Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

I made a video too


that ground interference thingy is ridiculous i’ve missed a jaguar IS coming hot and straight at me from 5km away and helis at 1,5km because the missile just decided to kiss the ground like a javelin


whenever i use the Type 81 C, it’s never like this lol always guarantee a kill after 1 shot.

Earlier, but now the missiles are broken. It’s a balance in the gaijin’s view, too strong vehicle, but they can’t go higher BR anymore

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My recent match, still had 1 missile left and none of my team died to CAS since I stopped them all. We totally have different experience using this beast.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 173412

Are you saying I missed on purpose?
I have screenshots like that too, but that was earlier.
Now it’s broken.

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It’s super annoying on the Type 93 and Type 81 that it takes a while before missiles do anything and you simply cannot hit anything that is close, so you can have a planes and helis around your spawn and there is nothing you can do about it… you need a target to be at least 1km away if not more.

Also no idea what happened to these smokeless motors.

Gee I wonder where there SPAA is… glad the smoke is there that leads directly to it, imagine having to actually look for it.


Crappy helicopter.
Slightly less crappy helicopter as it has IRCM at least.
Crappy drone.
Crappy helicopter.
Crappy helicopter.
Crappy plane.
Crappy helicopter.

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Must be nice playing against a lobotomized CAS team like that. If a single Apache had idea to simply hover low over the horizon at medium range, it could have sat there ripple firing it’s Hellfires with impunity.

Could a Tunguska have not done just as well in that same situation of brainless CAS players?

Here it is in practice.


That’s the thing, they were all low lol one was behind tree and somehow I still locked onto it.

Don’t use automatic mode, manually select IR to avoid this, use photo contrast when IR lock is not possible.

God damn its been a while since Ive seen one of those win rate graphs, they were such a big thing back in my world of tanks days to show vehicle performance.

Its also a good analogy though.

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While I agree with your analysis of skill ceiling/floor and gameplay, statistics are never a good way to balance your game.

Statistics tell you that something is happening, not how something is happening or why. If you balance exclusively off of statistics, you end up with what games like War Thunder, Overwatch, Smite, Dota, League, certain fighting games today, and various other inept devs create, which is whack-a-mole balance.

You end up carving out metas, removing them, creating new metas, and so forth. Balancing off of statistics is one of those mental traps people get themselves sucked into, because while it makes sense on paper, it doesn’t work in reality.

In order to properly balance a game, you actually have to play it, and do so at a reasonably high level of competency. You have to have an understanding of it, and painstakingly test as much as possible. This is how it was done many years ago in games before patches existed.


That’s hardly representative. The M4 is a straight downgrade compared to the PGZ04A, no independent search and track radar, track radar speed and angles are worse, no thermals or LRF, slower and worse chassis.


Missiles that hit > Missiles that don’t hit

Have the radar to see the plane coming to kill you doesn’t really help if you can’t kill the plane.


I’ve never advocated for balancing only by stats, largely for the reasons you’ve mentioned. But you can use stats to get a picture of what’s going on, on a larger scale than any individual player can. No group of players, no matter how identically skilled at the game, is going to come to the same conclusion around any particular vehicle for a variety of reasons, be it playstyle preference, map rotation, MM spreads or even simple personal bias.

Just like balancing by stats alone, balancing by individual player’s opinions alone isn’t the solution, especially with a game with as many moving pieces to balance as WT.

A combination of the two is best. You gather stats, normalize them as much as possible, and then give those stats to people who understand the game enough to analyse them. If vehicle X is overperforming stats wise, they can then look at it and how it fits into the game, and figure out the best way to balance it. If snipers underperform and brawlers overperform, probably a map variety problem, etc.

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The missile is aimed at the aircraft before the booster ignites.
From this video, it looks like it just points upward, not in the direction of the aircraft.

The missiles are identical as far as I’m aware.