Why does war thunder put bombers in non bomber games?

Question - why does war thunder put bombers in non bomber games? I’m a casual war thunder player (I have a pc but have only played on Xbox). I have played very occasionally and infrequently over the past two years, but have started getting into it a little bit.

Anyways, I have just unlocked the B-25J-1. I almost always play air arcade battles. I went into the game, but it was a game mode not appropriate or made for bombers. It was a game mode for fighter aircraft. There was no targets for me to bomb - no anti-aircraft, entrenched ground targets, no enemy bases. There was only a few moving tanks in the middle of the map.

What’s the point in putting me in a game like that when I have a bomber selected. It’s the only aircraft I have selected - so it’s not like I also had a fighter to play. The moving targets (the tanks) are impossible for me to bomb, and there is no other target. Why put me in a game like that? I just don’t get it. It clearly was not a game mode for bombers. It just seems like a waste of time because you can’t just select which type of game you play (can you?) and it’s a waste of time. As far as i’m aware, when you back out of the game it says your aircraft is busy and you can’t play for the duration of that game. Even when you ‘leave your aircraft’ and then leave it sometimes does this. I just don’t get why it puts you in a game like that which is inappropriate for your aircraft. It’s annoying. Why can’t war thunder just skip over that match and wait for an appropriate one? It’s not like you can see what type of game mode you are waiting for or joining before so.

Is there any way around this? And more importantly, if any devs are reading - could you please fix this? I can’t believe you just put people in any old game that’s inappropriate for their aircraft. The level of effort, detail and dedication you clearly put into this game - something like this seems so amateurish. It’s kinda frustrating and it just seems like such an oversight. Surely I cannot be the first person to point this out or complain about this. And surely it’s such an easy fix too? Surely you just check the type of aircraft someone has, check if that game you are putting them in is appropriate, and if not, skip over it and search for the next match, and so on?


You known you’re not supposed to bring only one plane in Air Arcade but a line-up with multiple choice of differents planes.
This is not gaijin fault if you don’t have brain …

Wanna play just one plane ? Go Air Realistic Battle !


Honestly mate, if you want to play heavy aircraft, Arcade is probably the worst place to do so. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the snail to change that if I were you.

Sad reality is there is little place for them in any mode, as they’re a PvE machine in a PvP game. But you’ll probably have a bit better time in Realistic, and if you can stand staring at the placeholder cockpits, and enjoy a slower pace of gameplay, Sim EC is probably the best place for them.


completely aside from the point. And I wanted to try out playing with bombers. As I said, i’m a casual player.

thank you! :)

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Air arcade is played in lineups, which means you bring more than one plane. Tanks are fair targets for bombers. Honestly, you don’t face a problem, you create one.

If you want to fly that B25 exclusively as a bomber, play it in realistic.
Arcade is less tactical but more an operational mode in which bombers actually can win the day. But only if they follow the objectives. And a B-25 is so versatile, it can be used in any air arcade game.

Your assumptions are wrong.

lmao what
Like yes, they still suck survivability-wose, but if they get through they can have devastating impact. Many a game I have lost due to bombers groundpounding our vehicles and bases.

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Ground pounding is decried by fighter jocks and KDR snobs… but it is the easiest way toget scores needed to quickly complete events like the recent Vulture one - I did it almost with entirely bomber-based lineups.

I have a 4.0 USA lineup with B-25’s and PBJ’s plus fighters that is great for achieving a number of special tasks.

And the French 4 engined one is a great base bomber!

Some tips for flying bombers in AB:
1/ you are going to die most of the time - get over it.
2/ be prepared to change your objectives in the game - if you are being given a free hand at high altitude go for base bombing, if you see fighters getting up to your altitude then get what you can, but most importantly dive like a rock to make them lose altitude while they come after you, and perhaps get a few ground units on the way.
3/ Do use them to kill ground inits - the Farman NC223 is a great hoot flying along a line of machineguns in trenches!
4/ stop thinking about history - think about how the game works and not how it SHOULD work.

Once you have 1 and 4 properly implements you lose all the angst and can

It all falls apart with anything British tho - they are hard work above T2!


Because back in the day bombers were much tougher and playing them as gunships was viable even in air domination. AI gunners were also much more reliable. Using the B-25 you could dive straight inside a furball, come out on the other side with two or three air kills from people tailing you and even fly back to the airfield for repairs. Then they nerfed damage models massively, now they’re just RP/SL piñatas for fighters even in maps with suitable objectives.

I suggest sticking to fighters if you want to play arcade. Realistic is pretty much the same. If you’re a bomber enjoyer just play sim.


It’s like this in realistic too

Bombers are very neglected.


This is the sort of thing i was on about. But some of the people that replied don’t seem to understand that. Like, what is the point???

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This is a thread specifically about arcade - try to stick to the point.

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Bombers can work and be extremely successful, they just need luck. If your team can force the enemy fully down to the deck while you continue to climb, you can win the match single-handedly.

Genuinely, this is the reason why I will always target bombers (Especially heavy bombers) in the opening merge. I cannot name the number of games that have been lost because I missed one, or the nimber of games that have been won because my team took the agonizing time to climb to ~5000m late in the match and cut them down.

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Indeed, arcade games are usually won by bombs, bombers perhaps.

In a B-25? Well then you know what to do: You have to learn bombing. Otherwise bombers won’t work.

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please tell me how i’m supposed to hit tiny tanks 16,000 feet in the air looking down in the bomber sight while they are moving, and trying to predict how far forward i need to drop the bombs so the bombs actually drop on them by the time they’ve dropped while they’re still moving?

You obviously have to fly low. Which also helps if you want to land on an airfield. The B25 is a frontline bomber.

Sim is probably your best choice if u wanna grind bombers

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if I have to fly a hundred feet above the ground to hit the only targets in that game mode just to get destroyed by fighters in two seconds, then it is not a game mode for bombers - which means we are back to my original post.

Well then learn how to avoid some of it. Or don’t play a plane for a role you don’t want to play.
You have been given ample advice by me and others, but no one can spare you the learning.

Arcade is not roleplaying, it is on an operational level. The loss of the bomber is a most likely conclusion, what matters is the damage it will do before. It isn’t about a single bomber but about a win. If you want role play, choose different modes.

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