Exactly, there is zero reason why so many of these modifications to exist. It should be standard to have countermeasures, but it’s not. It should be standard to have the best engine, compressor, wing cover, and such. Grinding attachments for vehicles should be attachments that are not exactly needed for the survivability of an aircraft: better missiles, ammunition belts, various ordnances, and such on.
Forcing people to constantly grind the same old attachments for every single plane is absolutely ridiculous. At least with Premiums, you can just skip around and then grind what you’d like. But somehow it’s the people base bombing that are the problem with the game, not the ridiculous attachments, the excessive exp requirements, or the ridiculous time to grind.
Too much repetitive, completely uninteresting grind of the same thing over and over again. Which can only be drastically shortened by paying real money.
I want all mods for my poor Yer-2 (ACh-30B) (e). It costs 160 x 4 + 185 x 4 + 270 x 3 + 270 x 4 = 3270 GE. For a single linear vehicle, without premium status, without a talisman! I don’t even want to imagine how much i’m need to pay to unlock and upgrade all the Soviet props, for example.
Too much grind, too much greed from devs. This is the reason why players try to make their lives easier in any way possible.
That’s why I don’t mind seeing people base bomb. Sure, sometimes it’s annoying when you see that someone took the base you marked, but I also understand that I am not the only one that exists. Plus, now I only play enough until I get enough for bombs, and then play CAS in GRB. Yes, CAS is no skill, but I get a lot more RP for dropping two 1,000 pounders on some Maus than I do for doing an arbitrary fight.
Likewise, if I can’t get to ground targets in the Su-6 in time and they’re destroyed right under my nose by my teammates in faster planes, I blame the incompetent map design, not the players.
It’s funny that even in World of Tanks, famous for its greed, I can remove a module that has already been researched and move it to another vehicle if it uses the same gun, engine, etc. I don’t need to research a “brand new” Shkas or FAB 100500 times. But WT was able to outpace its competitor here.
To be fair, World of Tanks went downhill after being shamelessly pay to win. War Thunder, in all its glory, can still technically be free to play if you’re willing to suffer a longer grind. Meanwhile you have WoT, of which you are basically forced to spend money to survive.
above tier 6 its impossible to not be in the negative for silver with freemium in WOT. I quit the game for wt because of that. The old WT economy was far more favourable than WOT by a huge amount.
I’m just glad I never got into WoT in the first place. I never liked tank games in the first place, since I was a Battlefield player. I viewed tanks as no skill. Anyways, got into War Thunder because my brother told me about the 15cm funny cannon his friend uses that beats up late WWII tanks, and the rest is history. Well, sorta. I hated tanks, so I played air. Unfortunately all my friends play tanks, so I now play tanks.
It’s been nine years? My goodness, how the years have gone by. I hate being in my twenties and feeling older than… something old. It’s almost weird to think my brother asked me questions about my childhood since I technically lived throughout 9/11, 2008 recession, and all that jazz.
Im only 22 and ive lived through enough once in a lifetime international incidents for a lifetime I feel you. Looking back at childhood games (especially my favourite game of all time, Gran Turismo 4 on ps2) and seeing a double digit number beginning with a two for the years since release is an eye opener
I played WoT at its start, opened the USSR branch up to the top IS-7, USA and Germany up to the pre-tops. But then there was much more P2W, the need to constantly donate or suffer, and I quit without regret. In this case, I used WoT as an example that even there there are elements that require less stupid, unjustified grinding than in WT.
People born in 2009 can legally play Warthunder if they were winter children. This hurts.
Coincidentally, I flew with a 2009er in sim a few weeks ago, hence learning this fact.
My first game was God of War on the PS2, and I even have Diana’s funeral on VHS. It’s kinda weird to think everyone has gone through this, and I really feet for the children and having arguably the worst childhoods and being nostalgic over it. Like imagine celebrating Susan owning YouTube and causing the mess that became of it.
I’m aware, I play with some squeakers, and to think I’m hearing their balls drop while playing makes me feel extremely old. Like boyo, I remember you screaming because a Maus jump scared ye, the hell are ye doing talking about going to university and having a curse at “Russian bias” like you’re a sailor.
I’ve trained my squeakers well. They’ll say weird stuff, but goodness knows we did weirder stuff (remember, we had emos, Bieber, Harry Potter, and Twilight). People around my age are blaring TikTok in the headset, but I just tell them to hush it (in a very Irish way).
It’s both fortunate and unfortunate that I am considered one of the best fighters (we’re talking aviation, not tanks) of my group, so if they start talking mad, I just issue a challenge and they hush up quick. Turns out they still fear the Grippy Socks.
Fighter bombers are a symptom of the game’s harsh grinding system. The fact you have to constantly grind the same useless attachments that should be standard on every plane, while also having harsher grinding requirements (400k RP for a 13.0 jet, while having to drop 1m SL, 300k SL to crew, and an additional 1m SL so you don’t blackout to a slight left turn), it makes more sense to the casual player to bomb until spades, or at least until they get to a plane they want.
Whenever I take the train during off-peak hours, there’s usually teens watching random stuff or gaming on their phones with speakers on. As someone with audio processing issues, this makes my commuting rather unpleasant. I don’t know what happened to “If you’re on the train, try to pretend you don’t exist as nobody wants to deal with you during their commute to work/university/high school”
I miss the trains with cabins where people just slept quietly. Now we’re all in one big room as if on an airplane.
The one with cabins at least muffled other passengers.
G-forces being grindable has to be the most blatantly P2W aspect to air combat to me.
I fly my american props and can do whatever I please (maxed crew).
I fly my german props and can kinda do whatever I please (got expert, but not max).
I flew my “Interceptor line” J2M2 (mostly noob crew, so that I have a lineup of Kis, AMx and a third for J2M2). I blacked out doing a basic…
“Dive down + pitchback to get guns on target”
Statshark differentiates between Player vs AI kill.
Thunderskill doesn’t.
This skews things a lot imo.
According to statshark my KDR in ASB is 0.68.
In Thunderskill , my KDR in ASB is 1.00
Statshark only counts playerkills.
Another issue with thunderskill is not differentiating air and ground stats.
My biggest wish for Statshark is to filter rating per rank, or per range of ranks.
Comparing Rank I-V (gunfighters) to Rank VI-VIII (missile fighters) seems like a very bad idea to me for statistical comprison between players. The skills a prop pilot develops has very little relevance to the skills a BVR player needs and vice versa.