Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

M18 and M4 76 have weak guns for their BR, and the latter is overtiered. Even then, the Tiger 2’s side armor is easily exploitable. Other guns at 5.7-6.0 can cut through the Tiger 2’s frontal turret pretty easily.

Also, neither of those are heavy tanks with powerful guns for their BR, of which both the T34 and Tiger 2 H are.

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Powerful gun or not, the Jumbo 76 is still 6.3 and was almost 6.7. The Tiger II H still has the firepower advantage over the T32E1.

Still not a powerful gun for its BR, unlike the T34 and Tiger 2 H.

And for what it counts, they’re in the same boat against the T32E1 as the Jumbo 76 is against those two, so you’re just reinforcing my point even more.

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How is gun power relevant?

I wasn’t aware the Tiger 2 had better mobility and a stabilizer on the T32

I wasn’t aware the T32 had a stabilizer.

??? You said its the same way a Jumbo 76 kills a Tiger 2. A jumbo 76 does that generally be abusing the mobility advantage and the stabilizer. How is a Tiger 2 going to use mobility and a non existent stabilizer on a T32?

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You don’t need a stabilizer to shoot barrels and tracks.

That’s not a stable/consistent way to play a tank. It’s also not how the Jumbo gets kills.

Sure, the Jumbo gets kills by flanking because it has to. Its firepower is entirely inadequate at 6.3. The Tiger II H has one of the best guns in the game BR for BR.

Yeah, and yet a T32 is still a hard kill and a T32E1 frontally is just short of unkillable even with that fact

The T32E1 is no less unkillable from the front for the Tiger II H than the Tiger II H is for the Jumbo 76. The difference is the T32E1 is 7.7, while the Tiger II H is 6.7 and the Jumbo 76 is 6.3.

M4A3(105), KV-1, Jumbo 75, Sherman 3/4, Panther D, Tiger 2 and many more are very hard to kill a downtier and people accepted that. Other ones like the Jpz. 38t, Jagdtiger, T95, Foch are almost invulnerable to most tanks in an uptier but nobody complains.

6.7 players are whiny assholes that cry the second 7.7 gets anywhere close to doing the same thing to them that they’ve been doing to 5.7 for ages.

100% oneshots compared to 90% oneshots isn’t as big of an issue as it might seem.

Ah yes a flawed system is my fault.

The flat side armor.

If you can’t get any value out of a tank by itself then it’s bad.

The Maus is one the few vehicles that can solo a team without support. Bad example.

On 50% of the maps the IS-4M and on the other 50% it’s near unusable. On city maps the reload becomes an even bigger problem.

I don’t want to fight 6.3 in 5.3 vehicles either. Or 5.3 in a 4.3. Or 4.3 in 3.3. … Nobody has ever asked for uptiers.

The IS-4M has plenty of weakspots and if they don’t work just T&B.

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Sure but that’s because the Jumbo has one of the weakest cannons.
Might not be amazing against a Tiger II but it works very well against vehicles that kill both the Jumbo or the Tiger II with ease.

Almost like not every vehicle needs to be able to deal with a specific vehicle to be effective.

Any HE slinger will easily kill the Tiger II H but struggle against a T32E1 and a Jumbo with .50cal and stabilized gun is just much more effective against any light armored target.


“Less unkillable” so more easy to kill? 😂

A vehicle effectiveness isn’t meassured by the ability to be able to kill a certain vehicle or the other way around.

Jumbo 76 can APCR its way through the turret of the Tiger 2. Last i checked the Tiger 2 cant do the same to the T-32E1

Both are practically not possible.

Only if you hit the gunner sight. Otherwise no, not really.


I mean one has a notable flat frontal turret which can be pierced and the other is implausible.

I think i can consider one rather possible and the other not at all.

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