Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

huh tf you on??? In Mig-21 Lazarus I do min 10k per match in duration of 5 min… and to me thats all I need… Sometimes more if match is good but on averageI do around 10k per match.

Again even if I die in 3 min I just load another game… Oh wait you also care about stats on planes and KDs??? hahahhahahah good for you

It is sad, but it is a problem that only Gaijin can fix. Schooling people about it won’t do any good to anyone.

I just hope the way they fix it doesn’t harm anyone but improves the situation for everyone. That is if they decide to fix it in the first place.

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No Gaijin can only solve this… I will play game however I see it fun for me and if you dont want to play with me play in squad.

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few solutions:

Having higher multiplier for fighter jets killing air targets and like no multiplyr for base.

There are so much more solutions that would just bring more people to play, but Im not paid for that so let Gaijin figure out that.

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Gaijin’s reward system significantly favours kills though.

4 kills = 100% RP bonus.
3 kills = 75% RP bonus.
2 kills = 50%

After this, gaijin’s reward system favours ** survival**

Every single second you’re alive, you’re getting 1.22 RP. If you’re in a mig-21 lazur-M, that’s 5.8 RP per second. If you lose, that’s 7.78. If you win, that’s 11.61.

Now add kill bonus

With 2 kills, every second in a winning game is worth 17.42
With 3 kills, every second in a winning game is worth 20.03
With 4 kills, every second in a winning game is worth 23.22

If you lose, same outcomes:
1.25: 11.67
1.75: 13.61
2.00: 15.56

Gaijin rewards:

  1. Getting kills (up to doubling ALL RP gained)
  2. Surviving (you get ticking RP every second alive)

What’s the third thing? What’s the catch?


Activity% is f(score, time alive)= activity where it appears to be some form of non-linear function that reaches something akin to a maximum at ~2000 score and 12 minutes for ~95-95% and 15 minutes at 1050 for 93%.

Exceeding 15 minute match makes our activity% decay faster than we can obtain score.

So for very long games, we may need to multiply the per second rewards by 0.8. Still pretty massive.

For good games (12 minute end at 97%) we almost get the full time reward.

So to reiterate:

Gaijin rewards:
1. Getting kills (Up to doubling all RP gained)
2. Surviving (you get ticking RP every second alive)
3. Ability to end the match on your terms (Activity% decays from 97% @ 12-15minutes to like 80% at 22 minutes even with 2000+ score).

Actually, there is a concurrent thread about this, possible fixes. Why not debate it there?

You are ignoring bases, who give the biggest direct reward for damage and destruction.

In a top tier game where everyone dies within 2 minutes due to fox3 missile slinging these numbers will be poor and inconsistent.

Because I wont get paid for it… sorry you can do charity I wont.

Even at 10.7-11.7, you can get 15-20 minute games if you don’t head-on suicide into the enemy (say, by putting bombs on a fighter and flying predictably.)

My best game ever was in an F8E, without premium, without any boosts and just 3 kills at… 13K RP gained in a single match.

From being alive alone I got 11K RP. The 3 kills gave me 2K RP.

Let him do his thing man, he loves to embarrass himself with these bad takes.
He cant stand me beig right how jet bombing is not against the rules, so he does all this extra stuff just to have one on me, but fails since I will do everything he hates

I feel like yall should just switch to dms if you guys are going to flood the thread like this.

Lazur is a beast

I’ve been wasting this plane by playing it in GRB, now it’s my favourite plane in ARB, slowly bouncing back to positive K/D

Good you in 15-20 min game can do 13k RP
while I in same can do 30-40k… so yeah you do you and I will do me.

Now imagine if you got 100% skill bonus for getting 4 kills.

And again - that 13K was without a premium plane and without a premium account. Scale it up accordingly.

Sadly, There is another multiplier about carrying payload for base bombing
which decided by ‘total damage which can be caused’

If you carry more and more bombs, which can destroy more than once
‘Reward multiplier for base’ goes down slowly.

Just like activating multiple boosters in a single match.

For example in IL-28Sh.
Two ZB-500 is needed for fragging a single base. with a multiplier of 7.6
If you bring 4 for 2 bases. multiplier goes does down to 5.0

Of course 5.0x2=10.0 gives more reward than 7.6x1
but not much bigger than expected.

(it also affects negatively to some strategical bombers like B-29/Tu-4 which can’t create custom loadout for single base but always need to bring bigger one.)

Also, Fragging single base in match is not gonna happen to me in ARB when MiG-23ML always goes faster than Tornado IDS. :/

I have to agree one of the best preimums I played I did whole GB air tree in less then a month…


How can you grind a GB tree with a DE plane.

Let me give you little secret, 15-20 min games are props exclusive…
Another secret if I care about RP that means Im grinding and again I can do consistantly 10k RP per 5 minutes and I find that good enough.

If Im playing to play im in Squad games not in random lobbies. So yeah keep trying.

This makes obtaining the per base data frustratingly annoying, yeah.

In sim it’s easier because every action only gives score, so tracking score is very easy.
Tracking RP per action takes significantly more effort because gaijin obfuscates things.

My break-down of the RP gained in the F8E only worked thanks to others’ labour:

Using just the end of match reward screen, half the RP I gained would be hidden in various collector items.

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Oh my bad booth Germany and GB have same plane as premium…