Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

Oh… they did nerfed it more since i last played CAS in GRB then,…

I beleive so. Went up by about 10% literally in the past few weeks I think

Are you not the one who brought up my other posts everywhere else?

This literally backs up what I said about you being a part of the issue and making spam.

You just cant stop can you 😆

Anyway, point still stands :
→ i wish CAS complainners (which most of them are newbs or 2/3yo max gamewise) to be showed what we had to face back in 2014 when Ground Gamemode was implemented.

One of the biggest problems to the problem is that SPAAs just aren’t FUN

And I spaded some. The second is that SPAAs don’t have any ability to survive where they are needed: the front.

The few that could are either over BRed to use their armour or just do better as a TD than an SPAA.


Its your own fault you should of put a stop to it back then, now you only got your selfs to blame

They don’t need to be fun to fulfill a purpose.

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This is a video game if you aren’t having fun why play?


Yeah. or even if they didnt do that, but instead stopped handicapping the CAS themselves.

Like Longbow Hellfire on the Apaches
Sky Shadow ECM for Tornados

and there are many weapons systems that havent been added yet, in part due to GRB balance. Like CBUs, ARM and advanced AGMs like Brimstone.


How about stop derailing the whole Discussion with your personal bickering


pretty fun for me, so its more of a preference per player.


Why i’m being quoted, and on what basis it is my fault, since we played by what the game rules are giving us?

Just stop being salty, i did nothing here bro,…

I think it really depends on the SPAA, some are fun, some are a chore. But they could all do with an increase in the reward you get for using them. especially in anti-air.


They need to bring chat back, in ARB its constant, in GRB its quiet

Yeah, just don’t play tanks and play something that isn’t fun so you still can’t play tanks and still die to CAS regardless because CAS is still better than SPAA.

This is a combined arms game. It was designed intentionally to be played in combined arms, with planes and tanks being in the same battle and fighting against each other.

It has always been advertised as that, and it is something that is extremely unique to this game, no other game does it.

removing the combined arms aspect (i.e a tank only mode) removes the entire design premise of the game. There are other games out there that don’t have planes to shoot at the tanks you can go and play if you don’t like it.

There are a large number of planes in this game designed only for ground attack that are useless in the air modes, and thee are ground vehicles in the game that are only capable of engaging aircraft. A tank only mode removes the entire reason for both of those vehicle types to exist.

as for having a seperate mode, the game is already heavily split up into many different modes as it is, to the point where finding a game in some of them is difficult and takes ages. splitting the playerbase up even further would be more detrimental in the long term


Im just like meditation between 2 waring factions, the tankers and the CAS.

What the,…
No sense,…

You’re currently making no sense,…

Use your time to keep your head cold, cuz currently You’re spamming this thread over another guy and you can’t even make a single constructed answer on what i’ve said here,… don’t force yourself to answer me.

Morvan is way more capable of showing interest for both sides, as i have done for several years,…
Each time we hear CAS complainers and agreed to them, we got nerfed then they’re complainning again → since 2014 - 10 years of cas complainners, and CAS nerfs.

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