Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

Because it gets an optic lock missile that can be launched from 8km guranteeing a kill because it’s almost impossible to dodge and completely impossible to flare? […]

I assume this statement is based on your own experience ?



You do know that just because someone does not have a vehicle on their main account does not mean they never played it?

Besides, as an air main I have a lot of experience facing certain vehicles. I also have a lot of SPAA mains in my squadron who all spoke positively of the tan-sam. This is not just my own opinion about it being overpowered at it’s previous state. Yes, it doesn’t compete with pantsir or VT1, but it’s a vehicle that could not be properly balanced otherwise. It destroys everything with unguided ordinance but is weak against GBUs.

Probably because I’m on 20 day premium. Grinding the UK Air and Ground TT to avoid suffering or taking too long lol

You just tacitly admitted to breaking Gaijin’s TOS here (Account sharing/multiple accounts), so might want to be careful.

And tell me, what vehicles (Outside the occasional F-111 and F-4C) actually use dumb bombs at 11.0? The overwhelming majority of CAS vehicles use guided munitions of some kind, all of them with the range to counter the Tan Sam, especially on overcast days.

There’s also the obvious exception which is helicopters, all of which have a crippling range advantage over the Tan Sam if they simply hover low over the horizon.

Additionally, if those dumb bomb CAS pilots possess a brainstem, they’ll simply stick to low altitude passes over the battlefield at high speed, giving the Tan Sam player almost no oppertunity for a shot.

The Tan Sam is severely limited in ways that may not seem obvious when you haven’t actually played it. The only vehicles it “hard counters” are those flown by idiots who simply hold at mid altitiude and fly straight into the map like they aren’t at SAM tiers.


There’s a few fun gems in the UK ground TT, its not all bad. I also though premium didn’t increase your in-match score.

Just to clarify, I wasn’t talking about Type 81 itself, since I haven’t played it yet. I was just surprised by your opinion about TV/IR seeker mechanic, which in my experience (type 93) is very unreliable and inconsistent. I must admit that it was very good when introduced, but something must have been changed since then. Nowadays I have problems locking targets that are both low and close, like su-25, and those that stay high and far away guiding their bombs in peace. I would even say that for me, achieving a lock with mistrals is more reliable and predictable.

Another limiting factor is the lack of any offensive capabilities. Having guns or ability to fire missiles “on demand” is highly underestimated. Can’t count the number of situations where I wish I had even .50 for self-defense, or ability to manually guide the missile, since I can see the target but can’t get a lock. Guess we don’t even have to talk about lack of radar.

For me the only reason why Type 81 might be considered very good in top br games would be because of people who buy premium helicopters and just hover high above helipads, or people using targeting pods and not paying attention to their surrounding since their RWR is not triggered.

By the way, why would you even use multiple accounts ? As far as I know it’s against the rules:


On most maps thats not a viable option since you have no idea where the targets are when you fly low and fast.

On most maps, players tend to congregate in certain areas consistently. Drop a bomb in a chokepoint that isn’t controlled by your team, odds are pretty good you’ll get someone. You also have the option of popping up early to check these spots before diving back down. And relying on spotting from teammates.

It’s a niche playstyle, which is why it’s far less common than those using guided missiles from outside SPAA range. Or Su-25s with their nuke rockets, which can do treeline skimming attacks far easier.

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Radar intel should just be default at higher BRs, it’s insane to expect anyone to be able to play SPAA without radar, or even want to do it.


Personally I think that either the “Air alert” warning should reveal the plane’s nametag, or light tanks should be able to spot aircraft like any other vehicle.

Blindly dropping bombs on the battlefield doesn’t work very well until you start fielding Pe-8 size bombs.

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Which is why it’s mostly seen with the F-111A, which gets 8 3000lb bombs, each with a 32m killing radius.

I made a video


Holy shit lol

The CAS noobs start spamming topics like Strela and Type 81C overpowered. Good luck now with shooting down helicopters in maps like Vietnam Hills and Japan because these large hills are excellent cover for helicopter that hide when they see missile incoming.


Since the Strela got moved up, my favorite 9.0 line up has started getting bombed a lot more, it’s so annoying that is enough to make me quit playing after 5 matches.

Tell me there’s bias when its comes to Russian SPAA without telling me there’s Russian Bais.



This is actually disgusting, holy shit I didn’t know it was that bad.


The ZSU-23-4M really doesn’t work like that in practice, for some reason it doesn’t get the area lock?

But yeah the other SPAA needs to be more like the Strela, the Mistral, Type 93 and Ozelot are sad.

Yet people will see this and still insist that Russian Bias doesn’t exist.

It’s all so tiresome.