Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

I dont- one of my favorite guns is the 105 on the Strv 101, a gun that completely lacks APHE. If I had a choice between slightly less postpen for more pen I would take it. If people take solid shot over APDS it might just be because the 20lbdr gun’s APDS is absolutely ass in general

I dont want crutches, what I want is true ammunition variety and uniqueness.

And I want rounds to not perform like nuclear bombs just because. There’s no reason to push this just because “its unique”. It’s bad for gameplay because some people are just completely screwed over as their tanks dont get APHE, while others are overly boosted because their nation uses APHE frequently.

Except with my ideas people wouldnt be completely screwed if they didnt use APHE, that is what you fail to see.

Why does it matter if one shot is better than the other? There is zero reason to use solid uncapped AP over capped APHE in the current meta.

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Whats your idea? to keep the game the exact same way?

I think we are talking RL here.

APDS will penetrate the same armor with a lot more KE behind the plate.
Tungsten is twice as dense as steel and tungsten carbide breaks up during the penetration process, due to it’s brittleness, resulting in high energy tungsten fragments.
Then there’s also the spalling from the armor plate, which again carries much more energy due to the greater penetration energy.

In cases of tungsten alloy, it simply wil penetrate twice the amount of sloped armor. So when you need it, APHE isn’t an option.
Not to mention that in reality AP shells, generally, won’t enter the vehicle hitting at high impact angle, but simply breach the armor and ricochet.
In which case there would be no difference between AP and APHE.

In WT, instead, after almost 10 years of ground forces, we still have random ricochet chance that makes no sense and adds nothing to the game mechanic other than frustration.

anyways lemme go grab that ammo idea I made a bit back…

Generally slightly better pen then APHE, and more damage inside their spall cone.

Overall slightly less pen then solid AP, but having its current ‘sphere of death’, as many call it. Damage is less then solid AP, but with, again, the sphere of death.

What it currently is, but buffed damage inside its spall cone, but not to the level of solid AP. Reduced chances to shatter, though.

Roughly the same post-pen as APDS, but worse angle pen and overall pen. Still high pen, basically the specialty round you have when you need to punch through a heavy’s armor.

High pen, and high damage on anything the jet actually touches (i.e. ammo, crew, etc.) Very good at starting fires and cooking off ammo.

Extremely good against angles, and thick armor in general. Would have a chance to overpressure, around the same as HE, but within a smaller radius.

Basically same as current, haha 155mm big boom.

No idea, because I admittedly dont have it yet, and so cant really speak about it.

And now just for the memes:

Against non-closed tops its the same as current, but if it pens a closed-top viecle it dies instantly. Cause this round sucks otherwise lol.


Nobody is talking IRL. It’s just WT.

This is literally just the same thing as the game is right now. You know damn well Gaijin won’t model that AP spall to be any better than it currently is.

It isnt the same, though? Just saying “oh they wont do that” to the most important part (massive increase in AP spalling) is rather stupid.

It’s not like Gaijin makes great decisions that the playerbase loves often… But go off, because clearly having faith in GAIJIN is smart.

But the rest is LITERALLY the same as the game currently has. You basically just wrote out the different WT shell types, but then just changed two things.

Trash grammar title

It should also be good against light targets, with a greater likelihood to overpressure.

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Its not the same at all. APCR and early APDS deal no damage and AP/APCBC offer no advantage over APHE/APHECBC.

Top tier 105mm+ APFSDS spall is mostly fine and it behaves like all subcaliber munition should.

APHE should always deal more damage than due to the shell breaking apart into smaller pieces.

Solid shots needs better angle mods than it currently has to display the advantage of not having a weak core.

The angle at which shrapnel is produced should increase with explosove filler. Eventually the cone would turn back into a sphere as TNT equivalent gets higher and still keeping thr overpressure postpen for shells with 170g+ of TNT.

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Doesnt the TT APFSDS spall way more than APDS? APDS is a wider shell, so I’d assume it spalled more.

It’s literally not an ammo change whatsoever. Its just a damage increase lol

TT APFSDS does spall more and is “realistic” but because of length and breaking apart. The actual penetrator for APDS is much smaller but still very much lethal. For gameplay purposes APDS should do the same damage.

Pen needs to increase for solid shot as well. Makes no sense US 75mm/76mm AP has less damage and post pen than APHE rendering the shell useless. Even worse for tanks like the Churchill Mk7 that has to use M61 without expl filler. You have to aim for APHE weakspot but they don’t work for your gun because it does no damage. If it actually had more pen it could go for different weakspots and actually kill something for once.

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