Yeah, imagine nerfing random vehicles due to bug reports in Russian that don’t provide a source, leaving missing armaments from dozens of planes, leaving dozens of vehicles bug-riddled (that would otherwise be good tanks if they weren’t so broken).
Imagine adding only a handful of unique vehicles that aren’t given to 4 other nations in the span of multiple years.
Imagine making 90% of the additions to the game copy paste vehicles from the U.S tech tree, ruining its uniqueness.
Imagine half-assing every vehicle that’s added to the U.S.
But don’t worry, It’s 100% Germany that suffers because they only have four overpowered toptier Leopards : D
Yes, the American tech tree is super unique, and half of its vehicles (90% of the ones recently added) totally haven’t been going to to other tech trees.
It’s abit goofy of you to call objectively worse tanks on par XD
Good to know you think all NATO member countries are cherry picking.
That post means I get to ignore your takes until you take NATO seriously.
Ah, so now you’re copying my statement that Leopard 2s use a better gun, a movement of goalposts.
What? We are talking about in game. Taking the worse gun to compare is disingenuous.
Dude, I could care less about what NATO does irl. We are talking about IN GAME PERFORMANCE. In which dm53 fired from the l/55 cannon outperforms it in every way.