Bombing at the start of the match makes you the primary target of people stockgrinding their aircraft and looking for easy SL to play other game modes or get a new plane.
It negatively correlates with staying alive.
Fighting for position and survival at the start until the furball thins out keeps you alive for longer and then you can RTB, rearm with new missiles and with a bomb and dump it on a base
This is wrong. Too many people say I “refuse to learn” but that isn’t my nature or profession. I am a software developer, where constantly learning the latest thing is a must.
Next too many people miss the fact that I seek to equip the most missiles as possible. If all I am doing is to bomb bases, why would I need these??
Returning to base is highly dependent on whether your team won the first exchange or not. Good luck bombing a base or shooting ground targets when you have 3-5 fighters onto you.
Trust me I play the AMX A1A. Whether I can get the “spoils of war” is dependent on this.
Well I mean, the B-25 has a bunch of 12.7s in its nose and has a decent turn rate. You can dogfight really well if you utilize the gunners too, kinda like the Schräge Musik that I have never seen used