Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

This is where you’re wrong. This is a GRIND BASED GAME!


I aksed whats here against rules, you dodged that because you know theres nothing against the rules.
Now you come with this take like this is team based game, well sorry its not, Im playing with and againt random people if Im not playing Squad games.

Again I get 4 kills and less RP then one base and 1 kill or assist…

And also just because of you Im putting bombs on top tire jets and just bombing then ejecting…

Keep thinking you can tell people how to play and see where that gets you.

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A sure way of discrediting yourself as a serious partner of discussion and leaking your age.


Well thats the best you can do is try to insult me on Forum, while your games will be exactly as I told you I will do… so again see how far that got you… and if you dont like playing with randoms play games with squad otherwise wellcome to bombing in jets and you cant do nothing about it.

This is one of the reasons why every guide brochure from companies is filled with alerts and disclaimers.
There is always somebody who needs to be described as a rule for understanding something.

Yes. none of these are breaking the current rule of War Thunder.
But “I will have fun with 3 friends of mine in I-15 against F-15E, while harming 12 teammates in team” is annoying. even though itself don’t break the rule.

There is some kind of common sense that exists. isn’t it?

I meant, Extra multiplier one.

Frag numbers in Air/Ground or amount of damage on Sea.

Actually, I just say that playing that way to anger an internet person will discredit you, because it is an infantile decision. Which doesn’t help in discussions.

The other frags themselves don’t give nearly as much RP.


That’s the spirit champ. Don’t get your way so you hope others get teamkilled. Very mature of you

this is where you should stop…everything else after this is just you being mad people dont play game as you want them to play. Sorry I get disapointed playing this game every day and its always Gaijin faulth not players…

Again I dont care you need to realise you will not change this, no amount of posts or comments will and with these bad takes you will just make more players like me to do it on purpose.

You see, we don’t let normal gameplay behaviors of others that don’t break the rules of the game affect our mood. I know it must be an alien concept to you but your life might be much better if you manage to figure it out.

Kudos to you for thinking throwing 16 randoms into a match makes a team game


Once again, a pitiful personal attack as opposed to a civil answer, consider it a victory since i refuse to engage with you or the other child, neither of you are interested in the betterment of the game, and both endorse problematic gameplay behaviours

Im just player, I cant change way this game is only Gaijin can. You on other hand can feel however you want, but reality is I WILL BOMB IN JET and you cant do anything about it.

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How do you get less RP for 4 kills.

Do you die in… 3 minutes?

That’s an achievement.

Guy in OP is flaunting getting 5K RP per match in a PREMIUM JET using a PREMIUM ACCOUNT.

Guess what.

12 minute game in Yak-9 gives 6000 RP.

124% RP modifier.

OP’s plane (Mig-21 lazur-M) has a 2x 238% or 476%.

So, if I had the same match as OP in the MIG 21 for my 6 kill yak-9 game that lasted 12 minutes, I’d be making 23 032 RP. Without a premium account.

My 3 kill F86 game with 184% RP gain and 13 minutes gave me 8K RP.
Let’s scale it to mig-21 - 20K RP Still without a premium account.

That is why they give a multiplier on it.
in name of ‘Skill bonus’

which was introduced on Kings of Battle update.

  • Added a “Skill Bonus” to Research Points, which is awarded at the end of a mission depending on the player’s opponents destroyed. In air and ground battles, the target indicator is the number of destroyed vehicles controlled by players or system named bots; in naval battles, the target indicator is the total damage to naval targets. The bonus is calculated from the base RP (excluding boosters, premium account, talismans) and differs depending on the game mode in the size of the bonus and the requirement for the target indicator. More details surrounding this mechanic will be released in a Roadmap news soon.
  • Air Arcade Battles:
    * 3-5 opponents: +15%;
    * 6-9 opponents: +40%;
    * 10+ opponents: +100%.
    >* Air Realistic Battles:
    * 2 opponents: +35%;
    * 3 opponents: +75%;
    * 4+ opponents: +100%.
  • Ground Arcade and Realistic Battles:
    * 3-5 opponents: +15%;
    * 6-8 opponents: +50%;
    * 9+ opponents: +100%.
  • Ground Simulation Battles:
    * 3-4 opponents: +20%;
    * 5-7 opponents: +50%;
    * 8+ opponents: +100%.
  • Naval Arcade and Realistic Battles:
    * 6500-9999 damage: +20%;
    * 10000-14999 damage: +45%;
    * 15000+ damage: +100%.
  • In Naval Battles, the statistics table has been updated so that the number of damage points awarded for shooting at coastal vessels has been increased. The total damage points awarded for destroying a coastal vessel have been increased from 1,200 to 2,200, making it equal to the number of damage points for destroying a bluewater ship. This statistic is used for Battle Tasks, as well as for unlocking ship camouflage, decorations, decals, and flags. As a result, progress towards earning these rewards will be faster when destroying coastal vessels.

If you frags four enemies in single match in ARB
+100% multipliers goes on, it provides way much reward than ‘bomb base and die in 5min’ in RP.

Another indicator - the external blame approach: It is always someone elses fault.
This method will never improve things, because they are always outside your control.
You can only improve things if you see your part of a problem too.

If it were both equally easy, it would be unfair… ;-) But if you bomb 4 bases…

It seems to me that people here are now just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Proper meta for the game would be fighters fight, bombers bomb.
Due to Gaijin’s reward system that is not the case.

That is all there is to it. There is no point disrespecting people who don’t follow the meta.


You are literarily dictating how others get to play and I’m the child? That is rich.

I agree with you, until Gaijin makes changes to the roles and loadouts of planes this discussion will always be present in the forums.


but It becomes extremely disappointing when

Fighter bombs, bombers fight
while Fighter whom bombs claims
“you knew that your bomber which you decided to play is shit, it is not my fault but your fault that you nets no reward”


Ta dah.