Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Just like p51 did after escorting bomber from britian to germany, but got there ass’s kick while over germany. They never could carry bombs that far, if there was a runway cloxe enough germany would of hit it with what ever

10 years now. And I was there, when ground was implemented. But we didn’t have jets that could hit you from outside SPAA range. Or jets that can come in supersonic 5ft off the ground and lay down a swath of rockets across your spawn without a single possibility for SPAA to do anything about it unless they’re stupid and pull up after their run.

I wish CAS fanboys (most of them can’t hack it driving tanks) would for once see the absurdity of their counter arguments when they just revolve around some variation of “git gud brah”, “just spawn a plane” or “just spawn SPAA”. You are worried your “fun” is going to be impacted. Tank drivers’ “fun” has been impacted since the introduction of guided air to ground munitions and supersonic jets with a fuckton of rockets.

CAS fanboys’ entire argument is that it’s okay for them to have fun at others’ expense, but if the tables are reversed, suddenly it’s toxic, and dumb, and stupid.


Same with Mirage 2000D (1988) or Jaguars or Mitsubishi F-1 or Etendard IVM (1954), or Rafale.

Even the A-6 was able to use some IR AAM for basic defence against air-air threats,…

Same with A-4B if the mission was requiring it.

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Suggest additions and actual solutions then rather than being upset at people when they object to the general one-track-record.

Yeah, Jags and Tornados were always armed with 9Ls in the Gulf War, Heck the Gr4 was upgraded with ASRAAM and HMD specifically to enhance its ability to defend itself

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F-86F with 2x 1000LBS bombs → this one was fun ^^"

Want some bombs from outside range? Let’s use some B-57…

In 2014, those aircrafts were as dangereous as was the Ho-229,…

You can complain of current implementation, it is not new,…

Oh, like the “just spawn an SPAA brah” or “just spawn a plane bro” that keeps coming from the pro-CAS side you mean?

I see. Practice what you preach :)


Currently, … and sadly this is you that don’t wanna hear/watch all of the conversation,…

You’re not here to debate but to impose views,…

I never said everything was right in the game, but your Cas complainner thing is to remove everything with no other options,… and that’s not acceptable, either by Cas pmayers and either by Gaijin, which:


There’s more to that advice though…

If you don’t do it you leave the team vulnerable, and that is the actual point of using what is available to you.

This is purely dumb because I actually do…

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Not really, because if its of no use it can cost tickets being destroyed. Why spawn cannon fodder

And to drop them and get kills with them from outside SPAA range was more a matter of luck than skill. And subsonic. So you could actually do something about them with SPAA.

Same story, those weren’t guided bombs that are pretty much guaranteed to hit.

Sure, they were dangerous, but balanced. They could drop their ordinance, you could try to shoot them down. The current implementation has swung that balance completely off center and highly favors guided munitions that have a near 100% kill rate and that can be dropped and guided from a range where SPAA can do… fuck all.

I’ve been here since beta - I know what it was like, in 2014. The situation now is not at all balanced once you get into the supersonic jet age.

I think gaijin should creat import slots for each nation, so say there is gaps of SPAA, you can import from germany, or russia, or britian. Or if you are short on light tanks same again and so on. Maybe give each nation apart from the big 3 , 3 import slots at each rank. Till gaijin replaces them

Make that suggestion then, but I’m sure there’s better nation specific SPAA still able to be added.

Hell, even the radar slaving from other systems was being talked about elsewhere, but peopel were all ‘It’s not in game so it can’t be done’ which is absolute ignorance.

Well → check on today IRL systems :

Hypersonic AGM,… Smart weapons able to maneuver to avoid being intercepted,… → technology makes it clear : GROUND is ONLY the Result of AIR and Air defences,…

An Air defences as SPAAM, make aircrafts to fly high → At altitudes AAM have more ranges and kill probability, from a fighter to an attacker

So by Spawning SPAAM you help the guy playing a fighter in your team to intercept ennemies.

In about 25% of my matches my first spawn is an SPAA. Which is absolutely wonderful for clapping some early game helicopters.

And then, you get the supersonic ground huggers who if they even pop on radar are usually hidden behind hills, or buildings. Positioning? Right, yeah, I can’t go sit on top of a hill to have a view because tanks will kill me. I can’t find a place that gives me unobstructed view of the sky, anywhere, because again, tanks will kill me. So then the plane kills me because between me seeing him and either locking an IR missile and launching it, or guiding a beam rider in, his rockets have turned me into small pieces of tank bouncing around the ground.

Then I spawn my 2nd SPAA or use a backup. Then, quite often these days, you find yourself with a paveway on your turret. If not that, you see people getting killed by them, but your radar shows nothing, and you can’t elevate your sights enough to even see the plane that dropped them. If you are lucky enough to be able to see it, your IRST won’t lock it. IR missiles won’t lock on to it.

So what, exactly, am I doing for my team at that point?

You tell me. Enlighten me. What is the counter to a TRAM with paveways at 6km up? What is the counter for a Su25 coming in at treetop level with rockets firing before one sees the damn thing?


Weird and seperatist as it would not be available for Big 3,… (who is the 3rd, btw?)

Germany usually

You’re making an effort rather than packing it in and just letting ‘CAS’ get in closer to drop more accurate and deadly things?

Like, damn…

USA, GERMANY, USSR. reason is they basicly have everythng anyway and its just an idea to creat a bit of balance. You could go deeper like nato v warsaw pack, the allies and the other 1, you could only import from a friendly nation of that time, like italy changed sides and so on.

Also the top 3 will more than likly be exporting, if you want to give them 3 slots be my guest, or 1 slot for each nation idk, just call it an import slot

Okay, but you gloss over the fact that I play GROUND RB because… uh… survey says: I want to drive a fucking tank. If I wanted air to air combat, I’d be playing AIR RB. That aside.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here; and you completely gloss over the whole part where my chief complaint about guided air to ground missiles and bombs is that they can be dropped from a position where SPAA can do absolutely nothing.

And nobody will spawn a fighter because the chances of a) getting to the guy you want to kill before he J’s out or RTB’s are somewhere between slim and none, or b) you kill him and then either waste RP/SL by J’ing out and going back to a tank, or you loiter in the hopes that someone, anyone, will spawn air and you can get the drop on them.

And a lot of people don’t want to spawn a fighter because it is GROUND RB, not AIR RB.

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