Can we stop throwing bones to air abusers in ground realistic?

Sounds like fun to me, Currently most CAS have 0 value in ARB.


Um… to be fair if your argument to fix cas is bringing your own plane. Then you may or may not be apart of the problem.

yeah it would be

just reduce the sp for cap plane (only bring full he belt and/or a2a missle) to 100sp and increase sp for full a2g plane/heli to 800-900 minimum and ill be a happy ground main


You mean ground mixed battles or naval mixed battles? Because that is what happened to Warthunder. It was an aircraft game and then they added in the ability to use ground/naval forces. So yes, they do allow ground/naval based AA vehicles in air battles, it is called Ground and Naval mixed battles.

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I agree, though It should be done differently than that.

An aircraft, any aircraft should have a base SP cost of about 200 (except at lower BRs where guns are the main CAS weapon). and then have the A2G loadout make up the bulk of the SP cost.


  • The quantity of weapons should effect SP
  • The Type of weapon should effect SP
  • SP cost of weapons to vary from BR to BR
  • Specific weapon/aircraft combos should be manually adjusted (or at least have the option to be manually adjusted)

That way any aircraft can be used for CAP, and certain weapons and or amount of weapons arent quite as expensive.


no i was saying his advice turns it back into air battles honestly im back after 4 years and this game vastly different now so idk whats goin on lol

I know, I just like to bring up that Warthunder isn’t as quite a few of the playerbase see it. Alot of folks want to say “aircraft shouldn’t be in ground battles” but that statement is incorrect from the start. Aircraft were the way this game got it’s start, and ground vehicles were an afterthought, an addition to diversify gameplay. These ground only players that say this don’t experience the entire game, and don’t see it for what it really is. They don’t care about how the game started or evolved, they just want their tanks and only tanks.

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i had an account when it was just planes in 2014 came back for the tanks in 2015

This, please this. I hate having to spend so much sp to be able to take a fighter for CAP. Ground RB is the only way you can get that unspotted dogfight feel without forced 1st person. Plus noone I’ve ever played in high tier ground know how what radar missiles are, and it always ends with a kill for me.


Hehe yeah. Its nuts that a heli with only AAMs is about 250 I think, but a CAP jet with only AAMs is more like 600 these days I think.

It drives me nuts. As an air main, I could lock down the sky at certain BRs. but its just not worth it most of the time (or I simply cant afford it)


To be honest, playing ground RB at 5.7 to 6.7 has made me a much better pilot in props. Playing without the distance and learning how to boom and zoom properly with the element of surprise has worked wonders. I sometimes wish the Air RB spotting indicators didn’t come up at such a long distance so you can use ambush tactics properly.

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Its rediculous calling people “air abusers” for just playing the game, as if flying a plane is somehow cheating or something.


I mostly play SB, but I think i need rudder pedals to make life a lot easier before venturing into props. But yeah, it really does, also forces you to have much better situational awarness. I rarely venture that low in GRB these days though, Lowest i usually go is maybe BR9. Though even then, the hunters are really good for dealing with most enemy CAS

(I really want an RB EC gamemode with maybe no markers (or at least no enemy markers). Would also open up other options for those that like CAS, but feel forced to play GRB. I genenuinely think that the “Heli-Spam” is 100% the result of a lack of decent heli gamemode)

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I find this shitty meme pic is shortsighted and frankly insulting. Ground RB was at one point tank only, but has since changed into what we have now. Airplanes are too easy to spawn, it’s just that simple. I get killed far too often by someone who has no kills themselves and has either spotted someone in binos or sat in a circle for 30 seconds. It’s just moronic.

Every CAS devotee wants to gaslight and belittle everyone who just wants to play tanks, but they don’t argue for adding player-driven SPAA to their Air RB game mode. I wonder why? From my perspective, as someone who has extensive experience in every mode, getting killed by a suicide Ju-87 or Paveway F-16 is no different from getting killed by mid-map AA in Air RB. I have the same amount of control preventing either scenario from totaling my vehicle.


I could give you some insight on why. The map size is absolutely enormous and you wouldn’t be able to effectively use any of the gun based aa platforms, so there goes most of the games SPAA vehicles. I say this because of you can’t hit planes well in the close quarters situations of Ground AB/RB, then you wont hit anything in Air RB. The radar/irst based platforms wouldn’t be very useful either since you wouldn’t really be able to move much when compared to the Jets operational area. You think that Ground RB is bad with aircraft killing you, but if you had a top tier SPAA in Air RB you’d be absolute fish food for guided munitions. Remember, Air RB has spotting mechanics so you’re much easier to find, and add to that your limited speed to traverse any area beyond the spawn would make you a very valueable easy target to farm. I would love a chance to have player controlled AA targets to farm with my F-16 and A10A Late with Maverick missiles.

It is very very different. Mid-map AA virtually never gets kills. Even it fires at you, they usually miss by enormous margins. It is also very easy to just avoid and is usually ignored by everyone except for those few dedicated ground attackers that play Air RB. Dying to a Ju-87 and an F-16 with guided munitions is also nowhere similar. One has to get well within visual and audible range to make a successful attack and the other can fight well beyond visual and audible ranges.


I think you misunderstood what my point was, or just didn’t think hard enough. There are certainly ground pound oriented planes in Air RB, but those are the minority. Most players outfit their jets with Air superiority in mind and only slow themselves down with ground ordinance; a similar comparison to an Abrams or Sherman where you intend to fight tanks, not planes. Our player-driven SPAA could simply spawn near or around the border of the Air RB objectives or bases and allow players to pick their spawns, akin to Heli EC.

Also you missed my point with the Ju-87 and F16 comparison. If you have no means to shoot the thing down, their impact is the same. It doesn’t matter how slow the Stuka is or how far away the F-16 might be, if you are missing a single crew member or just aren’t driving a Sherman the suicide Stuka will pancake you no different from an F-16. I thought that was easy enough to understand, that I wasn’t literally comparing the lethality of a Stuka to paveways, but I suppose not.


I’ve been playing WT since air open Beta, (and certainly ground forces beta). Tank RB always had planes. I even have a video I made from the tanks OBT back in september 2014:

I know its a very cringe video, its 10 years old and I was basically a kid back then so give me a break lol, but it definitely has players flying planes in it.

The game was designed from the very start to have planes and tanks in one match.

On the flip side, Tank only players belittle and gaslight CAS players just as much, I mean look at the title to this thread, calling anyone who flies a plane in GRB “Air Abusers”.

I fully welcome gaijin adding player controlled tanks or SPAA to air RB. go for it, enjoy driving for 40km to find the air battle, and enjoy helplessly firing your M42 at tiny dots that are all dogfighting 4km up in the sky. And even if your SPAAs are sitting in a position to shoot enemy planes, they can just… fly away. theres nothing in ARB forcing them to fight over your ground vehicle for you to shoot at them like there is in GRB. I wonder how long it’ll last before those SPAA players don’t bother trying that game mode anymore.


Which update was that? Considering they had spaa from open beta, i am not sure what spaa did before any planes existed.

I personally wouldnt mind. Would love to see some wirbelwind driving in an air rb map trying to get within 2km of a plane.

Because there is a mismatch in capability present in this equation. Tank vs tank = competitive, plane vs plane = competitive, tank vs plane = uncompetitive. There is never a point in Air RB where you are required to fight spaceships, when you press battle you are fighting precisely what you want for the duration of the battle. We can argue 16v16 top-tier jets is a shitshow, and I would agree, but my point is there is no scissors for your paper in this equation. If someone is playing a tank that isn’t explicitly designed to fight aircraft, they do not have comparative recourse to fight said plane; additionally, they give up all agency on the ground battle as long as they’re using that SPAA. Even when driving an SPAA, it’s still significantly in favor of the aircraft as they are simultaneously the easiest targets to eliminate from the sky.

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