Where did I troll?
that is indeed NOT in violation of community guidelines
So you addmit to be off topic? hahahahhaha common just let it go.
are you ok?
Vibes and feelings are not sufficient to make a claim.
The game provides you with end-screen, itemized rewards. It’s obfuscated and made needlessly obtuse with some sources of rewards being added together and others being split up.
Especially kills.
The severe damage mechanic really throws people off from my observations and they underestimate the score and SL gain for kills - the “Destroyed” tab is what they look at which contains 20% of the reward (or 40% if they finished off someone else’s plane). The “Severe damage tab” contains 80% of the reward.
I see this confusion over, and over, and over again whenever responding to an SPAA reward thread.
AA reward needed to increase - #4 by RunaDacino
Should planes be removed out of ground rb - #31 by RunaDacino
Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions - #4096 by RunaDacino
However, the data is still there and usable if you put in the smallest inkling, the smallest ounce of effort into being objective and use data to back-up your arguments.
I’m tempted to take out some random bomber I have and see what score and RP bombing a base gives over 3-5 games to try minimize impact of possible up/downtiers and when I get home and do your work instead.
This can be considered a personal attack.
I do have ASD and hearing damage (well not damage, more “brain struggles at differentiating sounds in environments without sufficiently repetitive and monotone sounds so I require assistance to hear what people are talking about in a lecture hall.”), so… good job psychoanalyzing me?
I quoted that other guy but you as always are here to argue and nothing else. focus on part thats for you my man.
Also I dont care about your health and I find it rude to talk about that on internet, to me thats something you disclouse to people close to you.
But with some hyperbole,
Wyvern has advantage of air-spawing which gives bit more energy, and superior Turbofan engine for outspeed opponents.
Wyvern might be better for win by ground target kill. maybe…?
Well yeah ofc, bison is the UPG mig21. Take a bis,upgrade:
IR missiles
SARH missiles
Countermeasures system
Pilot system (HMD)
So yeah, its flight performance is the same, but its definitely more different then the BIS is to the SMT
I agree but to me its still same plane since it flys the same… everthing else is just extra.
So what you are saying is that it is based on the same platform. But a different plane
You tried to use “You have special needs” as a gotcha.
I used having “special needs” (hearing accomodations) as a gotcha for your gotcha (ergo: “your ad hominem is toothless as it’s not something to be ashamed of and hide.”)
@Saitama_420 's not using vibes or feelings for grind speed.
My first ever tech tree grind that was recorded: 3 months for air and ground, 1.5 months average. Average play time: 2 hours daily, not exclusively that tech tree.
I didn’t even know best methods of grinding back then.
1 month is easily done today with modest play.
Funny statement.
I chose to bomb in Mig-29 9.13 for the reason of watching people teamkill bombers and generally be rude. Of course that makes more sense today when you can put napalm on the outside of R-27s.
Toxicity has no place just because we may or may not disagree with someone’s decisions.
I will always oppose the decisions Mig-21Bis players make with napalm, I still won’t insult them or otherwise violate game rules. It’s their plane their choice.
Oh, and the insults in this topic are not fun to read, regardless of my agreement with people or not.
I’ve given them a breakdown of RP:
- Gained through a kill
- Gained through “Seconds alive”
- Gained through “Skill bonus” from gaining kills.
They have not provided any data about how much RP bombing a single base gives, with normalization applied to remove premium bonuses and with consideration for up/downtiers and for the whole shenanigans about “Score multiplier” you get for taking excess loadout.
To compare if bombing or making kills is better rewarded, the above data is required.
Unfortunately, it’s not in the document I usually consult and the only document I do have about bombing is for sim only (ergo: only shows score/base).
Flys the same =/= the same
Just because its the same airframe the playstyle changes alot.
For example, alphajet at 8.7 works well with great energy retention and you ideally dont want to dump all your energy. But at 10.7 with the TH, the airframe is identical. However since youre now the highest G pull for the lowest speed along with your energy retention, you WANT a turn fight and close quarters 1 v 1. Br placement can change how you play an aircraft when you have a different missile set
no I did not, go and read my messages again, I did same thing that other guy did when he said in a topic thats say “Why I bomb bases in premium fighter Jets” when I said I do it because it brings more RP, and this guy had audacity to say im agressive and negative… so I had audacity to do same.
And then again you are doing everything you can not to focus on part fo ryou but to get me here on forum, again I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR health problems.
says a lot about you…indeed you are special
its really tough to tell energy wise f4 has way more just by nature wyvern is more maneuverable they are just verry different airframes
The only objective best rewards per action done with time available [players are a measure of time, 16 units of time if there are 16 enemies]: Tanks.
Standard pillboxes next last I measured them.
Light pillboxes.
At some stage players are stuck in there after tanks.
As long as the bis player sticks around to soak up enemy attention then fair game. But if theh plow into the ground (intentionally ofc) after bombing the base then i think that should be classed as automation of gameplay.
whilst not banable gaijin should work in some sort of fix, where in order for a fighter to get the rewards of the base bomb, they should complete some sort of other task (ie, even as simple as being killed by the enemy) just to show its not automatic gameplay