Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

Are you serious? The 76 Jumbo is in weird spot because it’s too strong to downtier but too weak be a good heavy tank at it’s BR. 75 Jumbo vs KT however is infinitely worse than Pershing vs IS tank.



He is just a pure USA player who haven’t played anything else and has a skill issue.


In both situations you have a tank with essentially paper thin armor fighting what might aswell be a Maus.

Not really. There aren’t any tanks aside from SPAA it faces that can’t easily destroy it through its massive turret weakspot, and its cannon isn’t especially strong.

Mediocre KD is most tanks but the 2 tanks he does best in (T32 and T26E5) are the ones he chose as an example why IS tanks are op.

T32 and T26E5 being one of the greatest tanks in the game while IS-4/IS-3 being mediocare.

Who would have guessed why he tries to make them lower in B.R.


What the fuck the gun of the IS tanks sucks ass how does the Super Pershing have paper armor???

Any tanks 6.0 or lower can’t easily destroy a 76 Jumbo aside from a few exceptions.


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The T26E5 is great but it’s more complicated for the 7.7s. While the IS-4M is much easier to use for noobs the T32/T32E1 are harder to use but have much higher damage potential when played properly. I guess that’s why the former seem op and the latter don’t. The IS-3 is terrible though and the IS-6 isn’t op either.

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  1. Not sure when we started talking about super pershing (either way it’s too thin to stop 122mm anyways)
  2. The 122mm nukes pretty much anything that isn’t a German/Russian heavy tank

Things like Tiger 1, Panther D/A/G/F, and really anything else that has 160mm+ pen can easily destroy Jumbo through its turret weakspot, not to mention its gunport. Most of the tanks in its BR range that can’t pen through its turret (e.g T-34-85) are speedy anyways and can flank its paper thin side plates easily.

Ngl i’d recomend not engaging with ULQ. he’s just a typical forum troll.

Typing error. I meant the Jumbo Pershing.

Doesn’t fuse on light tanks and gets caught on volumetric all the time.

That weakspot doesn’t exist. It’s 1 pixel wide.

Doesn’t work if the Jumbo is wiggling its hull.

Flanking is not a weakspot.

The upper side is almost as strong as the one on the Tiger and the lower side has the tracks catching a lot of rounds. Again: flanking js not a weakspot.

Why does the forum troll have a more sensible argument than you do?

Either way we were talking about the normal Pershing.

as does all APHE

not sure what you’re aiming for that your shells are getting “caught by volumetric all the time”

??? Do you even know what you’re talking about?

It does work, I’ve done it plenty times on French Jumbos.


What tank are you talking about here? the Jumbo only has 76mm side plates iirc

Not sure what you mean by “sensible argument”. he’s lied repeatedly, as he always does, e.g saying I want the T26E5 and T32 moved to lower BR or saying Jumbo 75 v.s King Tiger is skill issue.

There is no problem with it if You know how to use its APCR.

IS-4M is just a big armor that can be killed if You know what You are doing. The gun isn’t anything special, not to mention reload rate or mobility.

T32 is a great tank when it comes to armor, gun and mobility.


He claims I’m troll because I have pointed out that he is just a bad player.

Did You know that You can destroy Tiger II H by shooting at its cupola with american 76mm gun?

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Oh yeah, I wanted to test that yesterday but then already forgot what I wanted to do when I open WT.
That’s certainly news for me.

Done that today and a couple of times already.

You are always killing two crew members, meaning two shots and he is dead.

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Idk. Seems rather unrealiable 🤔
Like you need to hit it right in a specific spot to work.

It was hard in protection analysis but in test-drive I shot it 3 times and still wasn’t able to go through.
On the fifth try from like 20° to the side I ammo wrecked him though.
I also managed from the front but I’m still unsure where exactly I need to aim for it to go through.

Like I non penned, then adjusted my sight by a few pixel and it went through.

I guess it’s better then to non-pen the front but I still don’t want to be in that situation 😄

I will try to record some of this in actual battles and post later


They changed the turret armor model of the KT H when the Swedish KT was added. The cupola shot used to be a lot more reliable.

Wait, they did? 🤔
I thought they only changed the ammo and the gun.

I belive that cupola shots are even more reliable now.

I was able to one shot su-122-54 with american 76mm gun thru cupola.

We’re comparing heavy tanks. Why would you play the M26 when you have the T26E5 and T26E1-1 at the same BR?

And most APHE doesn’t have a 27s reload.

Weakspots or side armor.

How about you share a replay of you hitting that weakspot on enemy Jumbo. No a stationary target in a custom match doesn’t count.

Stationary or actually moving?

So your argument doesn’t count. Any tank be flanked but that doesn’t mean MBTs are equal to reserves just because they can be killed from the side.

And the Tiger 1 which is regarded as one the strongest tanks when it comes to side armor has a whole 4mm more.

You’re obviously a 1 nation main defending your favorite tanks and act like anything that poses a threat to them (IS-6/4M) is op.

I was talking about comparing the T26E5 in a downtier/uptier vs the 7.7s in a downtier/uptier. But I agree US APCR is great and doesn’t get caught in volumetric armor due to its small diameter and can even deal with the “indestructible” IS-4M.

Gladly most people don’t know what they’re doing or else it would be even worse. The terrible reload and turret traverse forces you to basically pre plan the entire match.

Its biggest strength is definitely versatility. In 9/10 situations the gun depression and reload alone will make it outclass any IS tank and the survivability and turret traverse is a nice bonus on top. Not to mention the nation with the most revenge bombers is on your side which is probably the main reason my KD in this is better than in the IS-4M. Dont get me wrong though the T32E1 isn’t a good tank and still needs a buff but it’s much better than any IS tank at their BR.

Certainly possible but similar to the Jumbo MG port it’s not reliable if the enemy is fighting back.