I was thinking about opponents which they will face too.
Well skilled Wyvern was nearly untouchable and passing by some ground target easily
while premium phantoms seem usually worry about other planes which can accelerate as fast as them, and need to concerned about missiles too.
I am unsure because I didn’t buy wyvern because it felt like disrespecting my Firefly or Firebrand, which was all tied in the same 4.0BR. (Now both of Firefly and firebrand got buffed while wyvern got nerfed)
But Ehhh…
IMO, winning by ticket by killing grounds might be easier in Wyvern than Phantoms.
the whole point i was trying to make was about the base bombing that wyvern could and at the time bomber player would complain that wyverns would steal the bases and wyverns would tell them to save the bombs for the AF
Yes, its the same airframe but the kit means you play it different (ie, phantom gameplay with sarh rather then bis gameplay with dropping down on the enemies from above)
Obviously you can try and do bis gameplay but the higher BR and less IR (1/3 the amount) means rather then spamming the r60m on random players hoping it hits, more deliberate shots from rear aspect R73 after the merge is a more reliable tactic.
And the headon missile means attempting to merge is a better tactics the high and hidden (bis gameplay)
Hi Alvis, well thats you I know theres people that grind faster then me or longer, I enjoy grinding in fighter jets bombing bases because to me thats most consistent way of geting RP.
I know most of you will call it skilless and thats fine, but its not against the rules and I will keep doing it.
Well it depends who is behind post of Toxicity…
Until Gaijin dont fix this I will use jets to bomb, when they figure it out ofc I wont use jets to bomb… simple as that.
Maybe to you to me not so much, again you enjoj the game in your way and Im fine with that.
again not against the rules should not be fixed or anything… let people play how they want, if you have problem with it then create post “Gajin fix the game rules or update them”
then take @RunaDacino to give you all data why these things should be changed and then I really hope you gonna succeed.
Until then see you in my Jet base bombing and laughing
Well, I disagree with the idea about MiG-21bis or MiG-23ML who sacrifice missiles for stealing base of my Tornado IDS
I usually try not to insult them but sometimes I fail miserably
I also try not to TK them because it is a waste of SL and missiles, but maybe I will if he throws some profanity first.
Because there are not much of games which implement many planes with variable swept wings, not F-14 only?
Well, I dislike them but no need to TK them bc they will fly fast and take their missile for me.
it is waste of SL and missiles.
But some troll throws profanity like
“Why do you bring Tornado, it is dead weight! we will lose because of you!”
while strapping nothing but two napalm on their planes
or attempting to make me crash into the ground with an air-collision.
Trigger discipline becomes harder to control.
If they mess with me first, Then maybe I won’t mind losing a handful of SL for revenge.
This is not correct. The killing of all 3 non-respawning bases was always a mission objective and got rewarded with an extra ticket bleed. We have still (at least 5) so called front line maps and Poland in rotation, which allows airfield kills in the 3.7 - 5.7 BR range.
The problem is that most bomber players are not experienced enough to play successfully on these maps. Either they chose wrong loadouts (10 x C 250 Flamm kills an airfield up to BR 4.7), drop too much on bases as the base HP are lower than for respawning bases or they fly straight into stuff like T-18Bs, SB2Cs, B7A2s or Brigands and get killed before they can drop.
Every few hundred matches you see airfield kills on small maps…