Why does war thunder put bombers in non bomber games?

Cambridge dictionary says

and yet - it’s still aside from the point of my original post! You just want to argue to argue, and prove the noob wrong. Don’t you have something better to do? You’re not owning me, you’re not winning any argument - you just look like a rude ars*hole. Non of your replies have been helpful, nice or in good faith. Find something better to do dude.

Must be your shining example. You pretend to have a question but you don’t. You have a rant and don’t want to be disturbed with answers.


have a rant about what? All I said was that I was put in a type of game not appropriate for the aircraft I had selected, and can war thunder fix this or is there any way around this or something I could do?

You don’t have to be this way. I don’t know what’s going on in your life and if you are depressed or whatever - but whatever feeling and feeling of power you get from winning an argument and getting one up on someone online is only temporary and doesn’t fix your problems. You don’t have to be so unpleasant and nasty and passive-aggressive. Being nice and pleasant makes you a good man, not a weak man. A weak man is someone who lashes out online to random people that have done nothing to you just to feel temporarily better. It ultimately gets you nothing. You don’t get relationships and friends from being like this; it’s repulsive to most people apart from other damaged and depressed individuals.

what about this is a rant to you? I describe and point out the problem, suggest a solution, ask if there is anything I do or if there is anything to be done on my end. You have either misrepresented what I said, completely ignored the point, blamed me, or talked about something aside from the point. Saying it’s my fault for having a bomber selected (why are they in the game then), then either moving onto the next, irrelevant point or moving the goalposts. First you say I shouldn’t have a bomber selected, then i’m not using it right, then it’s my fault for not being able to hit targets not appropriate to my aircraft type, then using wikipedia to win an argument that wasn’t made lol.

You’ve been given answers already, but in case you missed them, I’ll answer them again:

Yes, the game has maps that are unsuitable for bombers. No, there is no way around it. And no, Gaijin isn’t fixing anything.

Bombers are at the bottom of Gaijin’s priorities, have been for years and will be for the foreseeable future. If you really want to play bombers you either try forcing them to fit in the current meta (i.e. square peg in a round hole) like some players suggested or you play another mode like sim EC.


Or just carry a few fighters in your lineup to supplement it incase you get a dom match.

I do wish that dom had more ground targets though.

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No, I haven’t been given answers to my question and post. I haven’t missed anything. If you reread carefully the entire thread, you are the first person to actually answer my post. You are the first person to in good-faith, honestly address what I was actually saying. Instead of blaming me, misrepresenting what I was saying, talking about something else (deflecting), saying that it’s a skill issue (that I am put into a game mode/type that I didn’t chose and it’s my fault for not hitting targets that don’t exist or are inappropriate and almost impossible for my aircraft type - wtf??), or saying that I actually do have the choice and that i’m choosing to go into games inappropriate for my aircraft (again, wtf). You are the first person to actually address what I was saying, and give me an honest answer - and it’s all I wanted. Thank you

My ones often do it in my games and often get high scores and high places… which brings us back to…

Yep - you do

Right - and I totally get that. But I still have a bomber in my lineup that I HAVE to use even if I have several fighter aircraft also selected. So that doesn’t actually solve the problem and issue if you get me? Like, that doesn’t negate that I still have a bomber that must be used - that cannot really be used in that game mode/type.

There are people here finally actually answering me honestly and fairly - and here you are STILL trying to ‘own’ the noob and screech ‘GET GUD!!!’. Skill has absolutely ZERO relevance to this entire post and thread, but ‘teehee let’s sh!t on someone for the lolz!! get rekt!!! owned!!! I won the argument!!! OWNED!!!’. Get a life mate and grow up.

Given how low repair costs in AB are, it isnt too much of an issue, and I dont think it gives you crew lock if its the last plane (?)

I am fully with you here, bombers should be more viable in dom, but try and make the best of what ya got.

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Oh - so I’m a liar now? Everything I posted was honest and fair and trying to give you tips on how to use bombers more effectively - and you call me a liar??

Well eff you …

Sorry - didn’t realise you are a noob - I thought you were just someone who hadn’t figured out how to use bombers yet.

OK - in that case… there there… never mind… mummy will hold you hand.

Oi, no need to be an arse.

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I could be the BEST bomber player in the world, and it still doesn’t change or have any relevance or impact on my post and this thread. How intellectually challenged are you to say this, even after someone has honestly answered what I was saying (which was not hard to get or understand)?

What was your tips? The only comments for the first 40 or so comments of this thread was ‘JUST GET GOOD!!!’, ‘IT’S YOUR FAULT FOR ONLY HAVING A BOMBER SELECTED!!!’, ‘YOU’RE JUST NOT USING BOMBERS RIGHT [the implication being that I should be hitting targets that don’t exist or aren’t applicable to my aircraft]’ and other such gems? How was any of this helpful - OR RELEVANT - to my post? Yet you guys acted like I was just SO dumb and such a noob.


Regarding convoy bombing:

You can sometimes get away with mid-altitude bombing later in the game, and if you have large bombs + time it right, you can generally nail a few vehicles from altitude.

Regarding Josephs_Piano, no need to get all pissy 'bout em, they are trying to help, and gunshipping can work if you can slip through fighter cover.

Worst case scenario run something like a B25 with a crap ton of .50s and shred fighters in headons in dom, and bomb in front line missions.

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I appreciate your help and understanding, but just read through this entire thread to find out why I am so annoyed. I hadn’t been rude, bad-faith, dumb, disrespectful, passive aggressive in anything I said. Each and every person either purposefully missed the point and tried to redirect my post as to being my fault for X,Y,Z reasons, or just straight up talked about things completely and utterly irrelevant to my post - and most were passive aggressive, sarky, condescending, patronising or outright rude while doing so. And it can’t be that my post just didn’t make sense or was wrong - because someone finally, EVENTUALLY replied directly and honestly about it.

Eh, its the forums, you get used to it.

As someone who mains sweden around ~5.3 though, holy shite I respect y’all bomber pilots. Those aircraft fall apart at even a touch from 20mm or 30mm, but y’all still manage to eke out a win.


A really sweet illustration on how echo chambers and selective perception works.
“I am proven right because I think someone said so - never mind the others…”.