Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

When i insult someone who deserved it i get instant 2weeks ban, but when whole forum is insulting one guy for 180 posts, everything is fine

He said iriaf was his first plane. So, the problem is, he is playing with it and he is getting rekt because he don’t know how to play. THAT MEANS THE GAME DOES NOT TEACH PLAYERS HOW TO PLAY.

There is literally NO TUTORIAL in game to show how to use radar, how to use SARH/ARH missiles, etc.
And no, “gO wAtCh yOuTuBe” is not an answer. everything you need to know for the game should be learned from the game.

Stop blaming players for poor game design

Honestly, it’s a wonder he just did not ditch the game and he keeps going.


There is a tutorial though isnt there if you select the modification for said missile

Oh please, where is a tutorial that explains how to use ARH with proper radar modes?

Again I think this is Gaijin problem not players… Gaijin should think about this not me I just play the game and grind and to grind most efficiently, unfortunately you need to bomb bases and not kill enemy players otherwise you are wasting your time.

I get your point and I agree but you should be saying this to devs not players.

jh7 is fun to dogfight

I ran a quick test in a custom match. Looks like about 228 tickets for one base. So more tickets than 2 ground units but less than 3.

This thread is the biggest freakshow I’ve ever seen on this forum.


If we consider the amounts of bombs for destroying a base
(for example, 5x 1000lb or 4x FAB-500)
It seems still not worthwhile enough for contributing to victory.

I’m going to go bomb even harder now just to mess with the players thinking they get to dictate how others get to play.

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Its not. Base bombing has not be a viable way to affect a match’s outcome since they removed the ability to bomb the af.
They should add the sim-style af to rb. Have each section remove tickets when destroyed.

At least only do it when the air grind events are on. I want those easy kills.

Well, in fact, he was the one who tried to restrict the F-4EJ from using rockets for bombing
because he couldn’t bomb in his J-7D.

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And if I had an F-4EJ I would rocket all day just to mess with him and the “BuT iT’s A fIgHtEr” crowds

He also has the one wanting the single cap gamemodes in ground rb removed because he cant hold W and cap for easy points.

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The fact that bombing bases have no inpact on ticket is a good thing.
Why would your or enemy team loose all their tickets when it is impossible to intercept planes with bombs, like wyverns, on some maps there is a chance but still IT TAKES NO SKILL AT ALL TO BOMB STATIC TARGET and yet there is reward for it so its fair.
Once again strike aircarft in this game should be used in GRG, noone playes A-10C in ARB cuz its fun, they play it to grind mods for GRB, same goes for SU25, Tornado, F111 etc.
You willingly pick those aircraft for ARB match, even though you know what are you signing for. So no its not Gajin problem, its like picking early jet and joing up with a friend so you can play against much better planes, you do it to yourself, noone is forcing you to do that.
You like bombing for some reason, well use fighters like the ones that you cry about there you go easy.
Tornado is biggest pille of shit in this game, if you play it, you know it and you should not be suprised that you cant do nothing.

This whole argument against people bombing in fighters is the dumbest thing. If their argument is “It reduces the team effectiveness” then they should also whine like babies every time someone brings in something other than a Eurofighter or Rafale seeing as how they and maybe the F15-E is considered the best. Any other plane is not meta and thus reducing team effectiveness. They just really like to whine on forums.

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I agree you should be able to play game however you want…


Exactly. Bros are just upset they couldn’t 1v16 the entire enemy team and the one guy living his life didn’t drop everything to help them.

Even before the change, the minibases themselves didnt affect much. It was the af bombing that could win but it usually required a coordinated effort that required the enemy to ignore the bombers.

I do…

Kind of an excessive turn. There are colors between black/white.

I dont have problems with people taking off-meta stuff. But I will 100% complain and leave if I see a fail squad on my team.


You are allowed to whine and leave as is your right

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