Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

If they meet on equal conditions the Tiger 2 wins every time.

This is just proof you can shoot the tracks and move around to pen the weak side armor.

Literally the case for almost all heavies and even a lot of mediums against vehicles that are 1 BR lower but as soon as it’s about the 7.7 tanks everyone loses their mind.

The loading is slow and 90mm ammunition penetration depth is considered inferior to the PZGR.39 fired by the 88mm gun by Gaijin. When you enter 8.7, your top armor is useless, except for the turret. When you reach 6.7, your 90mm ammunition may not even penetrate the Tiger King turret (when the angle is not enough or the distance is far). Of course, this does not mean that the T32E1 needs to reduce BR, because the current situation of heavy tanks made by Gaijin is always like this. I would rather accelerate loading and restore the performance of 90mm shells )

If only there was a thread created for exactly this reason.

So, what keeps a Tiger II H from barreling and tracking a T32E1?

In the end, Gaijin’s game balance only depends on data, so based on current data, it is unlikely to reduce BR. This game has always been like this, and we should make Gaijin listen to player opinions instead of internal friction

You don’t understand what You wish for

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T95 would like a word with ‘worst barrel sniping problem’.
You say 90mm has less volumetric problem, but you fail to mention that 122mm can overpressure. A HUGE advantage to one-shot potential.

The drivers hatch is often a trap. You need to hit in the exact center of it because the ridge around the edge will contact 2 plates. At distance its a small, unreliably weak point.

If you are ‘dead’ when your breach is out, you need to work with your team more often. 2v2 odds or more make breach sniping much less of a problem since they can’t push you easily. Your repair time is the same as other heavies, you aren’t unique in that regard.

In an upteir, i don’t want either tank. In a downteir, the IS4 is FAR better and requires signficantly less situational terrain to function. T32E1 could move down in BR without any problem while the IS4 cannot due to the significantly better armor.

First of all, let me explain that I used a translator for the discussion, so the expression effect may not seem very smooth. The point I want to express is that Gaijin should carefully modify the game balance, rather than just looking at the data, and should listen to the player’s opinions

Players opinion in most cases is invalid due to ‘bias’ reasons.

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This is proof that the Tiger II H turret side can be penetrated by the weakest gun from 500m at 45° while the T32 turret stops one of the best 6.7 guns.

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Nothing. Except that the T32E1 has an equal or better chance to just take out the Tiger II.


That’s why it’s a lower BR.

I agree, so I think the player community can unite more to oppose gaijin style balance. As for how to do it, I think it’s best not to discuss it here :3

The T95 repairs and reloads faster.

The 90mm does enough damage to oneshot too but the round doesn’t get absorbed on every second shot.

The T95 105mm can overpressure too but nobody ever uses that as an argument. Why does it matter for the russians?

At distance the IS-4M has even harder time killing those enemies then they have killing an IS-4M.

If you have to rely on teammates the tank is bad.


What does “situational terrain” mean? The IS-4M can’t even fight on half the maps in this game due to bad gun depression unfit for the terrain.

Both can.

Checked it ingame and it has indeed been fixed. It was stuck at 24s aced for at least a year now.

Does the Tiger II H not have a significantly better chance of killing a Jumbo 76?

At least there is no reason why T32E1 needs to deal with E100/MAUS/IS4, unless buffs the reload time or the ammunition, or it should back to 7.3, which is almost no different with T32.

Whenever I see an argument about the T29’s BR over the T34’s, one of the main things I always see is that the 105 mm’s APHE will overpressure tanks, almost guaranteeing 1 shots whenever penetration is achieved.

And this applies to other cannons as well. I see the argument of “this APHE deals overpressure” being used a lot.

192g vs 137g. Big difference. If you are constantly having problems with volumentric, thats on you. Where are you constantly shooting? The turret ring?

if you aren’t relying on your team as a heavy, you are playing them wrong. A maus on its own is fodder. A maus with 1-2 supporting tanks to take advantage of people shooting the maus can roll a whole side.

Yes, the is4 is better in a downteir.

50% of maps in this game are city maps than the IS4 doesn’t have to deal with its gun depression problem.

NO ONE wants to fight IS4s with 6.3 tanks. Almost all 6.3s are still using kinetic rounds. Even most 6.7s are. Plus, 300 pen HEAT rounds still aren’t all that effective against an iS4 front.

On the T34 vs T29 it’s no explosive filler at all vs overpressure while here it’s sufficient explosive filler vs overpressure. The T32E1 has many problems but postpen isn’t one of them.

T34 vs T29 or Maus 128mm vs 88/128mm are the only ones where a point could be made but neither are comparable to this situation.