Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

I’d say you develop a feeling for the game over time. It’s not something you’ll get very fast and it took me some years and a lot of battles to get better.

If you don’t know how to play some maps you can get a light tank in a custom game and just drive around the maps to find good flank routes. In this match I sat in the same spot all game and got 15 kills just from guys heading to the cap. You could call that spawn camping or scummy behavior but it works and is the most effective way to win games.


Sure why not. I’m not playing WT too actively at the moment but the addiction will probably kick in again soon. What timezone are you in?


Because it’s the least frustrating and most fun round to use. Not getting a kill because your round didn’t do enough damage is incredibly frustrating and getting poked to death isn’t fun either. Gameplay > Realism.


Me neither for about another week or so, but after that I’ll probably get started grinding the new BP. My timezone is CET! I can’t send you a PM here, but feel free to send me one if you want, or add me in game, and we’ll see when we’re both around. Have a good one!

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Yeah, they are strong but when i got uptiered against them i totally went wild on anti-tanks&bombs. Dont remember it was any issue to me, and think they didnt like my anti-tanks on RUS :D.

You don’t even need APCR. 76mm APHE from the Jumbo can kill gunner + commander via commander’s cupola fairly reliably, sometimes even detonating the ammo.

IS-6 and IS-4M are extremely broken in downtiers unlike T32

You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Quick look at his profile in game tells You everything


You realise there’s reserve tanks that can destroy a T32 from its flank? It’s literally physically impossible for most rank 1-2 tanks to kill an IS-6 or IS-4M unless you get a 1/1,000,000 opportunity with him flipped on his side.

Yes put the Leo 2 at 1.0 because it can be killed from the side.

As we all know rank 1-2 tanks fight the IS-6/IS-4M every match.


Lol clown behavior.

Look at the comments you posted to see who’s the real clown.

IS-4M is op because reserve tanks can’t pen it


Lol you’re trying to say IS-4M is weaker in downtier than T32 because you keep dying to T32s and refuse to learn counterplay

Because it is


You didn’t even bother looking at my statcard before you made that statement.

I don’t think I’ve ever died to an IS-4M or T32E1 because there’s a pretty good reason nobody plays them.


There’s a pretty good reason no1 wants to face a downtiered IS series tank too

I would prefer to face it over T32


Yeah and I’d prefer not to meet any tank in an uptier. Take a look at 5.7 to 6.7 and then do the same for 6.7 and 7.7. If you compare both you’ll hopefully see that the jump from 6.7 to 7.7 nowhere near as bad as on basically any other BR (2.7 vs KV-1 or Sherman 3/4, anything vs Jpz 38t, …).

Depends on what tank you have unlocked. Jumbo 75/76 V.S kingtiger is just as bad as Pershing v.s IS series tanks. T32 on the otherhand can literally be killed by reserve tanks by simply flanking its side.

Skill issue really.

Like Leo2A7 can be killed with BT-5?

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