Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

Why is you playing M26 over T26E5 my problem?

and better ammo, and more postpen, and solves the Light tanks not triggering APHE problem

Wow, what in EXTREMELY solid argument that is talking about toptier MBTs as if they somehow compare to rank 5 heavy tanks.




You were the one to bring up the standard Pershing.

Better postpen doesn’t matter if almost all shots with the US long 90 result in a kill as well. Many SPHs are just weak enough to deny APHE fuse but strong enough to withstand .50cals. This is especially noticeable at range.

Weren’t you the one to bring up reserve tanks as an example why the IS tanks are op? Why can’t I compare them to MBTs?


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I really hate how APHE explodes in a sphere and not a cone tbh

A study was done way back when, and results concluded that the damage from APHE, although superior in after effects (literal explosion next to crew members can be quite disorienting, who knew), APHE had marginally better damage characteristics post pen in comparison to solid shot rounds. Ofc there’s still those nuke rounds with enough explosive filler to over pressure an entire tank, so there’s that still.

maybe we should add another br type??? like 7.5, 6.5 etc.

Not sure what your point is, but it sounds like you’re agreeing with me? Im a little confused lol

Just adding a bit to the convo, but yes definitely agreeing with you. APHE needs to be nerfed to a historical/realistic point, especially as there’s some nations without any (cough, Britain)

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True. I also think HEAT postpen could be modeled better. Right now its just one straight line of damage lol. Completely useless. (in TT)

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Agreed, APDS and Solid shot could also use some improve damage cone sizes and damage amounts.

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All the damage in the game is pretty badly modeled. It should be cones for everything, and some things should have far bigger cones.

The issue then is a complete lack of variety- why take APHE when you can take solid shot with more pen?

What we have now at least gives you some reason to choose, which I dont think should be removed. Simply up the postpen of solid shot and non-APHE ammunution and give them distinct role and advantages, and voila! Sure, its not historically accurate, but its balanced and gives you reasons to take one over another depending on your playstyle.


Not to mention the spalling and the shells themselves bouncing on the interior, where as currently they’re either absorbed by or exist out the other side of the tank.

This is a non-point. The current game works the same way. Why bring AP when you can bring APHE with ever so slight pen differences while you have significantly more post pen damage?

Except in the cases where there is a difference in pen it is actually a choice- the T-54 is one of the vehicles that I would point to. Excellent APHE that has somewhat little pen compared to the APDS or HEAT-FS- but due to how APHE works there is reason to use it.

Personally I would like to see solid AP changed to have more spall then APHE within its cone, while APHE retains its sphere. AP would then have the advantage of more pen overall, plus the ability to go through things instead of simply blowing up- but would lack the sphere APHE has.


the APHE would still have more spall than the APDS…

Not enough to make it worthwhile most of the time, given the more then 100mm pen difference. I want the choice between ammunition to be a matter of preference and playstyle- those that like to flank and make side shots, or that are very good at sniping weakspots may use APHE. However, those that need more pen and dont want shots eaten by fuel tanks may use solid AP, and because it has more spalling then APHE in its cone it would be excellent for front-on shots.

I want variety and choice, not watered-down ammunition with very little difference between.

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It 100% would have more spall than APDS. Theres a reason people take solid shot over APDS when playing britain. Let’s not be delusional.

I am not delusional, thank you very much, and it would not be enough to make a massive difference imo.

Of course there would be a difference, but it would never be enough to make a massive difference or really make people choose it- that is at least one advantage of sphere APHE, its majorly different from the other types of AP.

Theres enough of a difference for people to already use SOLID SHOT… If APHE’s CONE is bigger than SOLID SHOT… it’s really not rocket science, dude. Just say you enjoy crutching the big sphere.