Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

I haven’t been able to play. Have they actually fixed the starstreak phasing issue then? God I hope it lasts this time.

Next major update

Gaijin: “we fixed what we broke, the Stormer is working as intended again”

Starstreaks, phase again


Don’t tease me, I’ll finally be able to play UK again and grind the CR3 TD (lol). I’ve missed killing ka52s with starstreaks

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My biggest worry is that they didnt actually fix anything. They just changed something else and it happened to fix it.


You still will need 3 missiles to kill a ka52 cause they just like not dying

im having lock breaks in direct line of sight but getting close to a tree. that doesnt happen with adats.

@Smin1080p could you please share with the devs that the Stormer (HVM) has improved? We don’t know what changed, and like @Morvran, I’m concerned that this isn’t a bug fix, but rather a side effect; we don’t even know if they are aware of this. It started working again a few days ago, without any announcement.


I believe this also happens with ADATS, but only when the radar is turned off, then it uses IRST, like the Stormer. IRST easily loses lock in these situations.

yea but it shouldnt since it has a direct line of sight

That’s false. Stormer have irst search and irst track. Adats have radar search and irst track. Adats dont have radar track.


I stand corrected then. I thought ADATS had radar lock when using the radar.

Defo getting broken next patch tho… I hope they add the LMM so we can stop with this breaking game each damn update…

Gaijin devs… Ahh damn!? We accidentally fixed it!? Break that thing before the next KA50 sale and be quiet about it!


Is this a bug report material?

If you’re suggesting that infrared imagers should be able to see through clouds, they can’t.
Even fog and haze limits the range of IR imagers because water droplets do scatter IR over distance, even if you can still see objects further in IR than visible light through atmospheric obscurants

You might not get a heck of a lot of contrast between sky and clouds because the atmospheric temperature and cloud temperature is similar enough that they are not well defined, particularly when the image processing is handling the gradients between other objects in the scene that do have a much bigger thermal gradient.

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The developers are already aware of this as we did deploy a fix that was worked on for Stormer. It was not announced however as there is still some “phasing” taking place, so we do not consider the issue fixed to level where we wished to announce it within a changelog. Investigations are continuing to take place with the remaining persistent instances.

Regarding LMM, we are looking into the capabilities of this missile. However, depending on if sufficient information can even be found to reliably model it, its performance will also dictate if it is taken into further consideration. Adding a missile with much greater performance of capabilities than Starstreak may also lead to BR changes if this were to take place. Right now however, its too early to say.


Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

On the subject of spaa can they please do something about the muzzle flash on the Za-35 in 3rd person it’s literally blinding and completely covering aircraft your firing at, for an spaa with flash guards installed you honestly would think it’s firing flashbangs.

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Finally got it through

Also much better performance? Less than half the speed, but proxy and penetration possibility. Starstreak is much better agains planes, LMM is a multirole missile.

Thanks for letting us know