Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

I actually use revenge SPAA regularly. Both after being bombed or after being shot down by another plane, I just respawn in an SPAA and shoot down my killer


So you speak over the Test that have been made in 2015-2016 but have NO CLUES about those,…

And i’m the one making no-sense & being childish,…
Good to know.

Wow still butthurt there lol ,want some ointment? You almost stayed on topic there even if you can’t support your own statements when challenged.

You need to relay your happenings of eight years ago to the thousands who want a TO GRB mode now including all the veterans who have been playing since the game started.

Naval brings new content. Separating ground RB into two modes doesn’t.

Yes, a modest improvement after the biggest player movement in the game’s 10 years. I don’t think you should view that as the norm.

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Nice twist of reality there,… many veterans wants to keep the current mode a CA, check on thread,…

Yet many veterans including me are proposing things that can help into solving most of the problem CAS currently brings.

So, i’ll tell you to look at your behaviors,…

GRB TO could be radically different from standard GRB and potentially suck up much of the WoT player base as well as see a return of old players who got sick of CAS in GRB(How many over the years?) .I don’t know the numbers, nobody does but what if they were significant? A cheap gamble costing gaijin very little.

Its the norm if it happened at all.

If players used this forum as it could be used instead of bitching at each other much more could be achieved. Saying that something is right because it has always been that way is no way to move on.
CAS was never added to a Tank game to make players walk away and if that is happening then Gaijin need to address it.


No they don’t,… that’s what you want,… but they actually don’t care about your wants of TO,…

So you can only see yourself in every post you make and assume everybody else has your vast ego? Sorry dude this isn’t just about me its support for many others.

I don’t think you are doing yourself any favours here to be honest, we can all see you acting like a spoiled kid. The kind of person who is tearing this forum apart and descending every post and point made into a puerile pissing contest.

You think it pleases me that Gaijin is always the one guy that decide overall?

Trust me i also have my issues with that,…

I just stated the actual history, and current will of Gaijin since then.

You don’t want to see and riot,… i mean that’s fine,… but just don’t expect anything.

First because community itself is divided over the subject, and secondly because Gaijin have NO interest whatsoever to step on others games.
That’s as simple as that,…


I think you need to look up what “the norm” means. Something happening once in a decade is not the norm lmao.

So what ? we close the forum and leave it at that ?

I can do all the dictionary diving I want it will be off topic and get us nowhere. Or I can leave you to fixate over some obscure point made long ago. You crack on bro. Whatever turns you on.

About TO mode yes.

About improving current CA mode: no, it’s still possible to do some things.

Its down to you to tell us all what is possible and what is not ,right?

Ive never thought about looking at someone’s position by how little they have died in replays. My find a few new spots 😉

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Nope,… it’s Gaijin that is saying us that since 2015-2016 tests they have made,… it’s a reccurent situation.

In 2014, when the idea first came out, Gaijin Was reluctant, but hearing things,… then they made several tests (3 if i remember correctly: 2 weeks/1 months/2 months), and since then, Gaijin is completely letting no space/place for a potential TO in official answers.

So,… TO have been ruled out, by Gaijin.
And there is no way to expect them to change anytime soon.

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But not Gaijin. Its the core of there game and regrettably they zre not going to budge

How does somebody get 12 for 0 Wishie? Gotta watch the replays and see how they pull it off. But you can see it happening before the game ends in many cases.

I check the score board to see where my limited CAS will be most useful for the team sometimes. Someone with 3 or 4 not out, early in the game is often a good player in a good spot and a potential game winner personally and for their team. Prime CAS target material.

Ten years ago.

How many have quit the game in disgust over CAS in that ten years?
This has been rambling on in the old forum and nothing from Gajin and here it is today and where is the Gajin official saying no?

Nothing to stop Stona from coming in and saying sorry guys Gaijin say a firm no on this and closing it all down. End of chat, we all move on.

I’m seeing a company that is keeping its options open.

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Well @Stona_WT : here is another answer requested about Adding Tank-Only mode.