Why KI-200, Me 163 B-0, Yak-23, Venom's BR is still located on 8.7BR?

All 3 rocket planes are strong as hell as long as the pilot know what they are capable of. Sure they have their weaknesses. But there should be no plane carrying a whole battle on their own anyway.
The only one slightly overtiered is the Me 163 B-0 because nowadays the 20mm ammo isnt as strong as it was and the FM is worse than the Ki200. 8.3 would be fair.

Fuel isn’t a problem at all. I flew EC maps in all of 3 without any problems. With 30sec on fuel you can fly through a whole EC map with more than 500kph.

Missiles are no problem at all as long as you hold speed. All radar missiles at this BR range can be outturned with ease and all IR missiles can be avoided by shut of the rocket booster and slightly turning. Restarting rocketbooster to full throttle takes 1sec.

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Im grinding for F16AJ just to use a cute skin i got for it, currently at Ki-200 and its so fucking funny how im facing all these moderns jets in this little shit lmao

put those planes in the american tech tree and they would suddenly drop to 7.7


Correct, if the Me 262A was in the US tree it would have been around 6.3 BR

I’m fuming right now. Six matches in a row and I can’t even get close to anyone. Facing planes that take off at 1000kph and use missiles in a plane that has 2-4min fuel and cannons. It’s outrageous.

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stop using the plane

I did. But I’d very much like to use it, because I waited this long to unlock it and because it’s different. But it has no place in this BR, not at all.

As of 19 minutes ago you said you had just played six matches in a row. The plane is never going to be fun/playable because gaijin doesn’t think there’s an issue. It also doesn’t have a place at 7.3 or 7.7 smashing ww2 jets.

I was in a match when I posted. I did stop using it by now.

Good, only rank 5 german jets I recommend are the migs and CL13s

it wont smash anything because with the 4 minutes of fuel you will be mostly flying at around 50% throttle and using full throttle only in bursts during dogfights making you perform pretty badly, even worse than the He-162. Sure you can go full throttle and become pretty busted for 7.0 but that will guarantee you will crash way before you can get more than 1 or 2 kills at most, if you are facing against a suicidal 163 you can just keep your speed high where the 163 would lock up so you can easily dodge it and waste his fuel and in about 2 minutes he would be crashing.

The 3 planes should be removed imo, it was essentially a manned airfield point defense missile, it was barely playable with 7 min of fuel and now with 4 it has completely no place in the game. They are so much worse of an offender than the Maus and im confused how they just went with reducing the fuel and didn’t realize it will completely kill them.

They can be replaced with the Ki-202 and Me-263, both would have around 10 min of fuel. But the Ki-202 was never built and the 263 was never flown, and seeing how gaijin removed the R2y2s (Which was pretty dumb) i don’t think that will happen, but hey we’ll get a new top tier jet woohoo!!..

let me stop you there. The FM is completely unkillable and competes with what were previously 8.7 jets in dogfights. Skilled pilots stretch that 3-4m into 10-12 minutes with skillful throttle management. The rocket planes cannot be lowered to the 7.0 ranges where they will simply stomp when flown by anybody who understands that lowering throttle = save fuel.

Until recently, by playing 4970 times of me 163 b-0, your logic is near delusion

In BR 8.7, all planes can fly faster than Me 163. Me 163 has been able to build up a high winning percentage by playing “jet zero” so far, but now? It managed to survive against MIG-21, T-2 and more when the fuel was 6 minutes, but now it’s impossible to even take them on.

Would it be any different for the Me 163B in 8.0? Oh, no. I don’t think it’s much different. It’s probably better than the Me 163B-0 and KI-200, which sit at 8.7 and are constantly suffering by 1/2 generation jets

As your logic, let’s lower the thrust as much as possible and play it by saving fuel by 12 minutes and 16 minutes. Then you can reduce fuel effectively, but you have to fly much slower than before, and when you’re doing dog fighting, you have to fly at about 450km/h, the same speed as prop. At this speed, it’s hard to got even a plane like the A-4 let alone the F-100, the MIG-21.

And the U.S., the Soviet Union, the U.K., and many other countries already have between 7.0 and 8.0 jets that can be used against the Me 163, including the F-80,84,89 F2H, Su-9, Su 11, the Metor series, and more

It’s impossible for Me 163 to break the game by itself at an overwhelming speed like before. Oh, of course, if you timing it well, you can get 6-7 kills, but because of this, it can’t be established that rocket planes shouldn’t come down below 8.0

Now, would you say that even I, who has played Me 163 B-0 nearly 5000 times over 6 years, am an ‘UNSKILLED’ player? Experienced players can play while squeezing out fuel for 12 to 16 minutes at a time. is now a thing of the past. Today’s 8.0~9.7 BR is a completely different world from 5 or 6 years ago. And an experienced player can get enough kills at 8.0~9.7BR even with a superprop fighter, even if it is not a rocket fighter.

And to add, the Me 163 is essentially an ‘interceptor’, so it is right to receive an interceptor mid-air spawn. The same goes for the Me 262 C-2b.

Too bad they removed airspawn because of gear :/

The ME163 is still extremly fun to play exept in full uptiers.
Man, i need to play it again soon.
I think it`s a hard play to balance, but at 8.0-8-7 it performs well imo in the hands of a decent player (not me)

I don’t understand why the Saab 105 has an air spawn, but the Me 163 and Me 262 C don’t

Me 163 B-0 is difficult to get at 8.7 BR because most matches are at 9.3 and 9.7, and even if it gets there, I think Alpha Jet, CL13A, and Lim-5P are more fun by my standards.
Of course, the Me 163’s unique high energy recovery speed and maneuverability are good, but comparing the Me 163 with the fighters above and the CL13B and FFA P-16 at +0.3 BR makes the Me 163 fall far below its value.
To be blunt, I can confidently say that it’s no different from simply playing the Ta 152H at 8.7.

I mostly play FFA P-16 and Alpha Jet these days, except for when I’m thinking ‘Ah, I want to suffer for the first time in a long time’ and play Me 163 B-0.

Saying the me163 isnt viable in modern WT is delusion? You’re trolling yeah? Or you’re that detached from how things actually are?




I am not against the 20mm 163 and the ki200 to go to 8.0 along with the 30mm 163

You can fly to altitude and cruise at quite a decent speed at 33% throttle… I’ve played the plane before. 3-4m is not really usable but neither is flying against this in a 7.0.

One would imagine that you could also RAISE the throttle… and go to your top speed when needed… it does not take long. You can also maintain your top speed easily with low throttle.

None of these can handle a 163 except for maybe the Su-11 and F2H-2. The rest are food to any decent 163 pilot. Obviously they can try running, but the 163 is just as fast as many of these and once caught they are dead. They can’t fight it and kill it while it has fuel.

if you’re advocating for it to be lower than 8.0 so you face stomp on jets that have no chance against you JUST BECAUSE its a gimmick rat plane with no fuel? Absolutely, yes.

I agree

Yesterday, I was a little angry and said that your logic bordered on delusion. I would like to apologize in advance for this.

Before making any further remarks, what I would like to say is that in order for KI-200, Me 163 B-0, and Venom FB-4 to be maintained at 8.7, all F-86 and MIG-15/17 series must be at least 0.7 BR higher than the current BR. If the fuel was 6 minutes as before, The Me 163 would have been very powerful against jets between 7.0 and 8.0.

The F-89B, located at 7.0 right now, proves this, and the F-84G and La-200 at 7.7 can trample the Me 163 at speed. As you said, if the Me 163 is among the enemy players engaged in dogfighting, even the JAS 39 or Rafale cannot defeat the Me 163 in a simple dogfight.

But you’re overlooking this: What if they don’t engaging with Me 163? If the fuel was 6 minutes of Me 163, it would have been possible to spot the Me 163 during dogfighting and chase down the fleeing enemy at full throttle and destroy it.

In fact, it is still possible to shoot down a fleeing enemy fighter by going down at full throttle like that, but in that case, the Me 163 loses the potential to attack additional enemy targets. There is the same case as the Me 163, but there are also fighter jets with the BR lowered. These are the F2H, F9F, F-86A, and MIG-15 (not BIS).

They have fallen below 0.3~0.7BR simply because their statistical win rate is low, and they are currently trampling the game by playing the one-sided game you mentioned against Me 262A and Ho 229.

What I felt while playing CL-13B and FFA P-16 whether in this game or in reality, Boomen Zoomer always gets right to attack first over Dogfighter. As I said, Me 163 and the Jet Zeros that gaijin currently hate are both specialized in dog fighting

However, on the other hand, the Dogfighter may Ignore deal with the Boom and Zoomer, but they have the problem of having to constantly dodge the Boom and Zoomer’s hit and run attacks.
In this way, the boom and zoomer can gradually steal the energy of the dog fighters and slowly harass and kill them, or give kill potential to friendly dog ​​fighters or other boom and zoomers.

I think the Me 163 should be lowered. Conversely, and i also think BR of undervalued boom-and-zoomers like the He 162, La-200, and F-104 should be raised.

If the BR of the Me 163 cannot be lowered below 8.0, The BR of many first-generation jets must be raised to at least 0.7 BR, and supersonic aircraft must be raised to BR 10.3 or higher, which requires cataclysmic BR matching adjustments.

The me163 and ki200 could be 8.0 and the game would not suffer for it, though lower is not fair.

The venom is fine at 8.7 if the F-86/MiGs return to their previous BRs.

They just need to go 0.3 back to their previous BRs. You are asking for them to be the highest BR they’ve ever been. (F-86F-2 at 9.3???)

Proves what?

Sure? They can also easily be caught the moment they do anything but fly straight, and they can’t effectively engage the 163 in any meaningful way.

Fully aware of how this plane works. As I’ve said I’ve flown it and spaded it and the Ki-200 both. This just ends in a draw at best because most planes in a 7.0-8.0 match are not getting shots on a 163.

Yes, it is a gimmick plane because of the fuel. No, that does not give you the right to face things that you utterly annihilate in every possible metric just because you might run out of fuel. The BI already does this at 6.7 and we don’t need more of that nonsense.

I’m aware as I showed earlier when I posted the link in this comment.

This is not difficult when the jets you provide as “faster and capable of catching the 163” in a downtier are also conveniently boat sized and about as agile.

Sure, if you mean the 8.7 one and the Ki-200. The one already at 8.0 should not go lower as lower BR aircraft cannot contest it besides waiting for fuel to run out, which is not healthy gameplay.

Not isolated, only if they do actual decompression. Otherwise you’re just killing these jets off. The MiG-19 for example is no less oppressive than the F-104 to a 8.3-9.0 jet.

If you are referring to the F-86/MIG thing earlier then refer to what I said then when I quoted it

I would like this yes.

more like requires a tiny bit of thought which gaijin is incapable of doing apparently