Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

A lot of CAS balance suggestions come from anger so are poorly thought through.

Also A10 players are…

Give non-Radar AA/SPAA a lead-indicator linked to the Crews Rangefinding Skill, the higher it is the more accurate the lead indicator.

In Arcade you already have one and with Radar SPAA as well in GRB so i don’t see why that would be a problem and could make earlier AA more attractive for people.

More Nations need more Anti-Air to cover all the BR-Ranges and strong Top Tier ones like USSR Pantsir

Maybe the total amount of CAS and AA/SPAA a Team can simultaneously have in a Match can be limited to 4

But i think for a lot of Stuff we would have to test it out in actual Matches to really get to see if it works, is an good improvement for the majority of Players and if not revert the change or alter it a bit.

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Follow the trail, look at what i was replying to

Yeah,… do that too, because i did and found nothing but me speaking with Morvran, on points we agrees on at least partially,…

So, just jumped into a match:

Heli no AGMs = 290
Heli with AGMs = 568
Tornado F3 (No A2G) = 574
Tornado Gr1 (AAMs only) = 515
Tornado Gr1 (Bombs only) = 685
Tornado Gr1 (GBUs) = 685
Tornado Gr1 (PGMs) = 830
Drone = 750

I think it does vary a bit based on BR of the lobby as well though, this match was 11.7. I think if its downtier its about 10% higher


Can you add the same for tanks ?

350 for a Chally 2
70 for Stormer.


Its the unguided bomb and CAP cost that I dont like with this. GBUs and PGMs are about right, but its almost not worth even thinking about bringing in the F3 or ever using unguided bombs. Those are just too high

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my F16 with Mavericks gets up a bit over 900sp if I also want to take AAMs.

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Why dont they just remove bombs from fighters so fighters can do there thing and bombers can do theres just like in ARB

Yep, though with that its 12+. So that adds extra cost (and AGMs are a lot better as well)

Those are 11.3.

Because the base cost of any aircraft is way too high. F3 for example is 4x 9ls and 4x Skyflash, doesnt even have the option to bring in any form of ground attack weapon except its limited ammo, 27mm canon.

But its SP cost is higher than a heli with 16 ATGMs.


If i had my way, all vehicles would cost the same and ordinance would cost the same again per iteam

And your SP reward would be the same per kill on top of your starting SP

and I have advocated for exactly that as well. I’d have no issue with 75% of the cost coming from loadout and not the vehicle.

You can actually take that one step further


So i guess you’re saying Fighters as Role type, right? So that Attackers and Bombers still bombing in GRB, right?

Anyways,… have you ever heard of Multi-Role and Omni-role aircrafts.

Basically, all WWII fighters were multi-role, with specified role defined at takeoff, depending on loadout and mission:

  • Bombing
  • CAS (could be strafing)
  • CAP
  • Escort mission (protecting Bomber from CAP)

Basically what was possible Daily for a F6F “Hellcat” or F-4U “Corsair”

This was the way of thinking, until 4th gen Jets:
Multi-missions flights, became the norm.

And i’m not going to break it to you, but Rafale became a pinnacle by being Omnirole.

This is now the basis for most aircraft in the world.

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Not too mention that many fighters can be quite effective with some gun strafes


Muli roll does not do it all in 1 go, you can change load out for a particular job

So back to the point, “why do ‘CAS’ players so vocally oppose ‘any’ suggestions”, it’s not ‘EVERY’ suggestion, but almost all ‘suggestions’ have been removing everything to suit a few.

And when anything is said about it, that’ll cause a whatabout throwabout session, a heckload of villification of people for merely opposing or not finding the issue shown to be as bad as what people put out, then we just end up with a bickering match because someone has to be ‘wrong’ in some form, compared to holding another opinion.

Not all of those ‘opposing’ are ‘CAS’ players, and not all of the suggestions are opposed. You can merely question anything, and someone will make out you opposed it… It’s the nature of these forums currently, and those that are trying to reside in it by force and threat.

Not to mention, the sheer spam of reported and subsequently ‘hidden by the community’ nonsense that went on…

yes, though the Typhoon FGR4s currently conducting “operations” at the moment, are likely still armed with A2A weapons and can more than easily defend themselves from an air based threat