Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

Hard no.
Unrealistic arcadey restrictions destroy games from my experience.
I get you disagree with their behavior, but that is no reason to make the game worse.

Bombing isn’t the fastest method of grind either, it’s even slower than fragging howitzers.

In any plane while you spading it, fastest way to spade it
In any Rank 6 to 7 premium plane fastest way to grind.

I’d say something like

“If you are in an air superiority aircraft, you’re not permitted to take ground-strike ordnance for the first fly-out” would be fairly realistic. Now, I’m only really familiar with WW2 pacific theatre fighter bombers (Corsair my beloved), but there the doctrine was to only repurpose corsairs as ground-strike craft only after air superiority had been achieved. In our case, it’d be “After 3 minutes” or so pass in the match, enabling strike planes and bombers to drop their first load without being out-competed by aircraft with superior speed and napalm.


Great. Then I can no longer need to have a painful journey with Tornado IDS, which is treated unfairly since the first time ever Gaijin implemented.
(Added as First 4th Gen in GB TT, Brit got Attacker aircraft for fight against F-16 or MiG-29 :/ )

nah, Insulting the tornado itself can be Laughable.
What makes me furious is ‘double standard’.

If he queued with MiG-23ML but only with a pair of ZB500 only
Both Tonka and his ML can be predicted as ‘plane which will make minimal efforts to win.’
But he thinks his ML is completely fine to play, while dislike my Tonka…
it is extremely annoying.

Glad that many of the annoying people are not even worth enough to waste my SL.

Just for example.
If I face you as a teammate, and you bring only ZB-500 napalm on your MiG-21 Lazur,
as I claimed before, I dislike your decision. but itself isn’t enough for TK or throw an insult openly in the game.

But if you’re trying to make my plane crash, I will try my best to shoot you down.

how will you gettign banned fix Tornado??? Like I undertand you I like Tornado and only reason why I didnt buy that premium because its worthless in its BR…

Let me tell you about Mig23-ML premium one, when I was grinding Russia it didnt have napalms so I went throughout litteral hell. Now when I see them with napalms I want to unisntall game…So I understand you… but that wont cahnge anything.

I agree my man but unfortunately this will get you banned.

Where the best way to spade is is bring 6x 9Ls, and 1 gun of 2000 rounds for ground targets.

Again, you may dislike peoples’ choices, but that’s still there choices.

Im watching from average player stand point… still bombing is better again I get you F111C is phenomenal and its easy to get air kills, but still…bombing is the way until Gajin dont change it.

You can look at his stats with the UK Mig 21 Bison.
He earned 1.86 Mio RP in 627 RB battles with 60% win rate.
IIRC, these RP numbers contain no bonuses for win.

It doesn’t differentiate RP from time played though from RP for a single base kill.


unspaded noob crew completely stock by someone whose highest BR battle was 11.7 in a full-uptier (I’ll try to test base bombing in this one as I never played this plane so ruining KPB and such with it is a non-issue, and stock/noob crew make it more realistic for grind comparisons)
1.22 x 0.85 x (5x60+13) x 1.34 x 2.56 = 1113 (lost battle)

1.22 x 0.78 x (3x60+35) x 2.0 x 2.56 = 1048 (won battle)

1.22 x 0.44 x (5x60+26) x 2.0 x 2.56 = 895 (won battle)

These are from someone who has zero clues on how to BVR.

We know the formula works perfectly within rounding errors from hidden decimals. It seems to depart more significantly at very low time survived, reasoning for this I dunno - probably non-linearity.

Can base bombing, on a raw bombing action level, outpace the income gained from potentially staying alive for twice as long?

When analyzing for arcade ground battles, it’s been found that 1 base capture (94 RP) is equivalent to surviving:
94 RP for cap= 1.34 x 1.0 x 1 x 0.56 x ? (using ? rather than x due to forum formatting)
? = 125 seconds. (lost battle)
94 RP for cap= 2 x 1.0 x 1 x 0.56 x ?
? = 83 seconds

Replace one of the 1s with activity% and the other with your specific vehicle.

Can it???

Once I unlock M82s I can test, assuming bomb chart is accurate to “it’s enough to kill a base.”

So far tho I lean on “Rushing a base is suicidal” because you can fly around in valleys and behind hills and sneak up on the enemy and maybe survive and get an A.I (44%) or a player kill (70-80%) activity.

Dude, not everyone cares about KD ratios. If you want to sweat in Realistic to appease your ego, go ahead. Some of us just want to get to top tier and have fun in customs.

Or we just let people bomb? Not everyone wants to sweat to appease someone’s ego on how everyone should play the game. I mean, F-16s aren’t designed to go into the bloody stratosphere and drop AGMs from 20+km away. Leopards and Challengers are not designed to brawl through the streets of Alaska. Japanese Ho-Ris are not meant to crawl through Tunisia. Yet here we are, where things that should not and have not happened in real life that follow your rules happen.
I could care less about how you view my stat card. I just want to get to top tier and play in Customs with my friends. Not everyone wants to be good at the game. Not everyone wants to play how you want them to play. You can cry about it, but I guarantee you, you probably play the game worse than many others.

I bomb in the J-7D because the gun is more reliable than PL-5B. PL-5B are excellent IR missiles, but mostly against afk players or downtiering (never happens).

They are probably the best non-IRCCM/all aspect missiles in game, but still non-IRCCM and very easy to flare, unlike magic 2 from mirage f1c where 2-3km to the back engine is pretty much a guaranteed kill.

here is Mirage F1C-200 Premium with premiunm time.
Only used 2 magic2’s, and double guns… 15 min of play… waste of my time if Im gonna grind to be honest and rare game.

Also only 5k bonus hahahahha is most disgusting thing I ever saw…grind in this game is litteral joke

I recommend going into Sim. I usually make an average of 81k RP just from straight base bombing and occasional objective capturing. Only bad thing is you’re capped for points every 15 minutes.
Oh, and to answer anyone who cries about me only base bombing, getting eliminations doesn’t increase your score. You are literally better off just bombing one base and getting consistent 14k RP over getting 4 eliminations back to back and being capped at 14k.

This looks weird. Skill bonus should apply to all RP sources…

And it does! But it’s kind of insidious.

Looks like the skill bonus may only multiply the base reward, rather than modified by premium vehicle 2x and premium account.

Added a “Skill Bonus” to Research Points, which is awarded at the end of a mission depending on the player’s opponents destroyed. In air and ground battles, the target indicator is the number of destroyed vehicles controlled by players or system named bots; in naval battles, the target indicator is the total damage to naval targets**. The bonus is calculated from the base RP (excluding boosters, premium account, talismans**) and differs depending on the game mode in the size of the bonus and the requirement for the target indicator. More details surrounding this mechanic will be released in a Roadmap news soon.

Looks like this is the cause for disparity in our research and data.

Without boosters, talismans/premium vehicles and premium account, skill bonus becomes a massive portion of your rewards.

Like in this example, skill bonus is easily (almost) half my reward income despite only being 1.75.

I suppose if you are using premium vehicles and a premium account, the skill bonus is not nearly as vital for getting good income per battle as with it.

If you haven’t noted: Most public boni only apply to the basic reward, not the “paid for” extra reward. That includes boosters, skill bonus, end of tree bonus.

A bombing EFT is the saddest thing I’ve seen on this forum. Are you kidding me? All of these jets are the best fighters at their BR.

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Of course a Hungarian company short-sells even its paying customers. Not sure what I even expected from my lovely countrymen.