Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

You can’t afford to wait with a reload that long. You need to kill people as fast as possible to be reloaded for the next enemy.

So then aim better.

No matter how people tried to angle or wiggle their vechicle, I have never had a problem like You experienced.

Even if my aim was perfect the round would still get absorbed.

Sorry but we won’t get anywhere without some kind of evidence we can both discuss.

If You have any link to server replay with a moment showcasing that or a video then we could proceed

I’ll look for a clip of that later.

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De com pres sion


Apparently I never clipped any of those. If I find some or if it happens again I’ll post it here.

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No problem, I just want to see what we are talking about to understand what You are describing properly and be able to discuss about it.

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Sure, you can bounce shots, but again you are constrained by a mediocre gun that is fine at 7.0 but irrelevant at 7.7.

T32 isn’t a dominant tank at 7.3. Its functional, but there are a LOT of tanks you fight that don’t have difficulty penning your hull. The T32E1 is underpowered, and i don’t think anyone is going to argue that. The M103 is nearly strictly better. Moving the T32E1 to 7.3 isn’t going to break anything and gives the US a chance to have a functional BR cluster SOMEWHERE between 4.0-8.3. Hellcat move to 6.0 broke up the 5.7 cluster. 6.7 is a straight disadvantage to Germany.

There are always plently of vehicles that can penetrate heavy tanks. But that information alone is practically worthless, without considering how effective said heavy tank is or how effective the vehicles are that can pen it.

The T32E1 sits in the same boat as the other 7.7 heavy tanks, with the exception of the Sumoa SM, with exceptional armor protection against conventional ammunition but comperatively low firepower.

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T32E1 sits at the bottom of even the heavies.

IS4 has more armor, pen, and postpen. The brit 105/120mm and the french 120mm can go through the T32E1s armor while the IS4 is nearly immune.

M103 has similar armor, more crew, a far better gun

Conq has every advantage except postpen while having a stab.

Maus is the maus. Its hard to make a comparison considering the wildly different playstyle.

So whats the reason why it sits at 7.7 rather than 7.3? All you can say is ‘other heavies are in the same boat’. Ok, but if this is the worst of the 7.7s then why should it not go to 7.3?

The Somua SM has great armor against conventional rounds too and “low” firepower but what sets it apart is the insane fire rate.

IS-6 and IS-4M are honestly worse. They should all be buffed.

And worse everything else.

No it’s not.

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Gun depression and turret rotation is really the only outstanding stat that the T32e1 has over the IS4. But the armor of the IS4 is going to keep it at 7.7 no matter what else you cite.

Go look at the protection map. LFP and a tiny area around the driver hatch is the only place a brit 105 can pen. The French 120 can’t pen anywhere relevant at 500m. There is a small set of weakpoints around the breach, but they will be absorbed by the large breach and don’t propigate inside the tank. While you can say that it ‘doesn’t have armor if you can pen the breach area’ that would mean breaking a barrel would constitute negating armor. The conq 120mm is yellow pen chance across the entire UFP with no side horizontal angle at 500m. The turret is a patchwork of yellow and red with again the breach being the only green.

The Tiger II H is frontally immune to the 76mm on the Shermans and M18, yet sees them regularly. If that doesn’t justify the Tiger II H going up in BR, it shouldn’t justify the T32E1 going up in BR.

15s reload vs 22s reload is a huge difference. Also shell diameter is smaller on the 90mm making is less susceptible to volumetric armor. Gun depression is -10 vs -3 and turret rotation is 22d/s vs 9d/s. Again these are stats that allow for completely differnt playstyles further restricting the IS-4M

No one ever told you to shoot the IS-4M turret with conventional rounds. 9/10 times it’s a wasted shot.

No tank has it as bad as the IS-4M when it comes to barrel sniping.

None of these guns have any problem penning the drivers hatch.

As soon as the breach is down the tank is dead. Your repair time at 24s is longer than the other heavies and if you lose crew you could be out of the fight for anywhere between ~20s to 90s if you still have to reload.

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The same way a Jumbo 76 kills a Tiger II H.

By taking out his barrel firing on the move and killing him after 5.9s with the next round? 🤔

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The Tiger 2 can click on you while you have to aim for his barrel while driving. If the Tiger 2 isn’t a retard standing still this doesn’t work.

Yeah because no Tiger II ever had his barrel destroyed by a Jumbo, since they always kill them first.

Also to make another point:


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