Yesterday, I was a little angry and said that your logic bordered on delusion. I would like to apologize in advance for this.
Before making any further remarks, what I would like to say is that in order for KI-200, Me 163 B-0, and Venom FB-4 to be maintained at 8.7, all F-86 and MIG-15/17 series must be at least 0.7 BR higher than the current BR. If the fuel was 6 minutes as before, The Me 163 would have been very powerful against jets between 7.0 and 8.0.
The F-89B, located at 7.0 right now, proves this, and the F-84G and La-200 at 7.7 can trample the Me 163 at speed. As you said, if the Me 163 is among the enemy players engaged in dogfighting, even the JAS 39 or Rafale cannot defeat the Me 163 in a simple dogfight.
But you’re overlooking this: What if they don’t engaging with Me 163? If the fuel was 6 minutes of Me 163, it would have been possible to spot the Me 163 during dogfighting and chase down the fleeing enemy at full throttle and destroy it.
In fact, it is still possible to shoot down a fleeing enemy fighter by going down at full throttle like that, but in that case, the Me 163 loses the potential to attack additional enemy targets. There is the same case as the Me 163, but there are also fighter jets with the BR lowered. These are the F2H, F9F, F-86A, and MIG-15 (not BIS).
They have fallen below 0.3~0.7BR simply because their statistical win rate is low, and they are currently trampling the game by playing the one-sided game you mentioned against Me 262A and Ho 229.
What I felt while playing CL-13B and FFA P-16 whether in this game or in reality, Boomen Zoomer always gets right to attack first over Dogfighter. As I said, Me 163 and the Jet Zeros that gaijin currently hate are both specialized in dog fighting
However, on the other hand, the Dogfighter may Ignore deal with the Boom and Zoomer, but they have the problem of having to constantly dodge the Boom and Zoomer’s hit and run attacks.
In this way, the boom and zoomer can gradually steal the energy of the dog fighters and slowly harass and kill them, or give kill potential to friendly dog fighters or other boom and zoomers.
I think the Me 163 should be lowered. Conversely, and i also think BR of undervalued boom-and-zoomers like the He 162, La-200, and F-104 should be raised.
If the BR of the Me 163 cannot be lowered below 8.0, The BR of many first-generation jets must be raised to at least 0.7 BR, and supersonic aircraft must be raised to BR 10.3 or higher, which requires cataclysmic BR matching adjustments.