Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets



Which will be incredibly overpowered. The AIM-7E is still a good missile at 11.0, putting it at 10.0 would be broken, 10.3 acceptable, but with AAQ-8, would be pretty undertiered.

how much would this even help against heat seekers though?

Quite a bit, from the behind. That’s my issue, it would be acceptable to have it with IRCM at 10.3, OR AIM-7E, but with AIM-7E and AN/AAQ-8, it should be at 10.7.

if AAQ-8 is a 10.3 system. and AIM-7E is a 10.3 missile. with F-4C being a 10.0 airframe. it could still be 10.3

this would fit bc you also use rockets for flaring and this probably would make up for the lacking flares. combined with aim7e it would be a menace at 9.7, since most of these planes need to climb.

With AN/AAQ-8 and AIM-7E, it will effectively be a slightly worse F-4EJ. That’s all there is to it. F-4EJ is at 11.0, so 10.7 would be fair for the F-4C. If it was at 10.3, you’d have them going up against MiG-19s, MiG-21s with no flares, meh cannons, meh speeds (compared to Phantom), and missiles that the AN/AAQ-8 would completely negate, all the while you launch AIM-7Es at them which are invisible because of their RWR.


and saying the aim7e is 1 chaff is wrong bc it can require more than that if you actually have played the f4e.

maybe no AIM-7E. but should get AAQ-8 imo. im sure it isnt some all powerful system, but it would help F-4C out. the AIM-7D are still kinda useless though.

AN/AAQ-8 at 10.3 sure, I’d be fine with that. But any form of better radar missile should be at 10.7 imo… unless maybe some obscure one…

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ohhh snap the AIM-4

hell yeah id love to see that

Anyway, as one of the tornado main,
Feelin’ about this topic or ‘removing napalm’ topic is quite mixed.

I understand players who want to bombs in their multirole
I also understand some A2A players dislike me and think the same jerks as OP.

Still, somehow feels disappointed about ‘cannot reach target, being unplayable, and being considered as useless handicap’
Thanks to current outdated mechanism which created all of this FUBAR.

Especally when OP claimed

  • bombing in fighter is better than Bombing in Attacker because attackers are basically inferior fighter overall.

in this topic. :/

After air superiority has been achieved and teams have retreated to rearm, repair or are hiding.

You load bombs onto fighter-bombers to drain tickets to force the final enemy to reveal themselves (map pressure) or win through tickets.

it would not be a problem to bomb bases if gaijin has some serious win condition linked to it or all nations have more or less the same amount of multi role fighters. It mostly ends badly for the team with more multi role fighters

That sounds cool.

If we can have a heavier, important target which exists in behind enemy lines.
Which can decrease ticket drastically
Or reduce effeicency of rearm and refuel at airfield.

Then will mud-diggers like me can rise and shine too?


If we could that would be cool!

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They did. Back in the day, they did.

Destroying three bases and then the AF would instantly end the match. That is no longer an option at most BRs, minus, like, 2.0 and below.

What Gaijin, and really the rest of everyone discovered, was that this would cause games to prematurely end with bombers like the B-29, Tu-4, or He-177. It would be no different now- with bombers like the F-111s, MiG-27/Su-17/Su-22s, or maybe the Phantoms. They can fly fast and far, and will likely end the game prematurely before many people have a chance to get kills.

SO no. Do not bring back strategic bombing points into ARB. I like it the way it is now.

And I genuinely thought I was a terrible player at Ground with how long I spend in Arcade, yet I’m able to get decent games in realistic with friends, and have gotten some good realistic games in solo.

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Sounds like Gaijin F-ed up badly as always
So, match ended too fast
And they eventually decided to sacrifice dedicated attackers and heavy bomber
For fun of A2A mains.

Thanks to the Laziness and lack of skill of Gaijin, as always. :|

Did I got it correctly?

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Yes, they did. They made bombers impossible to reach and made their strategic importance too high.

No, they didn’t. It wasn’t a “sacrifice”. They kept the points, and they still have strategic importance (ticket loss). They just can’t instantly end the game anymore.

Again, not really. Yes Gaijin messed up, yes the match ended too fast. They sacrificed attackers and bombers to make the main point of the game, dogfights, happen. Not just for some “A2A Mains Fun”. Yes the solution was Lazy, but it worked. Well. Not every good solution has to be work intensive. Overall, the change was a massive net-positive. Bringing back this “strategic bomber” importance ruins every other aspect of the game, and in reality, ruins the reason the game exists. So overall, no, they should not add back these targets.

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