Why Russian NSVT mg not overheating?

Fixing M2HB overheating but not this truly isn’t surprising


The ammunition amount on most 12.7 mm heavy machine guns of Soviet-made vehicles, example NSVT or Kord is so low, it’s practically not noticeable.


Maybe on early vehicles with the DShK that only has 50 round belts.

But this one here looks pretty hot:

That’s at least 100 rounds, maybe 120.

Thank you, a proof that it does overheat.

It’s just the visuals. It doesn’t have the overheat mechanic.


That’s frustating, considering the time Gaijin takes to fix a minor bug.

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@Константинович7 cool overheat right?

Who cares. Always USA mains the one spraying their teammates with 50cal at game start. Most annoying players in the game - you’ll be doing a stealthy flank and some dufus is with you machine gunning letting the whole enemy team know where you are and what you’re doing.


“always the usa mains” i play object 292 and people on russian team machinegun the shit out of me for fun


Then consider reporting a bug for the 12.7 mm NSVT heavy machine gun, 12.7 mm 6P49MT ‘Kord’ heavy machine gun and consider the 14.5 mm KPVT heavy machine gun too. For sources I don’t have any, but Forgotten Weapons’ channel may be helpful, if machine gun overheating is a game breaking thing compared to all other things Gaijin must fix, like the helicopter PvE and air simulator battles’ convoy SPAAG blantant aimbot.


considering gaijin decided to fix other machine guns then maybe they should fix these too. “game breaking thing compared to” gaijin decides their priority of fixing a bug and we can report minor and major bugs all we want it wont change priorities

can confirm if it was overheated the aiming circle would be red

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Playing the 292 right now, and I wish it had a damn machine gun. You take it for granted being able to clear some bushes out the way to see better. Though, the sound of the gun is orgasmic, so it’s okay. Generally if a Soviet vehicle is spamming me with machine guns, it’s some guy (usually with a Chinese tag) machine gunning my no smoking sign. It seems to trigger people. Love for ciggies is alive for some WT folk.


yes especially when you want to clear out a fence or something to use the HE shells

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The m1a1 HC is laughing quietly because it has a bulldozer to clear obstacles and an obstacle-clearing shell to go along with that, XD (if its not clear this is a joke but it does have both things)

Also, I’ve forgot to mention, instead of only aiming for these specific weapons like “Why only the Russians” type of argument, look for similars too, like the 12.7 mm QJC88A heavy machine gun, 12.7 mm Type 54 heavy machine gun and 14.5 mm QJG02 heavy machine gun, 12.7 mm KSP 88 heavy machine gun, and not counting some lower caliber top-mounted machine guns.

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id love to shoot an obstacle clearing shell through the side of a light tank
those shells can do damage (the crew was unharmed here due to heavy armor but if the armor wasnt heavy…)

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M2HB found on M1s don’t have enough ammo in it’s belt to experience jamming from overheating.
I went through several belts back to back without jamming.

it is reliable. when it is jammed it most often happens with incorrect head space and timing