Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

But you probalby have that in mind, that there will be games where you do nothing.
I have no problem with ppl playing what they want, its only this crying that they cant do nothing even though they should know it can happen.

just obsessed with stats and KD that means nothing, absolutly nothing. And then projecting thaty on other players, when they can avoid this by playing with squad, but nooo they rather try to tell random people how to play game…LOL…

And then I looove trolling them ust bombing in jets and leaving after one death and then laughing for the rest of the day while they cry here in forum.

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Play the game the way you feel like and don’t let the whining of other players get you down

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Yes. That is why my position is “No, gaijin shouldnt remove bombs from fighters. However, I think those that base rush are low skill players who hurt the teams they are on.”

Yeah, it depends on how quick the match is. They should try to make sure that planes can do their job in the match rather than relying on luck. But I wont go in a match in a a10 and expect every match to be like 3+ kills and 20+ ground kills.

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3 players in props out of a team of 16 is still relatively detrimental to overall success, even if it’s funny for them, spoiling the match for the rest of the team just doesn’t justify the ‘let them do it because its a video game’ excuse, which is pretty lame

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Whatever you say champ, if other people playing the game the way they want within the rules of the game spoils your fun then that sounds like a you problem

well too bad for you since thats nothing agaisty the rules. So listen just because of your post here I will do exactly what you hate whenever I play props. There… Keep saying to people they should play how you want them, see how far that get you.

research modifications with bombing? if even after he was done with that he continued to bomb bases then I have no more excuses lol


I just can’t get it. why is it a ‘good’ thing?

Currently, bombing the base decreases a very small number of tickets, which is worthless when compared with other ground target or bombs which needs to destroy the base.

Maybe killing 1 or 2 soft targets like AA or howitzer gives a better ticket decrease than it.

If those targets are spread more than now (which is concentrated in the middle of the map), I would rather goes for them in Strike Aircraft than aiming for the base.

If we double the cost of tickets per base from 200 to 400
it isn’t big enough to make fighter mains complain, but still will decrease the ticket better than now.

Resurrecting AF killing win is never going to happen as long as Gaijin just hates strategic bomber.

Then you wants to let fighters have all the right about both a2a and a2g in ‘Fighter-realisitc’
But wants to kick striker’s ass for makes them to using strike aircraft in GRB?

I am unsure about A-10C bc I didn’t unlocked it yet
But I played Harrier GR.7, Su-25, A-10A for fun in ARB.
I enjoyed to play Tornados too when ‘napalm’ wasn’t problem.

As long as I am not GRB main, I just want to contribute better with those planes in ARB.

I even can sell ‘easy skilless base bombing with good reward’ to devil for it if I can.
If i can trade ‘no contribution but easy good reward’ version of bombing to ‘much contribution but harder and fewer rewards’ version of bombing. Yes please.

Yes. It was one of best fav jet since i was kid.
I hope it does better than now in ARB.

No it is Gaijin’s problem. I didn’t queued jet which has lower BR with my squadmate (Like those ‘god mode squad’)
But I queued with jet which has same BR as MiG-23ML does, and got match which in proper BR radius.
If tornado acts underperform drastically. then Gaijin should rebalance it with BR.
But they don’t.

Thanks to insanely overrated BR and unfinished FM, and gameplay design which is on mess.

Yes. I know it.

I just can’t get why Gaijin don’t ever tries to fix this damn thing even though they know they are vastly underperforming and overrated.

You guys came out from nowhere but trying to defend him whatever he wants to play
But I can’t play whatever I wants to play but forced to get kicked to GRB?
Wanting to contribute more on victory and being less dead-weight in ARB in Tonka is too greedy wish?

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Are you guaranteeing 100% destruction without interception? Because if not, you destroy rewards for others. How long are people supposed to wait?

You don’t have to ping bases, we have maps with player positions on them. Gaijin needs to fix the loadout display in the scoreboard though. Other than that, pings are just confusing.

Other than that:
Bomb carriers are the true heroes of RB, as they have to fight both teams!


Bunch of clowns, hope the zombers and fail squads you are defending so adamantly tk you lol

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It made sense back when we had af bombing. Destroying the af required all the bombers to work together. You would ping the bases so that the others could all organize to take out the bases quicker than have one or two head to the af to bomb it once it became bombable.


Are you guaranteeing 100% having 5 kills per each game and 4 assists? If not you are doing the same thing. Also I dont care about your rewards or rewards of anyother player in this game, sorry to disappoint you.

So you want me to play like teammate but you wont??? Thats not how things wil be, sorry again.

Again its not my problem Gaijin didnt invest microsecond in having more game modes that will satisfy everyone… Until then when I play solo I dont care about rest of team when I wanna play in squad I play squad games and thats it… simple as that

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I loove how mad you are. Ill keep doing all the things you hate.

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Not even mad, just confused…
You are defending players actively worsening your experience in the game, thus your rewards too, for their own personal gain

Well Im blown away you have audacity to tell players how to play instead of taking this problem with Gaijin.

Is bombing in fighter jet against rules??? NO
Is leaving after one death agaisnt rules? NO
Is me playing solo against the rules? NO
Playing for your own personal gain is is against the rules? NO

I dont get you nothing is against the rules and you complaining? seems like your problem



In Dota 2, when Pudge goes ADC he gets reported for griefing. When sniper pretends to be support, sniper gets reported for griefing.

Same deal here.

And fighter jets already got multipliers.

Get 4 kills for 100% RP bonus
3 for 75%
2 for 50%.


While Strike aircraft and bombers don’t have any RP bonus about

  • Killing ground target
  • or destroying bases.
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Ok as much as i hate base bombing, this is an L take.

The A10C is very fun in airRB and whilst its slow, taking 4-9M and using it to bait fighters slow is so fun. Obviously its slow and anyone who knows what theyre doing wont fall for it, but how often does that happen

Same with the other strikers. Some of them are even missclassed. Alphajet TH is the best 1v1 jet at the br. I guarantee if you low speed dogfight someone who knows what theyre doing you will loose. (And thats bait for any F5C/E mig21 or mig23 player, plz, keep doing it haha)

I play alot of strike aircraft IN the air-to-air role since irl they’re my favourite irl. (Especially the harrier)

Only exception to the rule was the buccaneer, which the S.1 cant carry guns OR missiles. (Still got an air to air kill using dumb NOT proxy rockets, but that was once i spaded it and it took forever

Overall, players using strike aircraft as fighters > players using fighters as base bombing zombies.

Yes, and when a prop took minutes to catch the last base. With jets, it takes seconds to switch targets. We now have “a slight case of overbombing”.

I don’t type “All red Migs are mine” and get upset if someone else kills one. Reserving bases and seeing them as personal property is selfish and entitled. I have no problems if the fastest player calls out his intention. That is courteous. But he won’t get upset if someone else kills it.

As a teammate, I take a look at the scoreboard or on player’s map positions. If they are faster, they get the base. Me acting entitled at game start won’t help. If I can get a base only by reserving it, then I surely don’t play team. I should instead plan for the second wave or do something else. I usually only ping bases when I am near certain, I will be there first. And of course, if I am mistaken, that is my problem. After all, it wasn’t my base.

As a basic rule, you can’t satisfy everyone! But there is air AB, where bombers and attackers really matter.

It could be a team based game. Just provide 3 more team members.

Excuse me, but destroying a base brings an automatic huge RP bonus. This is why people bomb!