400 rounds of non stop shooting
nah USSR player are pretty chill
is Pangolin_Fan saying that sarcastically or not
I’m really confused
That reply wasn’t referring to Russian players. Most people are smart enough to have realized that. Either way, no they are not chill.
I really wish I was.
Actually it is special in that regard, as 80% of the copy paste being added is from America. You’re simply too blinded by hate for America (for some unknown reason) to realize it.
Then just stop adding copy paste. Simple as
both the challengers and abrams get one shotted by round that would never be able to do what the ydo in this game if it was irl, thats why the U.S / U.K have the lowest win rates. The only thing the M1 Abrams has, is speed.
that is a lie.
M1A2 abrams VS challanger 2E
2E faster in a straight line, slower overall cause its way heavier.
reload? abrams
round ? abrams
Profile? abrams
survivability once round penetrates? abrams
the abrams while inaccurate as ive said a lot fo times, is not a bad tank in this game at all.
it has so many things going for it.
Isnt russia lower than the Uk? not checked in a while now
All tanks can’t take side shots in this game like russian T series so i don’t know why you’re even typing. You are gong negative in all your tanks, and its clear you just got to top tier within the last 3 months. The last thing you should be talking about is " rusing a cap "
i rarely ever care about people stats in this game but you are going 1kill / 5d in kill ratio my guy. in both U.S / chinese tanks with nothing even near positive or even 1/1 ratio.
you talking about me holding W? You’re holding L’s
If this account im looking at is yours, you cant talk either mate.
The challengers and abrams all have the same reload speed
Well yeah the Round penetration is better, but its a mute point since the rounds all penetrate the same spots anyways.
I guess the profile of the tank does matter.
maybe when they release more Leo 2A7s lol
im not going 1 kill / 4 deaths in every tank though. and i’ve long stopped caring about this game.
You just compared an 11.7 tank to a god damned 10.3 are you stupid.
Also no they dont.
abrams ready rack is over 30 rounds, the CR1, and CR2 ready rack is four rounds, and one in the breach = 5 rounds.
The abrams can maintain that 5 second reload for all of its ready rack.
The CR1s and 2s once passed those first five shots, your reload is I believe over 6 second seconds aced
My fully crewed and expert CR2s and CR1s have around 7 seconds reload, past the ready rack.
My shir 2 has over 8 seconds right now once past the read y rack.
The round on the abrams is also substantially better.
What? it tanked massively when 2a7 and 122+ dropped.
Also theres a huge distinction between the US and the UK, most folks do alright with the CR2 as they learn to use it but that does not make the tank better.
Us teams are what bring their win rates down massively, not the tanks, the abrams overall right now is one of the better top tiers in teh game.
Then dont bring up others stats. You cant even compare two tanks of the same BR never mind stats.
The only challenger that has a 6.0 reload is the tech demo challenger, Which has a DM53 ROUND
look we dont know why the brits don’t make their ammo all in one piece D: but you must keep calm and…, uh >.>
and it should tank even more. to sub 20% win rates
You compare tanks of the same BR not two tanks of a whole BR and a half diffirence thats how statistical comparissons work.
That is nothing to do with the ammo, that is to do with teh fact gaijin refuse to model the CR2 correctly.
@Morvran can tell you more.
The challanger 2 reload speed once passed the ready rack is absolutely abysmal for a top tier, providing you have an ace crew in every CR2 to make it competitive.
That CR3 TD which also has a broken model, the old Cr2 model turrets, can be ammo racked through the breach.
No you do not understand that i said past the first stage ammo Aka ready rack.
so can the abrams
no i understand i just never realized it was that bad for challengers…
They have
- more modules to hit.
- blowout panels.
The Cr3 has none of that, the one match i decided to use it , a 3bm60 got shout Through a train cart, through the breach and into my ammo and one tapped me.
Seeing as ariete and merkava both got the reload buff for the 5 seconds, the CR2s are literally now statistically the worst top tiers in game.
Also have you ever shot at a enemy tank before they fired at you, and its like your round never left the cannon?
When I was just three months into the game I didn’t understand how latency works, then I realized that the server considers you dead already before your bullet leaves the chamber due to high latency on your end, so it makes you think you fired off the shot before the enemy or both at the same time, but in reality they server saw him fired first and you die before you managed to hit the fire button.
i mean i know what latency is, but these servers are worse than arma 3
Desync is a bastard
Happens all too often. same as if you drop a bomb