Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

Thanks for the corrections and for sharing opinions about it.

It seems reverting big one target might has more cons than pros.

Currently, I think it seems Heavy bombers like Lancaster, B-17 and B-24 are not important but rather useless for ticket-decreasing
If we compared them with attacker friends like AD-4, IL-10, and Wyverns.

In the meantime, dedicated attackers like MiG-27, Su-24, Tornado IDS, F-111, and F-105 act inferior at ARB than multirole fighters because of worse flight characteristics.
But overrated bit thanks to bomb payload (which can’t delevered faster than MiG-23ML)

Then, as attacker/bomber main whom usually considered as dead weight.

If we can’t get any improvement from Gaijin.
Because we need to keep our key feature ‘dogfight’
While Gaijin ruins every ‘improvement attempts’

Do I need to consider quit War thunder (and maybe including removing my account) instead…?
Because there is no place in ARB for me unless I change my planes with Air-Dominance fighter?
(No trolling. I just feels pure disappointing about current status of game now.)

I dont get your victim mentality.
If for you FUN means fly straight for the base for 5min, click spacebar few times to drop bombs on not moving target, turn around, land and repeat, then yeah you should either quit the game beacuse I dobut some random lvl 20 guy in his premium jet will care about your designation as “strike aircraft” since at the end of the day they care about grind
You can also use your strike aircraft in the game mod where its actually usefull and its called GRB.

Well all I wanted was
contribute to win a match but while playing Tonka in ARB
Either bombing base or not.

But F-4S can do better on both than F-111 or Tonka does.
While maintaining better a2a capablity.

Nah, repeating bombing->r2b mindlessly itself is extremely boring.

I prefer entering dogfight after dropping bomb than rapid R2B.
Or even considers no bomb when taking off.

Just wants to contribute better than now on ticket decreasing side.

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sometimes it just feels fun to do the full afterburner and look at speed number go up

Well… if this FUBAR status keeps going
I think I really should quit playing this game.

It is meaningless to play this game when I can play plane whichever I want, but can’t make any effort and can’t contribute to victory with it.


Every update kicks in, Disappointment grows larger.

All I can do in ARB nowadays is bomb either the base or the target. Of course, it can decrease some tickets.
Which ends up meaninglessly when the game almost always ends with ‘no enemy planes’

Of course, I also can rush into airspace and attempt to join a dogfight with my AIM-9L. But it isn’t what attackers can do best. Rather fighter’s job. Isn’t it?


some random lv5 guy with napalm on his premium fighter will replace my job. And noone will care.

WHAT??? You sacrifice ALL of your position and most of your anti-air weapons if not all of them. 9/10 will either die before reaching the base or die doing nothing because they poorly positioned. Some will just straight up RTB and bomb again.

It’s preferable to just play your fighter correctly.

I get at minimum 8000 RP for an “average” game which i consider suboptimal (2 kills)
PLEASE just learn the game it’s so much more fun and consistent, also gives more RP.

Sorry to post 2x in a row but i just have to intervene here.

F-4C is not effectively faster than other common aircraft in its BR. It having no flares and constantly facing incredibly stupid missiles negates a speed advantage too.
F-4C is NOT harder to balance than an A-10, which has the absolute worst flight model in its BR and is carried by its OP missiles.
Realistically anyone with a brain should perform much better in F-4C than A-10 because you can make an impact on the game much earlier and secure a win for your team. However, having a brain seems a bit much to ask of the typical WT player.

yes the f4c is balancable, but it is harder due to being the priority target of similiar fast planes with good missiles.

IMO, I think F-4C is some kind of Glass Cannon.

Skilled F-4C is annoying to fight with
But they also suffers due to flareless

I kindly ask you to stop telling fairy tales. The point of the game and the reason the game exists is solely to earn money (edit) for the game developers.

The reason why gaijin made airfield kills impossible is based on 2 reasons:

  1. They proved over years that they are not capable to balance base and airfield HP with the ever increasing payloads. So either the matches ended too fast (which was a result of multiple factors) or took way too long or an af kill was impossible to achieve.
  2. The limitation of 4 bomber slots per team was useless with the introduction of Mach 2 multi-role fighters as fighters or strike aircraft have no slot limitations. That’s the reason why you can meet 10 Wyverns during a grinding event.

Most people simply forget that the F-4Es (March 2020) ended matches way faster than 4 Tu-4s and the change to respawning bases in May 2020 solved a major question within gaijin:

How is it possible to motivate players to research the upcoming Mach 2 jets, reduce SL & RP income (open or hidden) and make the game even more attractive for kids unable or unwilling to learn & improve by offering a low skill SL/RP income source whilst creating a symbiotic game play between PvE and PvP players?

The answer is: Respawning bases

  1. Gaijin created extremely successful the illusion that there is no need to learn the game for rookies as long as they buy and use a premium aircraft optimized to fulfill the role of a low effort grinding tool.

  2. Currently you see PvE players farming SL/RP with base bombing whilst they got farmed by PvP players.

So in total deviation to your claim “it worked” they reduced the former crown jewel to a pure grinding tool.

  1. From a holistic pov the sole purpose of aerial warfare is to destroy enemy high value targets and tactical / strategic infrastructure of the enemy whilst preventing the enemy doing the same.

  2. So as long as it is impossible to destroy decisive targets like the enemy airfield the bombing of respawning bases (with ticket impact of 180-300 tickets per base) is pointless.

Even the aim7d isnt 1 chaff.

The mini bases have near zero strategic value. They are like 100 tickets, if they cause ticket lose at all.
Currently, bombers have no purpose in air rb.

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At least I can still bomb enemy ground targets for ticket :/

Which Wyvern is 100x effective than my Lancaster.
Even a pure fighter like Bf-109 can do better on it. :(

That is completely false. I earn no money from playing this game. In fact, only a very small percentage of people make money playing this game.

This game exists because people were calling for a game where you could dogfight. That is the origins of a game. The modern game, I will give you, is absolutely about Money- but never was it founded upon a sole monetary basis.

Reasons which have already been stated.

They still help remove tickets and do in fact change the outcome of games. I find this especially true in the 5.0-6.0 bracket, or wherever the hell Ju-288s now sit.

Bombers have very little purpose, true. But hurting a MAX of four planes per match is absolutely worth having the other 12 (minimum) be playable. At some point somebody must lose what they want for this game to work. At least this way it is the minority that does so.

How many tickets are lost per base destruction? I want to say 100 but i might be wrong

Maybe he is referring to gaijin makes money from the existence of WT

Sad to be one of sacrificed four.
Just saying.

I believe it is more as the decrease feels notable, but I’m not 100% sure. The only reason I even say it makes a difference, in full honesty, is because whole playing the G.91 Pre Series and Yak-9P recently, I’ve discovered that many matches end early via ticket bleed, which is thanks to both ground targets but also a decent part by base bombing.

He may be- but money is made by a demand for something in a market, NOT out of thin air.

True, but again- not everyone can win, and having on average 3 people lose is worth it if it means 13 other can win (assuming full team size of 16 and not on of the crappy bomber only 6v6s or whatever)

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Yeah… I know about it.
Gaijin is an awful developer who does not have enough skill to make all 32 persons(16 per each team) happy.
Also filled with laziness and greed.

So they decided to choose ‘easy way.’ init?
[Lynch the bomber like piñata for happiness of everyone else.]
Sacrificing 8 maximum for the happiness of 24 persons.

The greatest happiness of the greatest number. - Jeremy Bentham.

They decided not to add a working cockpit for bombers because the efforts of adding a single cockpit for bombers (just for the cockpit) require 5x more than adding a whole single-seat plane with the cockpit.
(I think I saw Q&A about this on the forum long ago. lost the link of it though.)

They decided to remove the airfield destruction win because many fighters didn’t like it.
(sounds fair. Fighter mains will not gonna like it when I destroy their airfield with ‘Nah Id win’ button while they are trying to gain energy by climbing. but no replacement task for making efforts to win is lame.)

Currently, almost all of the Bombers are useless in every game in which they stand in ARB
Only the selection of bombers which can dogfight is playable and actively makes an effort to win. (B7A2 can be an example)

Rest of bombers, especially heavy bombers with 4-engine, are nearly worthless to play

  • They still can destroy some bases, but Wyvern will reach the base faster and take it easier. also, Base gives extremely low tickets compared to the ground target does.
  • They also try to bomb some ground force column instead for decreasing tickets, but it is heavily inaccurate compared to attacking them with IL-10.

You know I know we all know, the current status of the Bombers is ‘an inferior version of attack aircraft which is inaccurate, and easier to shoot down’.

As one who loves to play bomber and favs British 4-engine beauties, current status of the game in the WW2 Era is understandable, but also, extremely frustrating.

As a joke, I want my SL and RP back via removing the whole branch of Bombers. :/
If Gaijin really wanted to treat bombers like this, they should’ve considered ‘not adding any bombers at all as playable plane.’

And, moving closer to the original topic about Attackers vs Napalm Fighters
Since the last plane classified as ‘Bomber’ (Yak-28B) disappeared after passing 9.3BR wall and being replaced with Multiroles like F-4 Phantoms and Low-alt interdictors like Tornado IDS or Su-17/22.

They also share the same problem as their ancestor bombers had.
(Not the conventional Attack Aircraft like Su-25/A-10 one. They act just the same as the ancestor IL-2 did. better for taking ticket downs, but they also have their own problem as being subsonic)

They are suited best for bombing bases while flying low and hugging the ground, but are bad at Air combat.
Still, bombing the base ticks just a tiny little amount of tickets.
Luckily (/s) Unlike ancestors did, at least Interdictors can try air combat.
We know that they can ‘try’ anti-air but they never can do as well as fighters do.

About that, I want something better to contribute to win with A2G.
That is why I mentioned ‘Strategic target’ earlier in this topic.
Maybe not in the way of ‘free win’, but ‘decreasing the better and fairer amount of tickets than the current bases’
or ‘giving team advantage when it gets destroyed’
(For example, Airfield SPAA stops working or takes a bit extra time for repair and refuel because somebody interdicted the enemy line and destroyed supplies? IDK, I didn’t think much about it.)

In conclusion, bombers and ‘attack aircraft which focused on bombing’ share the same problem.

  • aimed for the base bombing, which is not worthful for making efforts to win.

Only good point of playing them nowadays is nothing but ‘RP grinding’ :/

Then, ‘Bombing in fighters gang’ like OP showed up.
They use fighters which has superior flight characteristics for nothing but to reach the base faster than the original attackers do. With some advantage of napalm for base bombing as extra. (needs lighter payload for destroying base)

Theeen… nothing left for good for playing Interdictor like Tornado IDS in ARB now.

  • Tornado or Su-24 can’t dogfight as well as MiG-23ML does, because they are attacker, not fighters.
  • but also, even can’t reach bases faster than MiG-23ML. because they are attacker. :/
  • Still, having overrated BR thanks to heavier payload limits.

You saw someone blame me as ‘you are no better than OP. same useless free-rider.’
(Even though I got frustrated, sadly, his claim is right. playing Tonka in ARB is a bad idea.)

What I really want to is

Playing Tonka, which I like in ARB, but can make some efforts for a win. unlike the current situation, does.

But Gaijin decided to make ARB as fighter-heaven where there is no place for A2G PVE players.
Map is way too small, targets are way too condensed, Win by tickets became extremely rare.

In the current status of ARB, I can do nothing but do some futile resistance to the enemies in dogfight.
Which makes Tonka/Vark extremely worthless to play and being a free-rider no matter what I do.

Frustration over frustration.
I am damn tired of being useless in ARB no matter what I do while plays jet which I want to. :/
I am trying to join dogfight right after dropping some bombs, and try to help allies when they are dogfighting.
I even tried to maintain 1KD in Tornado IDS WTD61 of mine.
But still, I get treated as ‘stop being dead-weight to us. dork.’

I know that you can only give advice as ‘then play fighters instead and have fun’ though.

Why do I bomb bases in premium fighter jets?

Because I can.

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I will see about testing it. It would be good info to have

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I could quite easily take a Tornado IDS or an F-111 and body you. Repeatedly.

It’s not an issue of whether one or the other is “preferable”
It’s an issue of you, personally, are wasting team slots.

The only thing anybody wants, is for people like you to learn how to play your aircraft properly.
It is not a high bar, at all. And yet you don’t even bother.