Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions


Preach it!


Why not have a random mix of fly and no fly games? Be just like the real thing,would give non flyers a break.Those with fewer slots might be forced to buy more so happy days for Gaijin.Problem solved.



Words of truth, words of wisdom

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You could… ask them?

So far: it does not fit our vision of what we want for Ground RB/AB modes.


And discuss with who said it, not people who did not.

Then there is progress (looks to failing TO discussion no one uses).

Do something about it then. Laughable when not one person has tried to ask Gaijin, just random players are expected to provide.

If you don’t ask you don’t get. Stop asking fellow players and you will get closer.

Looks to dead TO thread and the irony of this thread… hmm…

Gaijin know players wanted TO options and gave an answer. Next move is yours.

And you got flagged for breaking forum rules. Blame yourself and not a system because you were not civil. People are meant to learn from mistakes, [edit: some] TO advocates have never learned, TO-cautious people learn to avoid this dead-horse conversation avoiding moving forward like the plague for some reason.

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Its more a case of Gaijin taking the bull by the horns than asking the public.We know some like CAS some hate it and many do both but still want TO.I dont see the need for people to cry over it but then I am an adult and not some self entitled kid.As far as I can see any CAS debate on here becomes about the same forum gate keepers venting their personal hatred of each other rather than seeking a resolution.


Yes, because any comment to move it forward is ignored/trashed. For years.

Check the TO thread, check how many times I and others try to move the advocates forward: all we get is derailment, “stat shaming”, ignoring any positive steps, avoiding the reality. So yeah, people get shitty after years of the same using this topic to slag off others.

So again, people NEED to go to Gaijin. There should be enough from all the talk to create some unified question. Then accept the answer.

Biggest guess: RBGF is niche in a niche game. Being a minority brings limits. But again, a guess. People are expecting an answer to a question already given. And remember RB ground is vocal but 4th populated mode.

As I have pointed to asking the right people for an accurate response a ridiculous amount of times yet EVERYONE refuses or distracts it really becomes a dumb topic.

Heck, I might even install again if it existed to give it a try and see if that works (for me). But the TO topics are NOT getting us closer are they?

There is NO gatekeeping. Nothing here has ever altered the topic of TO modes. Failing to ask Gaijin or try to get the answers to questions is on the people.

Again, tried countless times to get it moving: tumbleweed…

And put it this way: those that get all personal I won’t like and ignore (apart from people who hide their profile so cannot), those others who I can clash with I do not “hate”, it just gets annoying to see the same avoidance and obfuscation so “attitude” comes out in replies.

And remember: this is the 4th populated mode. You get much less noise from the top two (by a huge degree). Why do people think RBGF should be the first mode to get such attention?

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And of course this topic itself was answered quite well very early on. But I feel none of it has sunk in, hence all the “anyone using planes is a bad person” (because some play this game all about being the solo heroic killer? This niche game caters to many goals of various players).

The question is: why do players give up on the topic there to promote a new mode?

Only you guys can answer that.


Are we nine years old on here? Just offer the player base something that they want and ask for ,simple.I am forever hearing about this huge eternal fanbase so why not just do it? Much requested mode implemented due to player demand.Some people dont like the idea ,so what ,I never asked for Sweden or Narrow maps but we have them,I never play arcade or navy but its there for those who do.Do I shout and scream about people going off to play a boat game and fracturing the player base? Do I assume they play navy because the cant do tanks in GRB? Of course not but this is the BS we have to endure everytime somebody suggests a TO game version.


watch what you say some are silence happy on here, two times within 4 weeks I got chat ban in here and in game.

What is mostly being said on this forum equates to " I dont like ULQ lover so there fore I will go against a TO mode" .That is about it really. I don’t see any debate or argument worth anything.My issue like some others is the quality of the GRB game when there is no CAS to cheapen it.

Gaijin could end the debate side of the forum and just have a direct line to the suggestion moderators but it chooses not to .Maybe it likes the players to discuss things and maybe it hopes this will help players understand why some so called negative aspects are necessary and some are.

The OP is asking " Why the offence at suggesting a No CAS option " .That is a good question but I think the answer is that so many of the people who take part in the long running discussions on here have a shitty attitude as their default setting.It’s too easy to get into longstanding personal feuds and petty arguments.I think that is the issue here not whether TO would work or not.

Sure ,its a good point that you can ask the moderators and developers anything directly on here and I am sure at some point you will get an answer,nothing to stop anybody PM ing the head devs and asking if a no CAS mode is ever likely or if it’s a simple “no never”.

We all love to accuse Gaijin of silence regarding a question we never actually asked them directly.

If it were that simple then why are TO advocates avoiding asking or responding to any replies by Gaijin? Which is obviously what I have been putting forward. So why the seemingly negative reply?

Yes, it is simple.

I get banned all the time 😆, still say my piece.

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I think a TO only mode is synonymous with hating CAS and not flying.TO as a sensible option should be just that,an option not a replacement or a threat to those who like GRB with CAS.

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You really think he got a chat ban in game and on the forum by accident/anything to do with disagreeing?

Flag =/= ban.

Victimhood does wonders for this “cause”. Good to see the TO topic is still pretty dead… /s (I am not gleeful, it is mildly frustrating)


Probably not ,I earned mine but it was worth it.I think all of us want what we think is best for the game.I think TO would be great but I also think that it could prove the pro CAS lobby right as much as it could prove them wrong.

Then ask for it/engage with Gaijin.

I really do not understand the reluctance.

They already responded to the idea of TO. Did you not like the answer? They obviously aren’t getting involved anymore until someone actually makes a move, this topic is not it, more is needed thsn just the existence of the failing TO topic.

(Oddly you did exactly what I said and take guesses as an argument and never ask the right people, do you see it at all?

Do you think “we” stop the existence of a TO mode? I’d love to know how so I can get them to not change all sorts of stuff they did to my detriment.

Have you even read to reply by Morvan?).

But I know the game on this forum and positive steps are generally avoided. I wish someone couod prove me wrong.

So you will ignore any sensible discussion as you seem to just avoid it. (You don’t have to, you do as you like, but I have mentioned things you seem to have missed by your replies)

You think a “pro CAS lobby” stops things happening. Very odd and clearly made up fear mongering if that is the case. The majority don’t even touch ANY RB mode. “CAS lobby” are not a homogenous group as you appear to explain it.

See, but players like them make up all sorts of conspiracy rubbish and treat it like fact. Not really helpful.

But seriously, again, why not ask Gaijin? Why ask other players then get offended by their opinions (they are only that since only devs know) when it has no bearing on the outcome wanted (new mode)?

All this and still nothing said/moved forward on the TO topic… just sad.

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Where is this ? Can you link to it ?