Why Russian NSVT mg not overheating?

Source: I made it up.

Generally, countries compare the performance of their KE rounds when fired out of the best available weapon system, none of them will artificially limit themselves to a worse weapon system…

There is also no rule stating that “comparing ammo” has to be done out the barrel of same length, stop making “scientific methods” up.

Anti-science takes really are wild to see.
The scientific method states that when possible only change one variable in testing.
In the case of ammo, you change the ammo as the variable and all else stays equal.
If you want to test gun performance, ammo stays equal.

Learned this in elementary school science class, and it’s repeated in all college science courses.

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“I don’t make things up”, so that was a lie.

Haha the problem is the circle isn’t even getting red so it’s not even overheating lol

What a big advantage, now M2HBs will overheat after firing 3-4 belts. I think this makes US vehicles literally unplayable.


the M1A2 abrams is objectively better than the leopard 2a5?
has more effective turret armour.
Has a faster firerate.
the L/44 cannon the M829A2 is actually better than DM53
and the abrams is marginally more mobile.

In what world is that objectively worse*

No DM53 out of hte leopard 2a5 and PSO is actually worse than the M829A2 , however the L/55 DM53 is better.

theres a distinction, IF the M829A2 is fired from a 55 caliber barrel it penetrates more than DM53-

However on the topic of the MG’s. the fact that people are crying .50 cals actually overheat now is ridiculous, do you think they IRL can just hold the trigger down without metling its own barrels or what?


Oh no, my 100 rounds of .50 cal didn’t melt my barrel! I was looking forward to that.

It might take 2 minutes of continuous fire to overheat a M2HB.

The fact you guys are whining about this is honestly just a great show of how bad US mains can act when they don’t have the best of everything in the game.


Their complaints lead to M1s outshadowing tanks like Ariete, CR2s and Merkavas to the point latter ones have almost nothing unique to offer.
Most M1s are undertiered as well.

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The fact the M1A2 and M1A1 HC sit at 11.7 with literally the exact same stats as the sep V2 bar the thermal quality (and optional tusk) is ridiculous.

They either need to have access to only the M829A1 round, OR go up to 12.0.

In what world is a CR2 BN better than the M1A2.

reload - abrams.
round - abrams
optics - CR2
mobility - abrams
arguably more effective armour as well.
survivability - abrams

You need to see it from their POV.

Is M1 the best at it’s BR ?
Yes = Balanced.
No = Conspiracy against US and it’s players.

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Genuinely seems that way, wasnt that when the F8U2 was absolutely ripping apart every 9.0 in the game?

Wasnt that when the F14 literally changed the entire meta ?

When the M1 for months literally ripped through the matchmaker when it was added.

theres a list as long as my arm of stuff america has thats absolutely ridiculous. The mentality with the F14 showed it but, screaming that the F14 cant go up in BR cause its balanced at its BR whilst also literally overthrowing the entire meta. When it was added the Mig23 was the best russian jet, the F14 is miles ahead of it in every regard.

but here we are. 50 cals arent allowed to fire forever so its another A historical nerf to USA


That’s such a game changing moment, we now can only fire 400 rounds before we need to stop for a split second lmao.


Never the issue of the player for US teams mate. always the tanks

“A good workman doesn’t blame their tools”


you do when russians make it.

What do you mean

Don’t know about dayZ but i do play Tarkov
It possible
It might coming with armor penetration or type of ammo against some target armored or unarmor

3bm42 being able to penetrate the hull of m1a2 seps . which they cant do irl ever

It means that when he W keys into the point at full speed and gets sideshotted, it’s gaijin’s fault for artificially nerfing the Abrams.


Lad the game has 3bm22 going through the frontal.arc of cr1s which they couldn’t do in desert storm.

Marder IIIs can take out leclercs through the front.

The abrams is highly reliant on hitting the damn turret ring, providing you dont play it like a buffoon then its an amazing tank with literally one draw back.

Evident with his responses

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