Why is the type 81C BR getting moved up to 11.3

The missiles are called SAM-1 / B / C. SAM-1 / B being the IR missiles and SAM-1C having PESA active seeker.



In modern days SAM can operate in swarm and with help of external FCS, but Pantsir-S1 is able to operate stand-alone as many other SAM of the same kind. Besides that; I’ve never of this claim.


That part I knew. Wasn’t sure on the rest.

Would be better if we got a separate vehicle with the ARH missiles.

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we probably wont anyway gaijin does not seem to have any intention on doing that for some unknown to god reason

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You got me a bit confused here… I thought SAM-1 and SAM-1B were the original IR missile for JGSDF and JASDF respectively, with SAM-1C being available in two variants, one with lightwave, the other with PESA seeker.

But this seems more like SAM-1B is the lightwave seeker Type 81 (C) missile with the Type 81 (B)s missiles just being SAM-1s.

Now which is right?

I’d actually rather see the current one get radar missiles, being the more modern chassis. Meanwhile an earlier Type 81 (C) should be the one limited without them at 11.0


Type 81 (C) with early chassis

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Think in many cases it could be a good idea to have two of the same vehicles in game, but with different weapons, and folder them with reduced RP.
Especially at top tier there are poorly balanced vehicles like jets because they’re really strong CAS but are weak in air to air.

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Personally i see the idea of having an early and a late Type 81C being a good idea and i’m all for it assuming the late (current) Type 81C gets to keep the IR missile so that it can make use of both IR and ARH at the same time assuming it’s something it can do IRL and that IF that is the case that gaijin actually allows it to make use of both at the same time.


a cloud is enough most of the time and if you want to be extra safe just put a mountain behind you and stay 2-3km away from the battlefield and boom you’ve become invincible to the Type 81c


I swear I was in my Ka-52 one time, a Type-81 launched on me, this shit went straight up and flattened out almost perfectly on launch. It gave me 9K330 vibes

Poor type 81 has to fire as high as possible in order to not crash on takeoff as hard as starship

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Still insane to me they just push this through, not even include it in the initial BR changes, NOT A SINGLE PERSON mentioning the Type 81 or suggesting it needed to go up.

Not even acknowledged in the changes that they once again screwed over Japan or how they justify the BR increase.

And they definitely did not do this.

We’ve carefully read your feedback on the planned Battle Rating changes

Added this vehicle late last year and within 6 months managed to ruin it by a big move from 10.0 to 11.0… something they said they wouldn’t do anymore but I guess being true to their worth is not something they care about, and then this last bit of nonsense.


Welp. time to ruin the K/D of type 81 by dying constantly


Yea, i aint touching it anymore. I will miss it, just as i miss the J6K1 and other zeroes that got nerfed.


I don’t know of any missile called SAM-1B. It is not mentioned in the specifications nor in the 50 year history of ATLA. The only one I know of is the Type 81B, which was deployed in the JMSDF and JGSDF.

As long as players keep using CAS incorrectly, this thing will continue to dominate lol only ones I am unable to kill are low flying helis from + far away, 10km+ Global CAS which is now facing a lot more than before, unable to lock on snow maps and cloudy weather maps. The ones shown here basically just flew straight to battle without realizing I was there making it easy targets for me. The ones who play smarter gave me a harder time in another match and didn’t do much at all at a 12.3 up-tier battle. They spammed missiles and bombs from super far away and RTB after lol

This is the precise issue with the Tan Sam (And IR seeker SPAAs in general). Super low skill floor, super low skill ceiling. It’s very easy to play, so everyone can do well in it regardless of skill level, which bumps the overall stats up.

But, it’s also very easy to hard counter it. Staying low or at range makes it completely ineffective, so better CAS players can’t be countered like they can with harder to use but more flexible SAMs.

It is the most feast or famine vehicle in the game, dependant entierly on if enemy CAS possess a brainstem.


Damn I want that thing now lol

What kind of black voodoo magic did you perform to get that much score with 8 plane kills?

Because it gets an optic lock missile that can be launched from 8km guranteeing a kill because it’s almost impossible to dodge and completely impossible to flare? Be real, ask for a stopgap vehicle instead of lowering the BR of an overpowered SAM

It’s not on par with a Pantsir, it doesn’t have a radar, it can’t lock onto things for shit, requires perfect circumstances to even get a lock on things, can’t hit anything nearby and is easily countered by anyone with more than 2 braincells.

And now it’s at 11.3 with zero lineup options but to play it alongside 11.7 so it’s now at the same BR as a Pantsir.

Even if it could lock onto anything and everything, good luck finding it before it finds you.


Not to mention it very easily countered by dip slightly below, and the missile will hit the ground because the over-lead.

I think i said in the 11.0 br changes it is easily countered.
Plane just need to stay beyond 8km, or bobbing up and down near tree top level. Heli can easily stay 3km and close to 30m to the ground and it can’t do nothing.

I still have no idea why CAS like to cross the battlefield when they have no air superiority 🤷🏻‍♂️