD in many vehicles it shows they are skilled enough to perform well in many vehicles not just in a few op ones.

It has -4 degrees of gun depression that’s bad even for a soviet tank. 3BM60 is the worst 11.7 round.

People noticed without relying on player stats.

They don’t. Just admit you don’t understand them.

Player KD matters. (many vehicles used by one player - > ingame statcard)

Vehicle KD doesn’t. (one vehicle used by many players - > thunderskill/Gaijin stats)

It’s a good idea they actually know the game and often times aren’t 1 nation mains.

So like the swedish main in the Gaijin team that keeps adding strong vehicles to sweden? If you have players deciding there could be an open discussion about BRs.

This reasoning is ruining so many games at the moment.

Doesn’t matter if someone has a good KD in a bad tank. If someone gets a 10 KD in the S-199 or Char25T that means they are fine at their BR?

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Yep. Surely Gaijin can employ 2-3 testers that would play every single vehicle in War Thunder for a few matches each to provide feedback.

Some vehicles in game feel like none at Gaijin has actually looked at them in years.

I’m willing to bet they would find enough players or CCs that’d do it for free like they do with the test server.

Because they’re all quite capable where they’re at? They aren’t overpowered by any means, and they aren’t underpowered either.
Sure, they’re cancerous vehicles, but what’s OP about them?

You have an overglorified shid barn at a higher BR with better capabilities.
You have a “jack of all trades” tank that is mediocre at every trade.
In what way is the P-39N being “dragged down”?
Same with the XP-50, it’s a 2.3 aircraft with a bigger gun? What is interesting about it?
Ah yes, the Yak-3U. Worse performing than prior Yak-3s, with an engine from a 4.3 aircraft!

Nope, can’t do that. You, you yourself, stated that

-6dg, not -4dg. Do you only get your information off of the stat card?
It surely tells me how much you know about the T-90A…

You directly said that player stats should not be used. Now you’re stating that it should? Jesus christ, you’re oblivious to your own statements

Do I even need to continue arguing with you after you made it this obvious you’re just trolling?

There’s a difference between overall player used vehicle stats and personal stats.



Here are the overall player stats with that vehicle:

My stats:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 14-28-56 AverageWehraboo_ _ War Thunder player statistics

Your stats:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 14-27-42 TheArcticFoxxo _ War Thunder player statistics

Three different KDs for the same vehicle depending on where you’re looking. This is why using KD of only one specific tank should never be done. If a player manages a good KD in many vehicles you can judge their skill. You can’t if you only look at one tank.

It is -4 and it’s quite noticable ingame.

What do you mean?

There’s a difference between saying player stats shouldn’t be used and that objective attributes should be used to balance, then saying that player stats do indeed matter.

It’s called losing your point.

It’s -6, and it isn’t?
A static pitch of -2dg and a vertical limit of -4.5 equals… What again? Oh, right, 6! -6 degress of depression!
Man, math is easy… Surprised you don’t understand this.

I refuse to argue with someone that claims the XP-50 is a 2.3 plane or Yak-3U having 4.3 performance.

If you read any of the 10 posts I made explaining my point you wouldn’t have trouble understanding them.

It still doesn’t reach -6 degrees. Feel free to provide a source.