Vine was also no weirder than tiktok is today, just compressed to 6 seconds.
kids are always going to be weird compared to us older players, just need to find the middle ground
Wish I could say I could do that but most the guys I play with are very much better or on par at minimum. However as soon as its prop fighter time ill win.
Greedy Gaijin who built the painful grinding system and
dislikes bombers/strike aircraft but worships fighter.
(in the current Base-running system with napalm, Fighters just do best on ‘both’. which makes bomber/attacker completely useless in ARB.)
Rush to Gaijin HQ and force Gaijin to stop the grinding circle once and for all.
(Joking here.)
In the meantime, discuss how to fix this problem without punishing fighters too much.
Better stock modifications or higher RP for A2A kill on fighters as example.
It does a 0.6 x K/SPAWN and 0.4 x Win/loss to determine its rating.
Having a substantially higher percentile win-rate is gonna have a pretty outsized impact (it says your winrate is 90th percentile).
It’s also, imo, suffering greatly from treating Rank I-V (Gunfighters) the same as Rank VI-VIII (various forms of missile combat).
The not playing props is probably causing issues - jet players can easily get far higher KPB than props due to easier aiming and faster travel times (at least, looking at leaderboards for ASB at gunfighter vs missile boat brackets).
I meant to say that they will blare TikTok into my headset. They will watch TikTok on max volume while we’re in a party. If I wanted to watch Family Guy, I would be watching Family Guy, not listening to it while I’m trying to focus on where that engine sound is coming from.
Vine was tolerable at best, weird at worst. As you said, it was compressed to like six seconds, so the worst we got was deez… you know the rest. Music was alright too, just took a downhill turn during the whole, “inspirational” craze where we were all young, and how we’re all beautiful.
Prop planes are so much fun too. Unfortunately the lads value top tier (or at least the premiums for some of them) over props, so it’s the same old tired Grippen and F16 strat. At least I got the Su-27s ready for the new update, so I have something that plays differently. Base bombing in Sim made it so much easier for me to get to the top, and I’m quite thankful for that. It took me about a week to go from 9.0 Sú 7 to the 13.3 Su 27
I think it would be a good option. Especially with the reward differentiation, when the reward for shooting down an enemy fighter is higher than for a bomber.
Even my crews with the Soviets say the same thing. I have level 60 at bomber slot and 37 at fighters, I level up identically, K/D on fighters is 1.5 - 2. In matches I usually use both bombers and fighters when playing AAB.
At least everyone who brings Anti-air is making an effort to win. Top tier also isn’t the whole of air rb! My team is more effective when i have actual sentient humans on it.
I think, ‘base bombing fighter’ problem is a somewhat complicated problem
but many of the things are caused by Gaijin themselves.
Grind sucks awful and nearly nobody can do well A2A in stock plane when they need to fight against Spaded+Aced plane.
(which usually led into forcing spend GE or mindless bombing)
I mean, if you are skilled enough while opponents do awful, you can beat them, but the current stock system just feels unfair.
napalm acts too good for destroying bases compared to normal counterparts, even though they are way lighter
(Which gives a superior advantage to napalm owners than non-owners)
In the meantime, base provides a bit too high reward compared to a2a kills.
‘BECAUSE OF’ attacker and bombers. which usually do badly in dogfights.
Maybe Gaijin is too lazy to make them worthwhile in ARB but decided to just compensate them with fair amount of rewards.
(which became meaningless after napalm-fighters stealing base with their superior fuselage designed for dogfight)
in the current grind system. a most efficient way of grinding either modification or new plane is
Base bombing.
lower skill ceiling, faster, high rewards if you succeed.
That is why OP claimed he bombs quite much of fighters.
and reasons why some of the players with bad behavior teamkill allies who go faster than them to the base.
At the same time, Gaijin is too frightened to the Phantoms of the past named as ‘Airfield bombing win’
Maybe that is why Gaijin made base bombing doesn’t affect winning a match at all.
Highly rewarding in RP, but not helpful for win. nearly at a trolling level.
(Which led into community bullying him)
Current grinding system and base bombing system is nothing but a total mess.
As Attacker/bomber main, I really dislike his decision about bombing in the fighter
But I understand why he decided to, and why the majority of the community(according to the comment section of this discussion) are mad.
Well, guys, and mods(if you guys are reading) I think we need to close this topic.
This topic is created by a player who bombs in the fighter for defending himself and explains why he decided to.
Then he basically got lynched in the forum. because in the current meta of ARB. base bombing in the fighter is usually considered as a selfish free-riding thing to the team, and his opening attribute was bit worse than now.
We need to stop further bullying of him.
The per-action bomb reward is not much higher than A2A kills at low base HP. Only above 8.0 does it get ridiculously greater.
7.23e-4 (raw coefficient) x (ord coeffieicent) x (economic multiplier) x DAMAGE.
1.45e-3 (raw coefficient) x (ord coeffieicent) x (economic multiplier) x DAMAGE.
(What this means the damage is effectively double-counted if the base gets destroyed from what I saw).
An Air RB kill is worth a flat 114 RP, plus 11 per crit and 6 per RP.
With a 10K HP base, these numbers are still higher than an a2a kill, but the a2a kill gives you skill multiplier so it evens out. Also A2A increases surviviability, so time coeffiicent is more likely to go higher.
With a 25.9K HP base tho…
Speaking of skill multiplier -
one of the nasty discoveries in this thread is:
Are you an F2P player? Skill multiplier genuinely gives you twice the reward.
Are you a paying costumer? Well, skill multiplier is no longer worth chasing because the 2x premium bonuses are not affected leading to it barely reaching ~20-25% of your total reward (one person gave a screenshot of 5K skill bonus, while making total income of 25K).
Skill bonus should include premium bonuses in what it multiplies. It’s literally shafting over paying costumers.
IRIAF was after tomcat BR change. but not the one you think of.
Annual decompressing one [11.7->12.3]
It totally ruined the game of [11.3-12.3]
So AFAIK, everyone but IRIAF enjoyer was mad about that after they got shot down by some fancy shot of Fakour 90.
Including some of the F-14A USN enthusiasts maybe? (because Fakour acts way superior to AIM-54 at speed.)
Madness of IRIAF was one of the reasons why Tomcat took another BR change [12.3->12.7]
(Maybe Gaijin thought both are almost the same just like F-4JUK and F-4S atm.)