Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

That is why not a lot of players are using it and then they mostly don’t get great results.

At 7.7 it is just better to use T-10A or T-54.

T32 should be at 7.0 while E1 version could be on 7.3

Every time I see an IS-4M in a game I check their stats and most people have less than 30 games and none of them has had a good KD.

I wish I had it. Basically slower IS-6 but better at everything else at the same BR.

Idk if they should move down especially the standard T32 but they need a buff. Best thing would be to give them the M26E1 reload but the one on the T26E1-1 could be ok too.

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A 9 second reload on the T32 would be fine.

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2 out of 3 shots were able to pen Tiger II H cupola and destroy him in process.

Sadly first shot is not visible due to geforce being stupid. But I destroyed Tiger II H track while he was driving and then aimed at his cupola. First shoot restulrs are visible at the beginning of the film and then rest You can watch.

I’m also going to say that this game ended in a nuke after 6m of playtime:



This isn’t a viable weakspot to be going for in 95% of situations. Only time you’re going to be able to hit it is if you have a static player like in your clip just sitting still behind cover while you can’t be shot at by his gun. You messed up the first shot in the clip even though he’s literally not moving.

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He wasn’t AFK as I have already said, I have destroyed his track. Should I provide much more videos showcasing it?

The second one as I have described, the first one is visible (kill cam) in first moments of the film.

Semantics it literally does not matter. I already edited my post before you replied anyway to not say AFK. Your situation is unrealistic to achieve in 95%+ of scenarios.

I have already done it a couple of times and it is not that hard.

In most cases, You go for a gun as You have stabilizer, then with 12.7mm You destroy the track and procced to kill his crew members by aiming at the cupola.

Why not go around it? As not always You are able to do it.

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You literally showed in the clip that it’s not easy when you missed the weakspot on a completely 100% static tank of which you had a full 5-10 seconds to stare at to concentrate on hitting it…

Tiger 2 moving? Not hitting it. Tiger 2 simply can still see you? Jumbo gets knocked out instantly. This strategy resides on the Tiger 2 not having any line of sight on you or at the least no gun operational and for you to get a steady concentrated shot on his static cupola.

Downplaying the difficulty in flanking on WT maps.

I have missed 1 of 3 shoots and still was able to destroy the guy. It was still much easier than getting near him and shooting him on his side.

It is not that hard. Give me a couple of days and I will be doing it all the time.

I have already described it:

So please read.

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That’s not a good ratio on a static tank’s weakspots.

The cupola is literally not even within the margin of accuracy for the 76mm. You will miss whether your aim is good or not because the target is so small relative.

yeah, not a reliable strat. I read it. Tiger 2 can just pop you instantly upon seeing you. I straight up do not die to jumbos in the Tiger 2 as a hard rule just about.

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I won’t miss my shoots if I just get used to it.

I have just posted it to show that it can be done. It is not even hard to do it.

And I don’t die to Tiger II’s with my Jumbo ;)

For me it is a reliable tactic, same with Panther mg port.

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It is not up to you. The 76mm has a margin of accuracy that is larger than the cupola at all but point blank. Even in your clip where you’re still relatively short range you missed due to accuracy

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If we went into a custom rn, how do you think it would go? be honest.

Never had a problem with it.

I belive that I would be able to kill You.

I would love to meet You in an actual match to show You how a proper Jumbo 76mm is played.

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Either way we were talking about M26 until you shifted the goalpost

They also get a VERY strong roof mounted MG that shreds anything that doesn’t trigger its APHE, and more.

Again, not sure what you’re aiming for.

Who was saying MBTs are equal to reserves? the only person here to mention MBTs are ULQ, but he’s a troll anyways.

the Jumbo gets 76mm, which have have penned/been penned through at absolutely absurd angles that 100% should’ve been ricochet.

When did I call IS-6/IS-4M OP? Guess you’ve been listening to “sensible” ULQ too much. All I’m saying if they are FAR harder to deal with in downtiers than T32 is bc their side plates aren’t literally 3 inches thick.

No? T32’s reload is one of its major balancing factors. It already has great frontal armor, firepower, and decent mobility. Its reload forces it to actually think about where its positioned so that firing won’t result in somone getting to your side armor whilst reloading.

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What kind of re__rd brings up the M26 when comparing heavy tanks? It’s your fault if you choose to play the M26 over the T26E5 and I don’t care how the M26 performs in an uptier because everyone knows it’s bad. If you still use the base Pershing over the dozen upgraded ones you have in the US TT you deserve to suffer.

Yes the VERY strong roof MG with 2mm more pen than a .50 cal and 10% of the ammo.

Again weakspots and side armor.

You were the one bringing up reserve tanks to prove why the IS-6/IS-4M are superior to the T32.
Comparing MBTs to reserves should show you that side armor isn’t a balance concern in almost all tanks.

Then the Tigers 80mm are equally as bad. Move it to 4.0 immediately.

Do you have dementia?

Yap yap yap something something side armor.
They have a massive muzzle break and slower turret traverse. You can easily disable any IS tanks gun except for the IS-85/IS-100.

A glorified long 88 with double the reload at 7.7 is great firepower?

Literally cannot go 1 post without mentioning side armor.

Sounds like every tank should have its reload rate reduced.