Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

Im glad i converted the younguns to play mid tier over top tier. its less lobotomising

12.7 is kinda relaxing imo

youve been fully lobotomised by top tier then lmao.

2.3-8.3 is my preferred area.

Idk man. Back when we could have nice things and the IRIAF was 12.7, it was just put on some music, climb, look at the pretty afterburners, check the radar, fire off fakours, dive down, and dogfight with r27r and aim-9

back when nobody else could play 11.7-13.0 you mean

Well… Personally, I kinda liked nerfing USN to 12.7 at that moment.
(because, there is no other perfect counterpart of jet in role of Tomcats in other nations, and things got quite nasty when match was not mixed. Just not in the IRIAF level.)
Maybe F-14A USN is maybe F-4S with 4th gen fuselage and AIM-54.
But I am a bit unsure about keeping F-14A USN to 12.3 if we consider F-4S is underrated and overperforming a bit compared to counterparts in 12.0
Just my opinion.

But I also understand it is unfair treatment when they kept USN one with the same BR of IRIAF for a few months because of a nerf that was brought by IRIAF
Especially when USN one acts nothing but an inferior version of IRIAF.
Just as F-4J(UK) scam compared to same 70$ F-4S.

It is a bit fairer that F-14A USN should’ve sent 12.7 when other underrated 12.3 brought up to 12.7 via decompression.

There is no excuse in that F-14A IRIAF should have had higher BR than F-14A USN, but Gaijin just implemented in the worst way.

PS. I think this discussion became something similar to ‘off-topic discussion section’ :|

LOL It is almost always exclusive.

If you are getting 6-7 kills or more, your teammates are mostly awful too and you need to win to get more rewards. If you bomb bases, it will be very hard to win if you are hypothetically the last few on your team because you cannot focus on the most annoying enemies against him in the first few mins.

This is just an example, but I brought AIM-9L/AIM-7F/AIM-54C instead of bombs in my F-14 and was able to send Mirage F1C, which has Magic II, and J-7E, which is almost impossible to win 1v1, back to the hangar in the first few mins.

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The difference between F14 and F4 (which I talked about) is the ability to carry bombs + full set of missiles/guns. Ofc it’s exclusive for f 14.

It really doesn’t matter what are you flying unless you play gun less jets or actually bad aircraft and something else.

Whoa shit, 7 frags in F-104S was unexpected.

I thought they were nothing but an easy pack of lunch when they fight against fancy premiums from major nations.
As long as they are F-104.

I will wait your 7 frags on Tornado IDS! (Joking.)

It was a bit old and before the flight model was nerfed.

Not sure I can do same things on current meta.

Aaaand J-7D that uses as bomber by OP

I have more air kills in A-7D than you in F-14 IRIAF with Fakours. I hope never be in your team

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How to make bombers even worse then they are :

Let ppl play their way, the only ppl that need to be punished by are the ones that make the game less fun (the team killers etc) if he wants to go base bombing who cares? He’s the one getting less rewards, your not losing the match because of him going for bases instead of the enemy fighters

Well, I am not supporting that idea.
But the quote looks like I am supporting that. :|

What I meant was
Gaijin is a greedy company, so they will ignore every feedback from the community,
and nerfing the base or removing it. if we consider their former cases.
for decreasing overall reward.

Well, true, but just partially.

In a match of 16v16, one or two base-bombers don’t decrease the overall chance of losing a match drastically,
but we also had a case of 6v6 allies vs axis in 5~6BR.
Axis almost always lose when they have 4 Ju-288C in their side while allies are filled with fighters like F4U-4B and Spit LF Mk IX.
Unless some 109K goes mad and slaughtered all of the allies fighter.

One or two bombers can’t be a problem. But if more than half of the team is filled with bombers, it can be a problem. thanks to napalm which is now too good for bombing.

They(A2A TDM Enjoyer) are complaining about base bombing with the fighter
Because the team are too crowded with base bombing fighters with napalm. and some Strike aircrafts as extra.

Put ourselves into their shoes.
They will be annoyed if they lost the match because of being outnumbered.
No matter whom bombed base. Either Strike aircraft like Tornado IDS, or Fighter like MiG-23ML.

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No one saying that you can’t do this or do that. Even if we did , you still gonna do it anyway, so need to need yap about us “forcing” you to play how we want , when we clearly didn’t. Bombers/strike aircraft life as a whole is an entire discussion on their own and changes to Fighter could potentially help Bomber and Strike aircraft more enjoyable

Newsflash kiddo, unless you’re in a squad and a party with your buddies, it’s a 1v16 game, every game. It’s every man for himself, because this game lacks what every other game has had since online multiplayer came out: game chat. Sure, you can yell at each other in text, but you can’t use your mic, and this game doesn’t reward teamwork beyond “Teamwork +1,000SL”

You want a team game. Set up an Xbox party or whatever Sony uses or whatever PC uses, and get a few friends, and you can fly your weird formations and stuff.

So basically you’re not helping your team with the game (You do get a win bonus ya know) by killing aircraft or defending actual strike aircraft that can destroy multiple bases and ground targets, but rather leaving them to get swarmed by enemy fighters. Great strategy.

I would say that more often it is 1 vs 31.

How many times in AAB have I had ground targets fired from under my nose, had frags stolen, and even “accidentally” rammed by teammates? I can’t count.

How many times has someone protected my bomber from enemy fighters getting close? Сan count them on one hand.