Why is the Stormer HVM so bad?

Stormer HVM with Starstreak missile seems to be finally fixed after the last update, I can destroy the plane while moving, thanks, but the absence of missiles is still missing, because it’s a shame not to destroy helicopters more than 7.43 km away

inertia would cause the darts to be flung away from the rocket body via centripetal force.

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Yea, the darts stop spinning, but start ovecorrecting due to wanting to be on the laser
Can be seen here

Watch it first at 1x, and then at 0.25x
In the real time it seems like they spin, but if you do 0.25x you can see they are correcting themselfs to stay on laser.


Man what br would an LMM stormer even be? 10.7? 11.0?

Depends on how good the LMM are in a anti-tank role. I dont know anyhting about them, so I cant say either way, but when you consider the inherrent weaknesses of the Stormer anyway, Im not entirely convicned it would be higher than 10.3.

Man having the option to have both missiles equipped would be great…


I could see it being one or the other, and not being able to take a mix, but even that would be awesome

Imagine doing it like custom loadouts in air…

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Yeah, potentially

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I could imagine it being like the TOW-2 variants or the 9M133, where you can load either tandem / HE or tandem / top-attack. The only difference is the lack of a reload needed to fire them, where you can just switch between them on the fly.

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Isnt ir used in particular becouse it can see through fog smoke (excluding Phosphor smoke from smoke Launches ) rain and therefore Clouds?

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Irrespective of this planes/helicopters don’t even need to be in clouds in-game to make it impossible for the IR search and lock to work.


Be nice if it would actually proxy on scout drones instead of flying past and ignoring them

The starstreak? They have no proxy, they are impact only.


which is fine. Then again, Drones are pretty tedious to hit, and they should definitely not tank a direct hit, which i’ve seen them do.


Well, hitting them is just harder due to their size and maneuverability. Their model is also funky with tanking 4 30min proxy HE. Just another thing that was rushes into the game and will not be looked at for a long time.


Which is why it’d be nice to have another missile option.

Yea, thats where LMM comes in. But if they add them, we will have to see.


They can see further through light fog and rain, but not heavy fog with visibility reduced below 300m, and certainly can’t see through clouds where the density of water vapour reduces visibility to 0m

The data there shows that LWIR (e.g. the older Catherine FC) is better at seeing through atmospheric obscurants than MWIR (e.g. the newer Catherine MP) but again, is not significantly effective when visibility is below 300m.

In heavy fog you can generally see more detail and definition of objects within the visual range than you can with the naked eye (e.g you can see there’s a person standing in front of a building in IR rather than just seeing the outline of the building with the naked eye in fog) so it’s better for PID, and you can also see in the dark as well as you can see in daylight. But you cannot really detect objects at a greater range when atmospheric visibility is bad, or through clouds.
It’s why folks still had to invent GPS-guided bombs to attack targets below cloud cover: Thermal imaging pods didn’t give pilots/WSOs x-ray eyes.


Meanwhile in game if there’s a cloud 4km behind a jet from your pov screaming with full afterburner and red hot on IR filter it still refuses to lock because of the cloud behind it lmao. In positive news i gave the stormer a go for the first time since gaijin pissed about with all the SAMs and atgms and i didn’t have any ghosting. I genuinely thought it would be all smoke and mirrors from people in the forum saying it was working but to my surprise it actually was. Not only that the missiles seem to be hitting harder than ever. I was able to smash the wings off a plane or take out a helicopter using a single missile a good 80% of the time. It’s reminded me of its performance before the sam changes when it actually worked.