we need Iowa class and USS Midway ingame before naval comeback
Is WoWP even updated anymore ?
idk its hot garbage only held together by gooner ships from azure lane
they forced my hand with 20SQN as a decal and its slogan as a title.
either way, its going to be custom battles all day long in the T.10 so BOL isnt an issue for 90% of the time i spend in it. but i gotta get those 100 kills in it and i would rather it be fun (positive KD) then not fun and hardly positive
It wouldn’t be surprising as there are far more plane games out there which is 100% better
new rage bait dropped check this guy out
why ya think world of warplanes is dead because gaijin killed it we just need them to AXE off world of warships
I just wish it was a premium C&P of the GR7 tbh. use the t10 to make it a little worst to punish those that buy up the tree yaknow
Not just gaijin but the IL-2 series and others
fun fact gaijin made il2 aswell
warthunder needs a competitor like overwatch 2 vs marvel rivals
REAL, should have gotten 9M and BOL and been 12.3 along with the 7. but then again, 11.3 with 9Ls is much more playable for the harrier ii airframe as ive been finding out with the AV8B (but its gun makes it SO fresh)
No, Il-2 came from 2001 just short of a couple of months after I was born
il2 sturmkov birds of prey gaijin was there
I find the GR7 to be fine as high as it is airframe wise. can see a gr9a being 13.0 without asraam
IL-2 1946 came before that in 06
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what do you think this game is based on. and has models from
give radar FCS, would solve
Eh. Yes. But also they need to redo aiming.